
Portraiture Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Light is very much a key component of dramatic portraiture."
"The portrait of Julius II by Raphael... was part of the foundational collection of the National Gallery."
"To me, the most important part in any portrait is to capture the soul of the person."
"Van Dyck has elevated him with a subtle manipulation of the brush into an almost christ-like figure."
"Abandoning the ego of the human face... connected me to my more deeper form of expression."
"The most important thing when you're creating portraits, is to capture character."
"I will probably use it mostly for sketchbook paintings because I really love to do portraits."
"Jan van ike had become known during his career for his remarkable and innovative portraits."
"Capturing the essence of somebody has been really awesome to work on."
"He changed British portraiture forever and he'd put an unforgettable face to his era."
"Did Leonardo da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa from memory no he had a woman sitting in front of him and he was looking at her that that is a great grand tradition of art to draw by looking at the actual thing as it would have been in the old days."
"There are so many evocative portraits of gentlemen from this time period."
"When you make a portrait of somebody, you basically make them immortal."
"We generally want to draw people into details like the eyes, the lips, and the hair."
"It's likely that they were portraits of living or recently deceased rulers that were known to the sculptors."
"The relief would thus provide us with the only surviving true portrait of the great man."
"These portraits were Kangxi's PR campaign to convince the Han population that he was in fact a legitimate Chinese ruler."
"He paints portraits of himself and of dogs and he's actually not that bad."
"We still need to get a drawing of you, we still need to get a sculpture made of you by hand."
"You did an amazing job capturing this guy's character."
"I'm just trying to do a good portrait, not just a finished portrait."
"The fact that we don't have the cult of personality, we don't have clear portraits of rulers, is kind of amazing."
"The camera is designed to honor people. The people who step in front of your lens give you a gift. Their vulnerability, their expression, their truth, their life in front of the camera."
"He told readers of his treatise on the art of painting that paintings that had a portrait in them worked differently from those that did not, had a different power on onlookers."
"Gainsborough was the greatest English portraitist of the 18th century, rivaled only by Joshua Reynolds."
"Portraits are about the subject. They're going to try to emote something and we're going to try to create something."
"You want to always go away from generic because that's what makes portraiture interesting is you know we're all so very different even though we're similar so it's that uniqueness that we want to capture."
"Formal portraiture in this period is often less a revealing of the sitter's private personality than the record of a negotiation of the private and the public spheres."
"Portraiture is the clearest guide to a period and the way people envision themselves in the society in which they live."
"The portraits of Bindo Altoviti encapsulate what the portraiture of this era achieved."
"I love this approach to portraiture where you're not looking for the face, but you're just responding to the colors."
"Veristic portraits emphasize features showing age and wisdom."
"The best portraits have an intense balance of vulnerability from both sides: sitter and portrait."
"Faces are the most important thing that you'll draw..."
"I think a good portrait should have a feeling rather than just a likeness"
"A good portrait is about the relationship a photographer builds with his or her subject."
"One of my favorites is this, a portrait of his friend and associate. You can see the difference that happens in these two years."
"The only thing I really feel strongly about, and it's true, it's really true, is the human face."
"I'd like to shoot portraits of a lot of people who would be invited to come to have that portrait with them by me as their secret or hidden or fantasy self."
"I love it when Lux, my partner, uses it and takes portraits of me because, oh my God, they look amazing."
"I like to do portraits that have a little bit of a theme to them, a little bit of styling."
"Try X is amazing for portraits, the way that it captures skin tones is very nice."
"The portrait creative style is great for photos of people, especially close-ups."
"The dragon effect works best on images of people where their face is a little bit more experienced."
"The best angle to shoot a portrait? It depends on the person."
"A portrait for me is something where you see the character of the person, that they connect with you through that photograph and show you a bit of themselves."
"The classical rules of portraiture are timeless."
"Her face was luminous and there was no color in the image, so I was drawn straight to this young girl's face because it is the lightest thing in the image."
"I've spent my life mastering my craft, and I want to honor it by making beautiful portraits that are worth being paid for, and you're worth being paid."
