
Flags Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The government is supposed to represent all of the citizens. I don't know why you would fly flags of a particular ideology that's not directly related to government entities."
"Flags are pieces of fabric with some sort of image and we put them on a pole and we look at it and say, 'that represents me.' I'm here, this is me!"
"Such a cool flag, it's kind of minimalist. It looks like a modern logo design."
"Honestly, when you add flags to these towers, the place just comes alive."
"Why is the Union Jack on a U.S state flag? Look it up if you want, the story is actually that the UK and the US kind of half owned Hawaii for a bit."
"Our flag is wrong, this is like the modern Chinese flag. It's not the one they were using at the time."
"So now we've got the very first step of a flag animation."
"Flags are fun to talk about and learn from, don't you think?"
"Before he can try anything else, a carriage rolls up outside bearing the flags of the night Edge."
"Flags in general, doesn't matter whose flag it is, should be left alone."
"I'm very patriotic. I love patriotism. I love flags."
"History goes to those who plant flags."
"It's a flag, but it's not a break."
"I created some UK flags with Welsh representation. Which one is your favourite?"
"I've brought a lot of lovely flags. I'm working on a national anthem, and it's going to sound brilliant."
"Wow, look at that symbolism, I thought one of those flags was in a blind, one of them when they were writing, I'd wrap around their heads."
"You can people will, we're very good at downplaying red flags and upplaying the green flags."
"Flags out of nowhere because I have a vast collection of love for this world."
"I love these flags, you'll probably notice they're in my b-roll a lot cuz I just think they're so pretty."
"Those flags are on the graves of veterans, remembering those veterans."
"The flags don't tell the total story in this one."
"The constellation Crux or Southern Cross appears on the flags of five countries."
"I'd never taken a flag to the top of a mountain before but somehow I was really infused about stringing these three flags together."
"You're right. The Southern Cross in the Australian and New Zealand flag is the only constellation on a flag."
"Very nice, very organized, you got the American and Korean flag."
"It's called Fun With Flags; they're not at half mast, nobody died, let's try and keep it upbeat."
"Flags are lowered to half staff to honor the lives of Americans whose communities are mourning their loss."
"They are all seen on national flags."
"Every Canadian province has its own unique flag, just like every state in the United States of America."
"There's something to be said for simplicity though, and being easily identifiable."
"A flag is whatever you want it to be; if it represents you, that's all that has to matter."
"Welcome to Sheldon Cooper presents Fun With Flags."
"We could change the flag. I mean, sure it would look slightly different, but we've been using a 51-star flag for this whole segment and none of you have noticed."
"A pirate ship's not a really good pirate ship unless it has a pirate flag."
"Now we have our flag flapping in the wind, and I think it's selling pretty well."
"The white stands for peace, no shocker, that's usually the case with many of these flags."
"Freedom features flags and those really cool starbursts."
"The flags are absolutely the purest embodiment of that idea and of that motive that has driven his entire legendary career."
"If you want to create a flag, this is the way to do it."
"Each flag stands for a letter of the alphabet."