
Creative Design Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"Why don't we make the walls of this build look like a giant fire, and then we could have lightning coming out the middle?"
"Awakening, now this is the first map where I thought maybe the developers took some drugs when they made this map."
"This skin is incredible, it's like Black Panther meets soccer meets Fortnite. It's so cool!"
"This game’s levels have so many different paths I honestly have no idea how the devs were able to come up with so many good ideas."
"I loved the exploration, the world they built."
"Over-the-top designs have a deeper meaning and elevate the character. The best example of this is Big Mom who."
"Taking the idea of among us in the gameplay mechanics but turning it into a minecraft setting."
"I love the physics of her costume, that is crazy."
"All the little Easter eggs and details here are just so good."
"Balenciaga completely reimagined the woman's silhouette."
"If you can dream it, they can build it." - Jeremy Whitman and Jimmy King
"We've taken a cactus design and the little phrase that came with it and turned it into a really fun cactus pop-up card with a lot of design elements."
"This platform is actually designed after dog day sun charm it's very well known and it looks so awesome."
"It felt like you were playing through the works of Dali or Esha."
"Howl's Moving Castle: a realm that is utterly original and filled with the wildest fancies of imagination."
"The later rounds of Smash 4 DLC showcased Sakurai's designs at their most creative and unrestricted."
"That just looks so different so unique and really adds that extra spice to your build."
"The glass sphere that fluca stands in Bears similarity to the shape of an eyeball complete with a pupil in the middle."
"Nonetheless, it would still be cool to see in Pokémon."
"Wonderland... It might have the most personality of any of the ones we're gonna talk about here today."
"Discover new models, outfits, creatures, and vehicles."
"Zombie pencil look so cool I love the idea of him holding his own brain."
"Vault was one of the most interesting puzzles ever introduced in a raid."
"Fantasy races, dragons, all the traditional ones... making it a much more broad and vast kind of fantasy universe which is fun."
"We've traveled to the mothership. Jimmy and his incredible team of puppet masters have built dozens of puppets and brand-new processes."
"Mario Galaxy 2 presents a pristine package of fun, variety, and creativity to the player."
"This pack creates a world of horrors, my friend, where anything and everything has been turned to the dark side."
"One of the most creative and innovative games of the 21st century."
"The ship designer, our science ship is the O'Hare class. We stuck a giant gun on it, we've sort of wrote a story."
"We're gonna the coolest ninja island in the world, I'm so excited."
"It evolves into telosi and Marowak and you can see its skull is actually a Zapdos skull which is so clever."
"It'll have to be something cool, has to be catchy, it has to be cool and people have to know who the hell we are."
"You can also make cool material for this type of slice setup if you just put like a bunch of Base Loops."
"It is so fantastic how Lego took two iconic buildings from the MCU and just mashed them up into one incredibly detailed playset"
"The slime blocks are gonna be pushed upwards and when that happens they're going to bounce anything that's on top of them."
"Ant-Man's gameplay obviously could play a lot like The Atom in Injustice 2. He shrinks, his super move he grows big, boom, it writes itself."
"Feast your eyes, many eyes, on Hermes miara."
"Creative Agents can supercharge your design and production teams, working across images, slides, and other modalities."
"The Last of Us sounds like just another zombie game, but stop looking at that paper, crumple it up and throw it away."
"It was such a good idea to take the idea of those kite things that the ninjas would use and then mix that with the silhouette of a Falling Leaf."
"Create something that looks appealing in photoshop and then just import it as an image into OBS."
"Let's do a double stack going forward because honestly, I don't just want to make a miner, I want to make something that looks kind of cool."
"suicide squad the original concept for incubus was quite something it was visually striking and instantly memorable while inspiring"
"Among the Planet Zoo community, make sure to create someone your friends will recognize. Nice, nice."
"We really wanted to play up the fantasy of video games and what it's like to be inside them."
"Pizza Tower is the latest example of how taking rules from cartoons opens New Opportunities."
"What if... what if... if I told you there was a ballpoint pen with 10 different colors?"
"This is a case of Metal Mario is technically a Mario character and all we have to do is take Mario and make him gray."
"Who says houses have to be square boxes with doors and windows and boring old stuff like that?"
