
Personal Wisdom Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"You have one soul, and if you're wise, you don't want to lose that soul."
"Don't pollute your thoughts with deceit. You compromise your own wisdom."
"This is the kind of person who will have a lot to share with you."
"Prioritize your own wisdom over outside opinions."
"This transit promises wisdom about compromise, balance, and the true nature of partnerships."
"Avoiding toxic people is not weakness, it's wisdom... just following that inner voice is also so important."
"You are a library of wisdom that you came with to share with all."
"The part of us that cannot be corrupted represents the source of our wisdom, our strength, and our unity with each other."
"Trust yourself, be confident of your own power and wisdom and the right solution will come up."
"They love that you bring all of this spiritual experience and wisdom."
"Trust your intuition, tap into your wisdom, and embrace the universal secrets."
"Trust your wisdom, listen to your intuition."
"On the other side of those feelings is relief and wisdom."
"The best advice I give people is the same thing my grandfather told my brother and I: 'Never mistake habit for hard work.'"
"Follow your heart, listen to your intuition, you know what's best for you."
"No matter what is happening in your life, you can use it to become a more wise person."
"You're going to be ridiculously wise this week, and that wisdom will lead to powerful decisions."
"This week, it is all about you being so clever, it's all about you being wise, it's all about you not rushing into decisions."
"One of the great unexplainable miracles consists in the fact that both truth and falsehood carry with them a silent, invisible means of identifying themselves as such."
"I have no more lessons to give in this life except one: promise me you won't repeat my mistakes."
"Intuition is the only voice worth following."
"You can judge a man by the quality of his enemies."
"Sometimes you just need to listen to what's in your soul."
"Wisdom is one of the most spiritual things you could do."
"Your gut will always know what's right and what's wrong."
"In hindsight, Mamie Vandoren made a wise decision to leave Hollywood."
"Follow your own advice because you know what's best for you."
"I would think that that's what wisdom is: he wised up instead of making a fool of himself, he just keeps his mouth shut."
"Guard your heart, because everything you do flows from it."
"The secret to longevity was smiling." - Chittetsu Atanabe
"Positive energy, clean living, and plenty of sleep." - Susanna Mushat Jones
"Faith in God, hard work, and a good sense of humor." - Marie Luis Mayer
"Chocolate, homemade brandy, raw eggs, and cookies." - Emma Morano
"Eight hours of sleep and sushi." - Misao Okawa
"People have a wisdom about their own bodies that needs to be respected as much as the wisdom of science."
"You don't have to attend every argument that you're invited to."
"Wisdom is found in the infinite world within."
"Wisdom is synonymous with delayed gratification."
"Wisdom comes, the Holy Spirit seems to reveal things to me."
"Step into your wisdom, calm yourself, be more rational about the situation."
"Wisdom can show you how to have a meaningful and purposeful life."
"Trust your inner guidance system or intuition."
"Respecting yourself enough to set boundaries is not an act of aggression, it's an act of self-respect and wisdom."
"You alone are enough, you alone right now as you are have that wisdom."
"That's just so wise, I know that's what my name means, wisdom."
"Be smart. It's because you can't let people drag you into their ignorance."
"Like they always say about gut feelings, they are rarely wrong."
"Every time he encountered a problem, he solved it with his own wisdom."
"I guess I'm inviting you to trust your own impulse to withdraw into the Refuge of Solitude; there is wisdom in it."