
Consecration Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"God's original idea... was to separate and consecrate a people through whom his values, his agenda, his vision would be advanced."
"Offer your life up to me this very day, this very second in a renewal of consecration and sacrificial living, and I will accept you, and you shall know joy as of new wine."
"First rituals for Ram Mandir consecration begun, a major event from today till January 22nd, 2024."
"Consecrate your home and dedicate it to the Lord."
"Doing the consecration has set them free in a way they've never been before."
"God would consecrate your heart for this moment, that it would be a time in which you allow the presence of God to fill your atmosphere."
"The consecration will have its own efficacy, which may still change the course of history."
"Once the consecration of Russia took place, that's when our work really began."
"Consecrate yourself to Mother Mary to be set apart from the world and let her mother you in the way she mothered Jesus." - 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15
"The essence of sacrifice consists... in the consecration of the Eucharist."
"When you consecrate your spirit, everything that God had for me came to me."
"The message of Fatima is more urgent than ever. It invites us to approach anew the Fountain of Mercy by an act of consecration."
"The gates of poverty will be locked as consecrations are introduced into your life."
"Gates need to close and other gates need to open through consecration."
"A consecrated Christian life is ever shedding light and comfort and peace."
"a true Eucharistic miracle I said happens at every Mass when the priest utters the words of consecration"
"Your consecration may become religion, may become legalism, if you've not understood the person of Christ."
"The person of consecration is Jesus Christ."
"St Joseph spouse of Mary virginal father of Jesus and my spiritual father I consecrate myself entirely to you I lovingly embrace your fatherhood and take refuge under your paternal cloak."
"I consecrate myself for the coming glory. I consecrate myself for the glory to come."
"I choose holiness for the glory that is about to be revealed."
"If you have teenagers, if you have children, if you are single, your home is yours to consecrate."
"The greater the responsibility of the anointing on your life, the greater the consecration, the more specific the setting aside."
"When you're consecrated to God, you're checking everything with him."
"Consecration is about you preparing and being ready for God to do it because He's called you to do it. When you're called to do something and you do it, it's fulfilling. You feel like you're actually doing what God put you on the planet to do."
"Will you still Focus On Christ when you have abundance in your life thankfully as you've mentioned we all know people who do and who have and it's inspiring to know people that are pretty wealthy but who are so consecrated."
"Ye are holy unto the Lord; the vessels are holy also."
"Mary is set aside for God she is consecrated to God she's like the East Gate of the temple she's like the tomb she's like the holy virgin this as Saint Paul talks about but most of all we might say she's like the Ark of the New Covenant."
"Consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy for I am the Lord your God."
"Blessed crossbow made of mastercrafted Rowan wood adorned with no less than four Purity seals and armed with Sanctified ammunition."
"For as long as you are still using God to build an empire, you are not truly consecrated."
"Don't be deceived, your whole life should be consecrated, not just a week or certain time periods."
"Total consecration to our Blessed Mother is an integral part of my own walk with the Lord."
"Our missionaries—like the apostle Peter and like my ancestors William and Rachel Atkin—were moving from living the law of sacrifice to living the higher law of consecration."
"The Sabbath becomes a sign that we are set apart for God."
"The purpose of fasting is to humble yourself, to hunger for God, and to consecrate and separate for God."
"Jesus had a reaction to the extreme Temptation and extreme demonic opposition that he was facing. He began to exhibit extreme consecration."
"We were never meant to consecrate temporarily."
"Because a lot of stuff that believers are going through is not the test of the devil. It's because they've been using my word without consecration."
"...this is really the body blood soul divinity we would say the same I would say the same consecration prayers this is my body this is my blood."
"...there are two definitions of the word holy. One means that you're without sin... But you and I are holy with a small 's.' And that definition of holy means to be set apart or consecrated for something."
"Consecration is the activation of a potential for divine service that God has already placed in a person, place, or thing."
"Let's go back to Corinthians 11:24. This is another passage that tells us about the consecration. 'And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, 'This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.'"
"So no matter if you believe Russia was consecrated or not, and many do since the Holy Father did it this past March 25th."
"I want to say this to you: this generation is yet to see what God will do with a person who is fully consecrated to him."
"If we could just get that kind of consecration for Jesus, this could be the leading City for discipleship in the world."
"God's and God brings a special anointing when people consecrate themselves and hunger to honor him by asking for power."