"Super Mario Maker 2 is almost doing everything I wanted."
"A very unexpected yet creative way to reimagine a champion."
"The designers even created an animatronic suit for the gargantuan mutant sheep monster used in the final battle."
"It's got destructible terrain folding and collapsing around you so one moment a building with two doors suddenly looks like it was rebuilt by an architect who is the world's biggest Swiss cheese fan."
"If we're gonna go for an Easter skin doodle, we might as well go for the Easter bunny."
"This is actually a pretty creative look for a speeder, gotta say."
"It resembled a horrible amalgamation of a man and a pig."
"It's a abomination, but on top of that, it's a good action figure."
"The cutting, the slight color correction, the addition of music, and the addition of text, that's pretty much all I do in most videos."
"The baba yaga skin, probably one of the most creative Halloween skins we have ever gotten in Fortnite."
"This has to be the most original Saw trap in my opinion."
"And yeah this is probably one of my favorite ruin builds that I've ever made I just really love the crop farm and how like awesome this looks"
"Now these weapons are some of the most unique weapons I've ever seen in Fallout 4."
"Animation, animated textures, animated things bring a bill to live."
"Divinity Original Sin 2 elevates a game beyond just being a game to being a work of art."
"It's just so amazing to see how an empty space can really transform once you fill it up with things that you've put together."
"If I'm not having fun, then I don't care how creative your level is."
"Creating new archetypes from scratch or making it so that like bringing together cards and/or effects that have not coexisted before."
"When you see these images of crying toddlers or hear the voices of 6-year-olds wail as they come to grips with border agents detaining them and hauling away their parents, you are seeing and hearing this policy as intended."
"For Gyarados, I made it more serpentine, I made it so that there was still some hints of a fish, um, origin even though it went through a super miraculously fast evolution to something far more reptilian over time."
"It's almost better to try to make a game that a small group of people will really think is cool."
"We're gonna make a building. It's gonna be like a giant hotel or a big party house but the shape of a snowman."
"I made a little diving board here and it goes into a lava pit down there so if I kill myself it might take a little while."
"Definitely just like a nice Lush nether portal entrance thing."
"Simplicity's brand of fun is just different from complexity's brand of fun, and they can be combined carefully to create something new, interesting, and compelling."
"The idea for this product was to create a sphere so round and so shiny that when properly manipulated it looked like the ball was moving on its own."
"Designs that feel like they belong in a living Universe."
"Oh my gosh true magic that was made with this costume character."
"I played these for hours as a kid and I have absolutely no idea why everything about these games in the I toyed device itself is so silly yet so [ __ ] clever"
"LEGO Optimus Prime: Hasbro's first ever collaboration with the LEGO Group."
"A collaborative effort to bring Arkham Asylum to life."
"Van Helsing absolutely creative unique absolutely like it's so different from every other blog in the game it has to be in this list."
"It's brilliant, it's whimsical, and it appeals both to my love of 80s aesthetics and of hamburgers."
"This crystal ball, absolutely genius the way that they did this, and also very creepy the way that they did this."
"Mud House, a giant mushroom in the forest, built with sand, clay, and straw."
"Each layer of Raja's look was more exciting and kind of uncovered more lore."
"Licorice Recoil's creators clearly understand what makes each genre tick on a much deeper level than that and they've used that knowledge to rearrange all that narrative clockwork into something new and beautiful that still completely works."
"And listen: whoever decided to make that cowplant cake topper, I thank you."
"The way that the author of it has arranged the information in these grids... I find it very inspirational for creating my own random encounter tables."
"Happy 10th anniversary! This image has strombolin and several of the Creator Experience sort of blueprint style decorations."
"Psychonauts is looking like it's gonna be something else, huh?"
"I think these look so cute, you can see how there's like some little water effects coming out of it as well."
"This fire seal Pokemon... it was intended to be the very first fire water type."
"They've done a fantastic job translating the comic book costumes into the real world."
"Winter levels might seem similar on the surface but drill down to the individual aspects, and you can mix and match components to create something unique enough to elevate a game."
"Vines are like skull coasters... super helpful for unique platforming and decorating."
"That's just so pretty, I love it. It's such a good, simple animation."
