
Puppetry Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"I just make puppet videos to entertain people, and that's all I do."
"It's fundamentally anti-democratic to vote somebody in who's ultimately going to be a puppet for whoever is the puppet master."
"It really makes the puppets pop out and me kind of recede in a way that makes me even like well."
"I can't gush enough about how beautiful these are and both they're there their design their execution your puppeteering and what you're doing with your property."
"Hello there. My name is Jim Henson and I'm a puppeteer."
"It was at that point I realized the puppetry was an art form, a valid way to do really interesting things."
"Jim was determined to stay in touch with him, and hopefully after he graduated, Jim could hire Frank Oz to be a full-time performer with Muppets Inc."
"It's unbelievable that these puppets have made their way from a hot attic where they likely would have been forgotten into a museum where they can be preserved and viewed by everyone."
"It's the biggest myth in American politics... Biden is a puppet."
"But you're not wrong shuddering I do keep messing up but I'm trying to do better and my hands are free puppet stuff."
"We've traveled to the mothership. Jimmy and his incredible team of puppet masters have built dozens of puppets and brand-new processes."
"At the heart of stop motion, it's animators wrestling a puppet to life."
"You shouldn’t have to be convinced that both parties in this political puppet show are owned and operated by the same interest."
"Can we just take a minute to appreciate how good these puppets look?"
"Oh, the puppet saved me from death, oh my god."
"The animatronics could be puppeteered by anywhere from 4 to 11 puppeteers depending on the shot."
"The Merry Menagerie puppets are just joy personified."
"To the puppets of the world, this may sound absurd, but this is the place you need to be."
"It was fantastic. I met my puppeteer, a nice person."
"Dragons are just pretend, yes. Don't be sad if it's just Miss Rabbit holding a little glove puppet."
"Puppet-driven films occupy a unique status between animation and live action."
"Puppets are a form of theater that have existed for way longer than movies have."
"Why didn't you start with this? It's so entertaining. Breaking out the old shadow puppets. Hey, it doesn't look that hard. Oh."
"Puppet mastery became so popular in the hidden sand, an entire puppet brigade was created."
"I remember tearing apart the making of books and like figuring out how they fit multiple puppeteers inside of Jabba." - Panelist
"It was a long-form desperate plea from artists using the medium of puppetry to beg the world to learn from the mistakes of the past."
"Jim Henson, a friend of George Lucas, was offered the role of Yoda but turned it down."
"Jim Henson himself brought the turtles to life."
"The Jim Henson Creature Shop helped create puppets and creatures for movies such as the Dark Crystal and Labyrinth."
"A magical place that exists in a world called Puppetland."
"I'm sorry but your attempts to make puppetry badass just makes it even lamer."
"This puppet is making me cry, right? You know? It's like, 'No, you know?' I'm like, 'Damn, chill. You're stealing it!'"
"It's okay for her to be me, she can be as bad as she wants to be and that's sort of cool, right? Because there's no one exactly always living out an alternative life through the puppet."
"Jim Henson created the Muppets because he wanted to prove that you could use puppetry for more than just preschool education puppetry could be for everyone and that's what makes them up it's so awesome."
"Can I walk over and animate the puppet?"
"Someone was puppet mastering someone."
"Puppets were a really big part of my life for a really long time. I went to school for theater, I started building puppets in high school, and I really look up to Jim Henson."
"Despite being made of felt, fur, and other oddball objects, there's something about the Muppets that make them feel like they are as real and alive as the performers holding them up."
"...if you want to learn how to perform puppetry, make sure to check out my Puppetry 101 video right here on YouTube."
"The most important thing about puppets is that they must project their imagination, and then the audience must open their eyes and imagine."
"With a live hand puppet, the puppet's hands are like a glove, so your actual hand slides inside of it."
"If you like puppetry and, more importantly, if you like the musical Little Shop of Horrors, you must go and check this out."
"Earl, while being a puppet, is strongly implied to be sentient and his own person- though they keep this vague enough that you could really theorize it in either direction."
"There are audience people waving back at my puppet. Thank you, that's how."
"...most of the time characters are played by the same puppeteer from the time of their creation to whenever that puppeteer no longer works with the muppets."
"He's a zombie, he's not even... you can almost see the strings, like we talk about it all the time, the puppet strings, you can almost see the puppet strings."
"This art form with its intricate handcrafted puppets and dramatic storytelling is a Testament to the creativity and passion that Infuse Osaka's Heritage."
"My boy has quite a talent with puppetry."
"Super Marionation series also had the challenge of doing that in scale with the puppets."
"If anyone's listening, I'm going to tell you the greatest puppet of all time is an Australian puppet called Mr. Squiggle."
"My puppet is dancing, I've never been happier."
"With puppets, a puppet generally you're working symbolically. A puppet is a symbol of whatever you're trying to portray."
"I think the single most important person was a person doing the eyes of the puppet because without those eyes working, it doesn't live."
"Don't underestimate the power of puppetry."
"Every single last thing that came out of that puppet's mouth was extremely pervy."
"Computer graphics will eventually look terrible, but cool puppets will always be cool."