"It's slightly more expensive, more weight to carry, but I recommend it especially for portraiture."
"Drawing or painting portraits is a fascinating form of art."
"With most portraits you look at the sitter; with this one, the sitter looks at you."
"I'm always thinking every time I'm doing a portrait, I'm thinking about my subject and thinking about the message I'm trying to convey."
"The soft diffused light that you get on a cloudy day makes wonderful portraits."
"Good portraiture pays equal respect to every element of the person that's in front of them."
"The direction of your gaze really changes the way a portrait is received."
"His paintings are more than just depictions of people's faces; they're full of personality and packed with emotion."
"Every single portrait is a completely different challenge."
"What we see in this painting is a young man probably in his mid-20s, he has an alluring gaze and he holds in his hand a quill."
"...the passion for British art and particularly British grand manor portraiture didn't come from nowhere."
"Every portrait is a record which says, 'I once existed and looked like this.'"
"The accuracy of shape is the most important aspect of drawing portraiture."
"I'm just amazed by the beautiful portrait colors that we have here to create some beautiful skin tones."
"Being able to do portraits especially at this level is definitely something that I never really envisioned for myself."
"They captured the head portrait of him, he does have more of a square jaw, and the best part is they nailed the eyes."
"His portrait can tell a number of different stories."
"I simply painted people as I see them; that's all there is to it."
"She loved this portrait of her. And even the week after David finishes it and signs it, she writes him a letter and she thanks the artist."
"Portraiture as a weapon of propaganda."
"This is a portrait intended for posterity, intended for us, for future generations."
"The picture from Honolulu was united with the other surviving portrait of Lady Meux at The Frick Collection in 2003 for an exhibition called 'Whistler, Women, and Fashion.'"
"Beautiful portraiture, very soft softly done."
"Roman portraiture... has this extreme faithfulness to reality, as this extreme candor tries to show life as it really is."
"Miniatures were another popular style of jewelry in the Georgian period and a miniature is basically like a tiny little portrait."
"We see an increase in naturalism, an increase in monumentality, but we also see a development of portraiture."
"These are clearly meant to represent the persons of Eckhart and Utta."
"Thank you for drawing me; I just want to say the way you've captured my skin tone, the glow, the eyeliner, everything is really looking snatched."
"If you're interested in portraiture, it will go in depth, it'll go over anatomy, simplification, the bones, the muscles."
"I just want to show you how a portrait can be done in a very straightforward and simple manner."
"Rembrandt lighting creates a classic look."
"His portrait is a William Randolph Hearst at the age of 31, it was done in Munich, Germany."
"I feel like the roots of my art career stem from portraiture."
"I went into this portrait with the intention that I would actually spend real time and real effort and real love into this painting."
"When you capture that moment, then you are making a beautiful portrait of somebody who for that moment you care deeply about."
"I have never painted a self-portrait. I am less interested in myself as a subject for a painting than I am in other people, above all women."
"The portraits out of it look amazing."
"The portraits just looked great out of this camera."
"I strive to bring out the best in people. I really am interested in people's dignity and in their kind of specialness."
"I think the key to a great portraiture is looking for that quality that you see in yourself when you really feel good about yourself."
"He was like a gentleness and sensitivity of approach, in trying to depict the characters of his sitters."
"Velvia 50 is an exceptional portrait film."
"I've evolved now to 35mm because I do more portraits nowadays, and 35 is beautiful for environmental portraiture."
"I love self-portraits. I think practicing portraiture, there's a lot: color, value, composition, forms, shapes."
"What's wonderful about works like this is when he does a portrait because they look like this, but they look exactly like the person."
"He captures the essence of the person that he's actually portraying."
"He was one of the earliest photographers to master the environmental portrait."
"Portrait is considered one of the most difficult genres in painting."
"Portraiture is very difficult. It's like a jigsaw puzzle where you are designing each piece as you put it in."
"Francesco Clemente is a painter of life, a painter of people, but most importantly, he's a painter of intimacy."
"His mother poses attentive and graceful, while his father, who usually fidgeted during sittings, was painted reading a book."
"Portraiture in its most conventional sense is the idea of a single frame of a single image that can tell everything about its subject and its character."