"We're here to build a hobbit hole and I think what we're going to do is go ahead and build it out of stripped oak wood instead of stripped warped wood for now."
"Make unique pendant lights using Ikea ordning holders and battery-operated lights."
"Copperdale...one of the best builds I've ever seen in my life."
"Make a cool bath mat shape. People will ask where you found a pineapple bath mat!"
"Signalus feels like an homage to the heights of survival horror games in general. It's constructing something beautiful and weird with its best scraps."
"This game is sick, right? The creativity with the levels..."
"Not every monster has to be some slobbering abomination or a fiend that hunts you down in the night."
"I guess I was trying to go for like a cartoony type of look."
"Imagine two circular tubes coming out of the ocean monument. That would look pretty cool."
"Every child should be provided with a safe place where they can grow and learn without fear of any political ideology."
"Bowling alleys are huge, they're huge! And it needs a fountain and three Star Wars objects. We can squeeze those in no problem."
"One of my favorite details are all the different owls that can send out different letters they actually move and will turn their heads and close their eyes."
"I just love the idea of having this little hideaway that you can sort of go into."
"So I wanted a Pokemon fitting of the spirit bear title and we came up with bear voyance. It is a clairvoyant bear as if you couldn't tell."
"I always thought it'd be cool to make a watch out of it."
"This is an incredible usage of the mirror mechanic. It adds some flavor to this area."
"I often choose to do epoxy pour inlay patterns."
"If you want like a really nice aesthetic water feature that's also useful at the same time, this is definitely a really cool idea for that."
"When it comes to water cooling and creativity, the bigger the open space, the better."
"Lonely Freddy is so unique in the best of ways."
"This is breaking the mould. It's genius. I want one."
"After playing it, I'm glad I've been proven wrong. It's creative and really ups the fun factor."
"Epcot was built and still stands today is one of the most creative and obscure theme parks in the world."
"Conker's Bad Fur Day was the freshest, most unique thing they'd released in years, breaking away from the collect-a-thon conveyor belt the studio had gradually become and delivering a truly creative vision."
"Combining a crab and a car to create Crustang."
"I have never seen this character design ever before."
"Find a best seller category within the children's book category that you like, look at the top sellers and emulate, and never copy but emulate and design after that."
"I love a good themed restaurant, I don't even care what the theme is, I just love seeing the creativity, the atmosphere."
"We wanted to do the coolest, most aesthetically pleasing version of vampires."
"This gives me wipeout vibes, this is such a cool creation."
"They took the 70s and 80s colors and music and theme and they Syfy'd the [__] up."
"We are left with a beautiful piece of art that I am proud to place my buds and my friends and families of butts onto."
"The rotating barrels on the front which hark back to Wolfenstein 3D's chain gun."
"So really like shows the appreciation for like the original mimic you well not even Rijal just like the the straight-up mimic you form of like the Pikachu how perfectly this Pokemon was created."
"It's actually painted like a galaxy, super cool."
"This is honestly one of the coolest animatronic designs in the series."
"Latent spaces, they're a little hard to describe but if you imagine like in a video game you're a character creator..."
"Games need to have their own identity and style."
"From a bike that was built with the sole purpose of crushing boring old cars to a tractor with a split personality, here are 20 weirdest monster motorcycles in the world."
"The levels themselves were really inventive, not just in the level design, but even in the themes and music."
"Before we get too into that, let's discuss the meaning behind his name and design."
"So if you want a gun with a whole bunch of wolves on it go ahead and make it."
"Far and away some of the best swamp usage I have seen in Mario Maker 2."
"Ever wanted to see a Mad Max and Ninja Turtles knockoff all rolled into one?"
"I think Wrecking Ball is easily one of the most unique and interesting characters out of any video game I've ever played."
"Her house got to be funky, funky real funky, the remix of funky funky to the 10th power."
"You get an amazing build that's so creative and it has so much passion put into it."
"They understood how to mix in the gameplay and the actual fiction into something that we don't see a lot of times..."
"The design is only limited by the creativity of the designer."
"If Satan were trying to make a religion, it wouldn't center on Satan."
"This is so creative, guys. Wow, they put all the Disney princesses in here."
"It's a shotgun that's actually just a weaponized animal attached to a trigger."
