
Personality Impact Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Complex PTSD is more of a disturbance in, that has more of an effect on your personality, the way you respond to life."
"That's right, this is the greatest example of how boredom can just, unfortunately, lead to you being a terrible person."
"A bad personality can make even the most attractive person look ugly."
"Who talked the most trash in the league? KG talked the most [stuff] by far."
"If I put out a video as just myself they'll get less views because Uncle Roger is just more entertaining."
"Nobody wants to be around somebody who's unsympathetic, hostile, and annoying."
"It's not always about complexion; sometimes it's simply personality who people really vibe with, you know? Personality makes a big difference. It really does."
"Tell an interesting story or get an interesting personality."
"He's one of those personalities they can take over Hall age and get everybody buzzing about that movie."
"Protagonists feel called to serve a greater purpose in life, thoughtful and idealistic, these personality types strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them."
"She had a way of making everybody feel comfortable, even a person who's an introvert and shy. She'd bring that person out."
"You know, a lot of people always compare Luffy to Roger, not because of his abilities, but because of his personality."
"The main structure of it may not change much. But we have to remember something else: that Trump isn't going away."
"An issue which seems to have become a major factor affecting his personality and his actions as ruler of Uganda was that he had contracted syphilis in his younger years."
"To be successful on YouTube... you have to have personality."
"You've got to lean towards Clarissa, because she has the character, she has that something that makes her stand out."
"It would have given him the personality that right now people critique him for not having right humorless he's lifeless that's the problem."
"Anger at the corporations was the man himself, Mr. Joseph Vargas. Angry Joe delivers that, and that's why people felt good about his content."
"It's about where you were and your type of personality when you were there."
"He just can't do the thing where he's so dominant that he drowns out everyone else."
"I loved how pissed he got that made me a fan immediately."
"An entirely natural result of who he is as a person."
"Being thought of as boring is particularly scary because it means that even though there's really nothing like offensive or wrong about you, you're just a void of excitement that people don't want to be around."
"If you're a boring person, you don't get uninvited because you're boring. It's just that people forget."
"Do most people vote because of policy or personality? No, personality."
"You're kind of larger than life when you're being the funniest person around."
"Personality kills teams quicker than skill does, honestly true."
"You've got to be a big personality to shoulder everything."
"She literally just like destroyed it with the personality and just like so much energy brought to that performance."
"The retention of those fans, the engagement of those fans by vibrant, uh, superstar personalities absolutely tremendously impacts the success and growth of the esports scene."
"Growing up shy and reserved helps you be even better at being a sniper/spy."
"If you truly wanted to change and you understood that your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel..."
"Is xQc good or bad for gaming? That's for you to decide."
"Someone's personality can outshine others and make them appear more attractive."
"He is such an alpha male that I feel like he makes other people beta by just existing."
"Honestly, your singing voice could be f***ing Beyonce if you're an asshole, you're an asshole."
"It is what it is and y'all gonna love me or you're gonna hate me and that's why to this day people still rock with him and let him get a little further than remember back in the day." - Claudia Jordan
"The INFJ is the apex or the tip of the spear that really drives change for people."
"QT's popularity shows the breadth of the esports community and how game adjacent personalities like him can flourish with the right brand, tone and work ethic."
"Diplomacy largely boils down to personalities."
"Personality goes a long way is what I'm trying to say."
"Bad locker room guy is a winner on a losing and losing environment."
"Openness to experience is probably the biggest single personality variable when it comes to being a funny guy."
"The primary explanation for potentially criminal conduct was Trump's ego and intransigence."
"A good personality doesn't carry anywhere near as much weight as you think it does."
"If your personality is bland, the content will be bland."
"This guy's Toast has a great personality, and the reason why Among Us basically got boosted up in the first place is because of his personality."
"Your thinking, your communication, your attitude, this is what develops the plot and characters."
"Now is the time to express your bold personality and reel them in."
"People will come for the art but they'll stay for the personality."
"What is produced from a personality like that is super impressive."
"People find people are boring, most people in life are boring, so I bring a little flavor."
"Just try to get along and be helpful to all. Being bratty and self-centered just makes you small."
"People follow influencers for their personality. So in a sense, the longevity of your career depends on how well people still vibe with your personality."
"Many people who adopt manipulative and damaging personality traits never rise to success."
"The Mr. Beast of the world and the Casey Neistat type people are the ones who progress everything."
"The best thing this movie has going for it is his personality."
"Personality really does matter in relationships."
"It was her sassy humor, not her voice, that got her noticed on TV."
"Her magnetic presence and captivating personality ensured that she would be remembered long after her television debut."
"You can be the most beautiful thing and have a bad attitude and be ugly."
"If you have the right personality, that will outshine any previous experience you could have had."
"Personality could make you so sexy or so ugly."