"Environmental portraiture... to take the portrait of the artist or the writer or the leader and have things around the person that reflected them."
"Painting is one of the first of Francis Bacon's single head portraits, a gift to the woman who made his life and art possible."
"Bacon is painting portraiture in a way that has never been done before."
"This painting by Artemisia Gentileski is a tour de force of portraiture of the early 17th century."
"Clarity works extremely well for eyes, especially the iris."
"Beards are really handsome, so I like drawing them."
"The colors that are available in the 150 set are just phenomenal, especially for portrait artists."
"I think more people should have portraits painted."
"You get a genuine sense of this person existing in a time and a place."
"I'm intrigued; I've never had my portrait taken or sat for a portrait, so yeah, it's a new experience for me, very excited."
"Sargent makes a great impact at the salon both with his portraits and with his subject painting."
"When you're doing a portrait, it's good to do a little bit of flattering of people."
"It's very pleasing to me personally to hear that you'd like to get a likeness because I think that's the whole thing about portraiture."
"Her professional experience was so evident, as was her talent and joy actually for painting lively colorful images of her favorite subject which is people."
"I like photographing people that are real because you can get a better representation of how portraits are going to look."
"A low f-stop number is fantastic for taking portraits in a busy scene to separate the subject from the background."
"Casual portraiture, this would be for example shooting for someone's Instagram account or for their fashion blog or family portraiture, something where you don't require all the gear but you can still offer a service and deliver some value."
"I always think of portraiture as more of a portrait of the artist as opposed to the sitter."
"It's amazing work in terms of the familiarity of the faces but they're almost drawn in an art historical context."
"A nice self-portrait by Florian in London. I like the way she's suggesting her glasses. It gives a very strong character to the portrait."
"The eagle owl is probably the one really, and as a bird portrait, difficult to improve."
"When Oliver Cromwell had his portrait painted, he insisted it be truthful, complete with blemishes, pimples, warts and all."
"If you can get the hair right and you get the shape of the face right, everything else will fall into place on these characters."
"Looking good isn't enough to get a connected portrait; you really have to get inside the person's head."
"One of the most important concepts behind strong portraiture photography is to find the right angle."
"We get that great figure-ground separation which I think is perfect for portraiture."
"You have to be able to do a face in two to three minutes max."
"Portraits began to reveal the subtleties of character and expression that made each subject unique."
"More than a mere record of a face, these images make a statement about who that person was on the day he or she sat before you."
"A great American artist who became one of the leading portrait painters of his era."
"That's why it's called a 3/4 portrait; you see three quarters of one side and a quarter of the other."
"...these women are not cortison, but it is portrait of actual specific people."
"This person just seems to pop out of the image; I really like the way this lens renders."
"This lens is king when it comes to portraits."
"A wonderful example of his unique and instantly recognizable approach to portraiture."
"...the picture by Sir Anthony van Dyck is of a type that he sort of invented."
"He enjoyed great success as a portraitist prior to the Revolution and served with distinction."
"Picasso's portraiture of the early 1900s is very much indebted to Cézanne and his painting Madame Cézanne in a red dress."
"If we look long enough we begin to figure out what Ang actually thinks of these people who are sitting to him."
"Portrait painters like Elizabeth and her father will become a thing of the past. But her era, the era before photography, will forever remain captured in 662 portraits from which her contemporaries - and she herself - look at us."
"Artists are good at painting things, like people for example. That's what they call a portrait."
"When you're choosing a focal length, choose something with a longer focal length so that you're flattening the features and you're going to see all of those beautiful features and you're not going to make facial features appear larger."
"Questioning the notion of portraiture and our understanding of the uncanny valley."
"A portrait is basically just anything which represents our uniqueness or what makes us different from each other."
"Now these are portrait lenses, so it makes sense to look at how they perform for photographing people."
"We need to bring out emotion in the subjects' faces, in their eyes, in their lips, in their cheeks."
"You as a photographer need to bring this out. This is why Peter Hurley is so damn good at taking portraits."
"A portrait should capture some of the subject's personality as well."