"And consecrate your family to our Lady, and you are just gonna rock it."
"It's about being prayer with me, consecrate me now to that service Lord, by the power of grace divine, let my soul look up with a steadfast hope and my will be lost in thine."
"Unless an individual or a church consecrates themselves unto cleansing, God will not fill them with His glory."
"Consecrate yourselves, set yourselves apart for God."
"When you consecrate a place, things happen there."
"This is the consecrated portion for Aaron and his sons."
"God wants to raise up a body of people that will be consecrated unto the Lord."
"Now Hezekiah answered and said, 'Now ye have consecrated yourselves unto the Lord come near and bring sacrifices and thank offerings into the house of the Lord.'"
"...God has all kinds of people that are hungry thirsty seeking consecrating and we're gonna see God pull the veil back and we're gonna see all kinds of people come out of where that are consecrated and anointed by God amen."
"Tithing is a part of my worship and my consecration that my heart wants to be like God's heart."
"Tithing and giving is a true indication of your consecration and your worship to God."
"Iron crosses are symbols of protection and are charged and consecrated for spiritual use."
"Each iron spike is blessed, consecrated, and charged for spiritual protection."
"Everybody's somebody to God and you're important to God and you're important to me and your salvation and your consecration is important right now."
"She wants her priests to represent Jesus Christ immolated on the cross, especially after the consecration."
"When God anoints something, he sets it apart and says that is mine."
"Dare to be a Paul, a man of total Consecration and commitment of himself to God."
"We are consecrated and dedicated to God and therefore should not henceforth think, speak, design, or act without a view to his glory."
"With whatever the world has given you, turn it over to God, and it will be holiness unto him."
"Let it be us, Lord. Set apart ones right now. Decree in this house, consecrated ones, even through media."
"The depth of my consecration is also the depth of my strength."
"The anointing sets you apart. The anointing makes you unique."
"You and I today are not anointed necessarily with oil, but with the Holy Spirit."
"We have been marked not with oil, but with the Holy Spirit."
"The call to deeper levels of consecration always looks like legalism to those who aren't in love with Jesus."
"The will of God is something that can be enforced but you must consecrate yourself to live at that level because when you consecrate to live at the level of where the will of God is you'll see terrible things in righteousness that will happen."
"The consecration of Russia will usher in an era of peace when creation will be partially restored to its original condition as the Garden of God."
"The conversion of Russia would only occur when it was solemnly and publicly consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the pope together with all the world's Bishops."
"He was consecrated by the love of people."
"Fully given to the Lord or another way to say it is consecrated."
"May is promising to be a month of fasting, consecration, and encounter with God."
"Consecration is the amount of our unconditional surrender to God."
"Salvation is the starting point for a life of consecration."
"There is no limit to the usefulness of one who, putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart and lives a life wholly consecrated to God."
"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, present in the Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body and soul to be entirely one with your heart."
"Consecration is supposed to wean us off the natural man."
"Consecrate me now to thy service, Lord, by the power of grace divine."
"Pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul."
"I want to consecrate my properties for their support; I would hope and pray that they would do the same for me if roles were reversed."
"For I will consecrate of the riches of those who embrace my gospel among the Gentiles unto the poor of my people who are of the house of Israel."
"Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven."
"May God give you grace that you may be consecrated to Christ."
"A Nazarite was the person who was entirely consecrated to God."
"Every child of God is a consecrated man."
"The strongest man in all the world is a consecrated man."
"Happy the man who is consecrated unto the Lord."
"The Secret of his strength lies in his Consecration."
"All the silver and gold, and vessels of bronze and iron, are consecrated to the Lord."
"I sanctified thee and ordained you a prophet unto the nations."
"All the vessels of the Lord's House are consecrated."
"The true substance to be consecrated each day is the world's development during that day."
"The consecrated life is thus one way of experiencing a more intimate consecration, rooted in baptism and dedicated totally to God."
"Consecrated virgins and widows... have decided with the church's approval to live in the respective states of virginity or perpetual chastity for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven."
"By this solemn rite, the virgin is constituted a sacred person, a transcendent sign of the church's love for Christ."
"For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy."
"If we'll give our lives wholly to God, the world can indeed see what God can do with a person whose life is fully and wholly consecrated to Jesus Christ."