"The rig though, about when it's puppeteering, yes, and mostly when it's CGI. It's good."
"The puppetry as well in this movie was fantastic."
"You don't just make a puppet and let it sit there, when you make the puppet, you bring it to life, you have it take on a personality."
"Building a puppet. Can you help me? What do you want to hear? Can you do a short gag? Now you need a couple of rubber bands to hold everything in place."
"Those static faces with a large library made it easier to comprehend characters' emotions more than something like Barney or even Sesame Street where the mouth of the puppets only had one movement."
"There was nothing silly or funny at all about a yellow puppet dancing to that musical number."
"That little puppet has pulled so many emotions out of me."
"Now that our puppet is done, thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video."
"And that's the main body of your puppet done."
"Now it's time to make the arms and legs."
"The year is 1967 and Century 21 Productions is at the height of their success. Thunderbirds has become a global phenomenon."
"I think he creates. He's clearly a smart guy like Jeff Dunham is legit into puppets."
"You forget that it's a puppet. You forget that it's fake. You're actually watching Yoda come to life."
"...push the medium of puppetry to its very limit."
"I like Punch and Judy. I've got an idea."
"She also sent a snake puppet. Oh my gosh, that's a puppet."
"What was moments ago just felt and string, Jim Henson had given character; Kermit was alive."
"That's really Kermit the Frog, and look who's with him."
"I treat creating a 360 head just like creating a hand puppet, like a Muppet."
"Instead of using visual effects to put baby Gorn into the scene, they used visual effects to remove people who were operating baby Gorn puppets."
"Puppetry is very tricky because the best versions of it have to include incredibly specific lighting."
"The transformation of a marionette into something hypothetically real."
"It's a Jim Henson Masterpiece and everybody loves it, myself included."
"That is great, it's Frank Oz who is like Henson's right-hand man."
"Puppets as learning tools are valuable for school children of all age groups."
"Puppetry helps in developing the verbal ability of children who started formal education."
"Despite the shock aversion therapy that my parents were obviously embarked upon, I am now a puppet maker and a puppet director."
"Magic shows and puppetry have a lot in common - they both bring stories to life."
"Puppet building uses so many tools from so many different disciplines; it's like the one art form that kind of touches on everything."
"We show you all the techniques we use for video puppetry that I learned from Jim Henson and Frank Oz."
"It's the same techniques that we use with the Muppets, with Sesame Street, Bear in the Big Blue House, Eureka's Castle."
"The puppet is the performer, and we should believe in him."
"This is one of the benefits of using a puppet with cut-out animation."
"I love that, that little... watch the puppets dancing."
"It allowed Jim Henson and his crew to take the art of puppetry to a whole new level and even set a new standard in comedy on television."
"It's simultaneously satires and pays homage to the classic form of puppetry."
"Jim Henson started from practically nothing and made it to a level in puppetry that I wouldn't have even thought possible."
"Wow, they actually have original like puppetry part for this, that's remarkable."
"Hello, puppy puppet. How are you feeling today?"
"No penguins are too lost, no puppet is too small."
"Puppetry is a wide open frontier and you can really bring anything to life."
"Sympathetic movement... adds a little bit more life to your puppets."
"Puppetry is the oldest form of entertainment."
"I see the demon lords Clayman, Caran, and Frey used Gud in to create a puppet Demon Lord."
"We're doing 10 hours of a show with the narrative density of Game of Thrones, entirely with puppets."
"When he got out of college, he wrote a letter to Jim Henson because he wanted to be a Muppeteer."
"The Muppets are iconic when you think about puppetry."
"This is quite the surprise, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared."
"It's nice to see for once we get some puppet representation."
"That'll do it for our time here at the Center for Puppetry Arts. If you're into Muppet stuff or puppet stuff, I'd recommend it."
"Harry Corbett was a remarkable man and unique in his handling of this puppet."
"The great Japanese inventor Takeda Omi took the idea of a karakuri puppet to its furthest extreme in 1662."
"This puppet is the work of Granny Mei, right? Being able to control a puppet to move on its own is really amazing."
"Dear Krishna, every living entity is being moved like a wooden puppet."
"The puppets are brought to life with the help of people."
"Sesame Street has introduced a new puppet with the aim of highlighting the stories of foster families."
"It's very interesting to watch how the Jeffy puppet came to be."
"Elmo's not a cartoon, he's a puppet."
"This technology was developed for the Dark Crystal, a lot of this puppetry technology was developed for that film."
"I'm obsessed with puppet show, like girl, I can't get enough of puppet show."
"If I could go back and do any job, I would be a Muppeteer or maybe just a puppet builder."
"I really got hooked on Sesame Street... I was just curious about what Jim and the guys were doing because I loved their work so much."
"Let's lend a hand and say cheers to puppeteers."
"Kermit the Frog is the most minimal, elegant puppet that the world has ever seen."
"The Dark Crystal looks amazing. I love the look of the actual puppets in animatronic mixed with the CGI."
"The merry Menagerie is so fun; it's like little puppeteers all around Discovery Island, and it is so cute."