
Fixing Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Don't try to fix people. There's a difference between helping and fixing."
"I could fix it, this man was the OG 'I can fix her'."
"Your responsibility is to fix what you broke."
"The image looks really good it's just rotated 180 degrees so let me fix those deflection yoke wires."
"fixing bikes is like riding bikes"
"Their priority right now is to fix things first and then mend whatever broken pieces with you."
"Fixing those things can fix this because the beautiful thing is if you are able to emotionally connect with people very easily and very well you already have one half of the battle conquered."
"The ability to build and fix things is crucial."
"You're skeptical of them. They just hurt you, so why should you be so desperate to fix things?"
"But it becomes so much more irrelevant once you start powering up yourself and in your community... you cannot fix the outside without fixing inside."
"With proper amounts of passion and enthusiasm, alongside some proper YouTube tutorials, you can really fix anything."
"Ladybug's power fixes things, her power doesn't just create things."
"If it ain't broke, keep fixing it till it is."
"That really fixed a lot of the ugly."
"Humans never suspect us. They think that if something breaks and then suddenly starts working again that it happened all by itself."
"But that’s why we’re here, isn’t it? To fix them. Right?"
"I'm entering the 'if it's fixable, fix it' era."
"Understanding a problem comes always before fixing it."
"I don't want you guys to think that your slimes are ever too far gone for me to fix."
"Sometimes things have to be broken all the way so that they can be fixed right."
"It's just so much easier to fix yourself."
"I'm going to put a little bit of glue to hold that."
"I have a natural gift to fix things."
"It's if I can fix this man then I will prove myself worthy of love and I will earn a lifetime of loyalty from him."
"it's still crashed though didn't it let's fix that"
"It's okay. I'm going to fix everything."
"Remember if you don't see it, you can't fix it."
"I think a good boundary that you could set for yourself and work on is to stop doing other people's jobs when it comes to their role in a relationship, stop trying to be the fixer."
"Now that I thought everything was fixed."
"That's the reason why this is here, but I'm glad that now we have, I think we've managed to fix it."
"When we meet again, give it back to me fixed."
"Results. That's very, very exciting. Very happy to have that fixed."
"It's very important that we do fix these, especially if you guys are deploying this in a professional workspace."
"You can't fix stupid, but with God, you can fix anything."
"Find out what's broken, then fix the broken."
"It's not your job to fix or save broken people. That is their responsibility."
"If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it."
"Preventive medicine is about preventing rather than fixing."
"I like fixing things... as long as I'm not under a timeline."
"I'm in love, let me fix this 'cause it be little stuff that bother me."
"Oh, don't break it. It's not broken anymore, you fixed it."
"Antoine, if you're watching this, please fix the game. Bring back the blue shirt."
"And now that we know how these things work, we can fix them."
"He fixed it, goes, 'By the way, you shouldn't be looking at that.'"
"The best you can do when you didn't, it's to try and fix it and this I think is a pretty good fix."
"I feel like you can literally the eyeshadow is so messy and then just put on fat eyelashes and it just fixes everything."
"It really does feel like I'm the center of the universe and everything needs to be fixed for me."
"I'm a mess, man. They'll fix you. They fix everything."
"I spent the first couple years slowly just fixing things that they'd done wrong."
"That explains the, unfortunately, that's not fixable."
"...I can fix that, I'm just gonna mark them with a drill bit that goes in there and lines up."
"And I just realized for myself, what exactly is interesting to me. I think vulnerabilities and bugs that can actually be fixed, they are a lot more interesting."
"You fixed it, you fixed it real good."
"You're triaging the situation. You're trying to go in there and trying to fix things as quickly and as emotionless as possible so you make proper decisions."
"Annihilating is easy, raising things to the ground is easy. Trying to fix what's broken is hard."
"Everything is about understanding. Nothing is about fixing."
"We'll go get help. I'm sure they can fix it."
"Everyone makes mistakes; we're all human, and we're gonna fix this."
"My disappointment is palpable. I'm gonna try fixing."
"It's always whenever you're like no it's not going to be the easy part it's going to be the hard part then you fix the hard part and it ends up being the easy part."
"Just wait until the absolute last possible moment to fix things, which is not in the spirit of this channel."
"Do you need to fix something, Catherine? Is the moment now?"
"The way I'm going to fix that is I'm going to run water down in the crack. Water will penetrate when the glue won't."
"So now we will put everything back in."
"You are not more than what He can fix."
"Condemnation has never done anything but condemn; it has never fixed anything."
"Let's fix it here. Okay, cool, so it should be fixed now."
"I always go back and fix it and most times I'd say 9 out of 10 the result from fixing it actually looks better than it would have you know if nothing had gotten wrong."
"This might be a really easy fix then."
"Anything can be fixed pretty easily."
"Hello. Oh yeah, that's how we walk. Let me fix that real quick."
"I think lots of people have cottoned on that if you put 40 on eBay you're going to get people like myself and the numerous other YouTube fixers buying it so we end up paying a similar price to working stuff."
"In trying to fix me, I wound up learning what you and I both now know."
"He fixed it for us and he can fix just about anything."
"I'm solving something, like I'm fixing something."
"I fixed her computer, there was a problem, I fixed it, couldn't have been that hard, I was eight."
"... it's a really big clamp. That keeps things nice and secure, so you can fix them."
"You don't fix a relationship by adding a baby to it."
"If you understand the workflow and the component parts, it's much easier to fix things and make things right."
"This is an easy fix as well. No more fear or throwing away projects because you drop or tuck a stitch. It's super easy to fix."
"How can somebody go about fixing or being a part of a healthy relationship if you're not doing a simple thing of communicating?"
"I'm a fixer. I like things. You break a bone, bones crack like this, you put it back together like a puzzle, and it comes back together."
"Reporting the bugs is what gets them fixed."
"I got you. I'm fixing it right now."