"Honestly, I think this is a pretty strong start to what I hope will be one of the best Hogwarts layouts yet."
"That's a sick watch dial clock you've made on the wall there."
"For real, this is the most genius thing I've ever seen."
"What they have at least crafted visually here is downright stunning."
"Could you make a clock out of this? Could you make this object oriented? Refine the code, make a design actually look like a nice seven-segment display?"
"Reanimation went through enough of its own way to be cast as an original level."
"Wow, this is so beautiful, this is the most amazing Lego set I've seen in years."
"That is so cool, I'm super happy with this figure."
"...I love the icy look of the fortress the saber-toothed head on top does kind of stick out and feels out of place with the rest of the build but it has a great feature to separate from the main build and become a flying vehicle that looks good."
"This is a really cool way of quilting, of covering your quilts with a single design."
"That hidden Cavern underneath the Fortress is actually one of my favorite Parts about this build."
"We kind of wanted this same look and feel but we wanted to duplicate this over a lot of cups so basically we had to build our own world."
"Number 5, the Colorado Avalanche. There's a lot going on here, and a lot that I love."
"Vegas is like someone read a book about fun and then built Vegas."
"Especially in an era of innovative gimmicks and engineering, the possibilities are sky-high when designing a truly fantastic belt."
"If a mermaid was a slime, this is what she would look like."
"I've always been into fashion designing; I remember when I was a little girl, my mom used to buy me these books where you could draw and create your own outfits on the model."
"I love that section, and it goes slightly uphill, so rather than the jumps getting bigger and needing more and more dirt, they can get smaller and more creative."
"This is probably one of the most creatively designed home theaters that I've been in."
"It's just perfect for a sort of nature-themed book."
"They've designed her wings to look like Christmas trees, which I think is a fantastic idea."
"I've got a new mould that I designed, based on those hand-blown little hearts."
"The design is just really amazing."
"And these are the 12 by 12 size, and there are 10 double-sided sheets in here, and it is absolutely lovely."
"This whole vest is made up of blocks, it's double crochets and chains, and it is much easier than it looks."
"I love how the proportions turned out; they feel very very me, you know, partway between comic booky and cartoony."
"This film created an amazingly cool fictional world that clearly had so much heart and thought put into it."
"We have this nice piece of artwork that we've created; it's an igloo on a floating island in Adobe Illustrator."
"I'm going to glue the heart onto the door and then add a little pearl for the door knob."
"They produced highly interesting hybrid forms."
"These double-sided photo cards are so cute, very creative."
"All in all, the character designs are some of the most interesting that I've seen."
"It's very cool how you're able to make something very different but with the same core, the same rules."
"It's absolutely beautiful and ingenious."
"The way the tusks come from the helmet and actually wrap around the faceplate is just so cool."
"He recreated the tailor's dummy as a linen waistcoat, so that the foundation became underwear, the body became the dress."
"Disney Imagineers really took their time trying to weave pixie dust and magic into all of the finer details on board."
"Freeform deformation allows you to create a control cage around your geometry so that you can deform it to create cool shapes."
"I'm going to be showing you how to create a perforated facade with maybe some pinholes or a custom facade where you can have custom perforated patterns."
"Now we've transformed that bar chart into something a little bit more interesting using these thermometer graphics."
"Simplicity is sometimes so beautiful, especially when paired with a nice fun design like this."
"She introduced the haircuts, just an excellent, excellent insane doll."
"I love that little bit of color work at the bottom."
"I love that look when something hangs off, so I cut the note card a little narrow so that it'll still fit in the envelope fine."
"It has a mix of four different yarns that are creating the look that you see."
"That's what the Dresser Diamond necklace looks like, and I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial."
"These little Glass Beach frames are perfect for this, I'm loving all of the new Shore living Beach items."
"I wanted to have sort of like a door effect."
"Whoever is in charge of the Iron Man costuming gets it; they're like just there are thousands of pages of different uniforms that are all really cool."
"It is such a cool effect, and that entire braiding look is just garnered by pulling one loop through the next and through the next and through the next in a vertical line all the way up like a ladder."
"There's morph animations, follow path animations, there's path line animations for self-drawing effects."
"Adding the dried flowers on these nails were so soothing."