"Consecration to Mary heightens the depth of our commitment to Christ."
"All unfairness, especially infuriating unfairness, will be consecrated for your gain."
"Priests were consecrated for seven days."
"Consecration always precedes glory."
"The wonders of God that you desperately desire await your full consecration."
"The thing that made them holy was that they were set apart and consecrated for God."
"Forms change and pass; bodies disappear, but spirits linger, to consecrate ground for the vision-place of souls."
"Lord, take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee."
"Blessed Mother, we entrust and consecrate this lectio divina to you."
"If you are willing to consecrate yourself and get back to the covenant that I made with you, I am going to restore the years that the locusts have eaten."
"Healing by faith was not just to heal the body, but to help one on to holiness and a life of consecration to God."
"If you truly consecrate yourself and have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you can be assured that you're going to go to heaven."
"Whatever is done with firstfruits determines what happens to all the rest."
"When God calls you, He sets you apart; when God anoints you, He puts His hand on you."
"The first week of our spiritual emphasis or 40 days of power is always dedicated to consecration."
"He is infinitely good and exists forever in the state of entire consecration to pour forth blessings upon his creatures whenever they make it possible."
"If you will consecrate yourself to the Lord, if you will put God first, He can use you in mighty and incredible ways."
"I knew from the time I was very young that God's hand was on my life, that I was consecrated, set apart for his service."
"For their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth."
"Saint means holy, and holy means to be set apart."
"Anyone who's baptized is consecrated to the Lord for a purpose."
"I sanctify this day, I consecrate this morning unto You."
"Time can be holy, time can be sanctified, time can be consecrated."
"It's amazing that God can even take a problematic past and consecrate it to the building up of his kingdom."
"You must not perform anything unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul."
"God will consecrate those prayers for the gain of my people; He will take that faith, that love, that pleading, and He'll make it holy and He will do something about it."
"An altar is a consecrated place, a place of dedication, a place of covenant, the place of decision."
"The mark of a saint is not perfection but consecration."
"The wedding is consecrated and consummated, the two become one."
"For the law appoints men high priests which have infirmity, but the word of an oath which came after the law, He's made the Son consecrated for this age."
"We are a consecrated people, set aside for the purposes of God in the world."
"Please take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee."
"You are to be holy to me, for I the Lord am holy and have set you apart from the peoples to be mine."
"It was like this separation unto God, separation out of the world unto God."
"I liked the idea of consecration, the idea of communities working together and there not being any poor among them."
"Those locks of his were the token of his consecration to God."
"May God give full consecration to each one of us who stand before the people to speak in His name, for in that consecration lies the power of the Holy Spirit to bless us."
"You do not absolutely require great abilities, but you must have perfect consecration."
"Grant unto us that we may be found worthy that this experiment may be found consecrated and perfect."
"The Bible says in the Book of Genesis that the number seven is consecrated by God; that the seventh day is a day consecrated by the most high."
"I formed you, I knew you, I consecrated you, I appointed you."
"This suit has been consecrated in the name of the Panther God."
"An Orthodox church is that part of God's creation which has been set apart and reclaimed for the kingdom of God."
"When you consecrate yourself to God, He will do things in you, with you, for you, and through you that will amaze you."
"Yahweh is looking to us for entire consecration, entire devotion."
"Prophetic vision has been ratified, and the holy of holies has been anointed."
"Sanctify your people, get a mind that may set apart."
"The law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated forevermore."
"The world is yet to see what God can do with a man who is fully consecrated to him."
"To sanctify the Lord God in your hearts means to designate as being separated, that God is sacred, consecrated, hallowed, holy in the area of my life's living."
"By the consecration, the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ is brought about."
"I give my life unto you, Lord, in Jesus' name."
"God has set apart your body for a purpose."
"We are all essentially priests under the New Covenant, we are equally consecrated, we are equally loved, but we are uniquely assigned tasks."
"And before you were born, I consecrated you."
"Nazarite means consecrated person; anciently this rank belonged to firstborn sons and men who had been dedicated to God."
"We are declaring right now that a consecration takes place in this moment."
"The life He lives, He lives to God."
"We have to live a life sanctified from and consecrated to."
"Every member of our body and everything that we possess, as belonging to God."
"For their sake, I consecrate myself, so that they too may be consecrated in truth."
"There is a close connection between prayer and consecration."