
Default Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"2023... is going to be the year of the default in terms of the consumer, whether you're defaulting on your credit card, your auto loan, your mortgage."
"Most of the time, the default settings are pretty much fine for most people."
"By default, the style tag globally affects anything in the application."
"This will end up being the default for a lot of people."
"You can always go back to default by clicking the reset to factory and it'll be just like you got it out of the box."
"The language is lazy by default, always."
"...the nice default setup that works."
"Let's make the world a more defense favoring place by default."
"The equitable right of redemption allows the mortgagor in default to pay the entire balance due and keep the property from being foreclosed."
"If you don't know what you want, you're going to default to what you've got."
"AI is the new default to build all features, all workflows, all products."
"Every private party sale of a car is as is by default unless somebody says something otherwise."
"By default these come with the RV king bed."
"I realize that my default in life has to just be love and compassion."
"Governments default for economic and political reasons."
"Trust people by default, trust them until they lose your trust, not vice versa."
"The default usually is quite a good thing to have."
"The default is Roboto and it's an awesome choice."
"Enhanced measurement events... these things are toggled on by default."
"So we have some default advertising parameters."
"This would be the true default and anything less than that would mean something's wrong."
"The absence of action doesn't make it the default."
"For all, again, in the preview everything is selected by default."
"My default skirt is that silver one."
"With 120% debt to GDP whatever it is maybe I think it's a bit higher at the current moment you know there's been 53 instances of of governments reaching that level ever and all of them except modern day Japan and the US currently have defaulted either implicitly or explicitly."
"Happiness is your default setting and your optimum mode of survival and performance."
"So okay, if you're writing a book about it about a person, that person is probably going to be white. White is the default."
"What will the adverse consequences of default be on auto loans?"
"In my default, I assume that when you get to stable growth, I do what McKenzie does: assume your return on capital is equal to the cost of capital."
"If this was the Barbie default face sculpt, that'd be great, thank you."
"If that's all a plant-based diet can do—reverse the number one killer of men and women—shouldn't that kind of be the default diet?"
"...subtyping is nice sometimes, but parametric polymorphism is the right default."
"One way to make the default easier is to make not doing the default harder."
"Your safety is by default, no matter what they say."
"'Remember that favor my brother was supposed to do for you? Well, it's undone. You're in default.'"
"If you don't send your default, the bad guy can use that against you."
"Foreclosure occurs when a lender seizes and sells a borrower's collateral after the borrower has failed to repay the lender."
"Great things happen to me is the default."
"Every new WordPress install comes with the dummy post called 'Hello World'."
"When you are stressed beyond your capability, it's easier to default to something familiar, even if it's incorrect."
"The default is racism; it's not an aberration, it's a norm."
"Persistent data structures should be the default data structure."
"Believe in yourself as a default."
"Windows Terminal is now installed by default on Windows 11."
"Credit risk is the risk that I'm not going to pay you."
"When the bubble burst, millions of mortgage defaults and foreclosures resulted."
"People seem to forgive default much more easily than they forgive debasement."
"It's smart to install in the default folder of C Mach 3; this is for support purposes."
"Core DNS is now the default DNS server in Kubernetes 1.13."
"The essence of risk-free is there can be no default risk."
"Overlay networking is encrypted by default."
"If you don't try, you lose by default."
"Not wanting to cause suffering when we don't have to should just be the default position of society."
"The default setting on your body is good health."
"We just want to reset our variables to the default state."
"Looks like this one is the winner by default," Frank agreed.
"People pleasing is only a problem if you do it by default."
"If we are constantly looking at differences between men and women and assuming that this is because of prejudice against women, we are making men the default humans."
"Let mindfulness become the default mode of your way of living and being."
"Mindfulness becomes the default mode of your way of living and being."
"One of the most insidious tools of white supremacy is its insistence on whiteness as a racial default."
"Ownership defaults to the author, and software code is authored in this context."
"A column can be given a default value by using the default option."
"People would be better off being at least somewhat more truth-seeking than they are by default."
"Dark mode is on by default, as it should be."
"All communication on the web should be secure by default."
"Respect is just something that by default should be given to everyone; trust is different because trust can leave you open for being hurt."
"The default mode of power generated into my home is solar."
"My default thought is one of joy and happiness."
"Microsoft gives us servers to build our code on by default."
"Consent should be the standard, it should be the default in any given scene."
"Our app should be accessible by default rather than opt-in accessible."
"If the U.S. defaulted on its obligations, it would be probably one of the biggest catastrophes economically that has ever happened in the history of our country."
"Winning by default, my favorite way of winning."
"So at the very start of the game, we want to set the size back to 100%, the original normal size."
"Jennifer Lopez is our default celebrity, right?"
"The U.S will not do a hard default on its debt."
"If you already have a class that had an implementation of do something and then you change it to have a default implementation, the existing people that implemented it would still use their implementation."