
Music Quality Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"I cannot take seriously the idea that music is now not good."
"It's because the music was good enough. It was good enough to last."
"Ending Theme: Each Future was easily the best song on both soundtracks and the best ending theme of all time."
"Jumping Jack Flash: blew the fog away, got back to what they did best."
"His album has the best rapping on it that I've heard this year."
"The music for this mod is so damn good, you will love it."
"Every single theme in this game is an absolute banger."
"Final Fantasy music will always be top-notch."
"The rapping was on point, beats added an extra layer of entertainment."
"The music and sound effects are good as always and the menu music goes hard."
"If Kanye drops as long as he dropped that heat, people are gonna stay loyal to him."
"Fenna Pirate Princess does a great many things right it is a stunningly gorgeous anime with consistently impressive action and fantastic music."
"Every song is something special, it's all killer no filler."
"Wii Sports is one of the best video game soundtracks of all time."
"Despite being half the length of Chameleon Air and Crazy Bone's 'Ridin', 'White and Nerdy' is without a doubt Weird Al's best parody."
"The music is awesome and the general environmental design is top notch."
"Ys games live and die by two things: Combat and soundtrack, and both just as good as I’ve come to expect after 30 plus years."
"Literally one of the best soundtracks, sounded authentic, real as if it would be developed by a huge actual team."
"Each note is individuated and contextual... it's just so well balanced."
"It's packed with one of the best soundtracks of the Year."
"Music arrangements in Streets of Rage 3 were like adding the right seasoning into a medium-rare steak."
"That's some of the best music I've heard on a Kendrick, and it goes without saying."
"This game has good ass music. It's energizing, it fits the game, and it never bores me."
"I think she can definitely have a comeback if the music is good."
"At the very least, this is enough to debunk the notion that digital music formats are a lesser quality format than analog formats."
"The music that backs the heist in this game is absolutely phenomenal."
"Nirvana’s brilliant songs didn’t get lost in cheap production."
"As much as I want peace of mind, my music would be trash if I had peace of mind."
"I thought the sound of this was incredible, it's a strong Smiley ball for me."
"Some of the openers be going harder than somebody."
"It's legitimately one of the most impressive albums I have ever gone through."
"This album is an hour and 45 minutes. It's 21 songs and each one is flawless."
"When you make great music, they compare you to great artists."
"John Williams' music is excellent, as expected in a Star Wars game."
"Billy Eilish is releasing nothing but quality music."
"You're gonna get better sound isolation so your music is going to sound better you're going to be more isolated from everything around you and the listening experience is going to be better."
"The music and atmosphere are actual like the music and vo are straight up like 9 out of ten they are extremely good and add so much weight."
"So if you're hot, you can drop garbage, you can sh*t in a mic, and it will still do well."
"This is a wonderful afrobeat banger with one fantastic solo and highlight after the next."
"Wow, have you listened? It sounds incredible! 10 out of 10 game."
"The music slaps, the animation's fantastic, and it's all wrapped up in a wholesome family-friendly package."
"This is the quintessential, this band is good, it's popular because they're great."
"I think this album is great just on a beats and raps level."
"A song without soul and passion is just a song."
"This score is bombastic, epic, and something else entirely."
"The music in CK3 is just generally really good."
"Music in Mario Kart was never bad but most of the games just kinda sounded the same."
"A Grammy doesn't make a good record or not, it doesn't. I don't think so."
"It's like it's only the best stuff makes it to the song."
"Of all the songs in this video, I'd have to say this one slaps the hardest."
"The music... every track in this game bangs."
"For me the perfect PAF tone has always been the big 3d richness of a humbucker with almost single coil clarity."
"The soundtracks to these games are incredible too."
"Game Freak almost always delivers on at the very least is the music."
"It's a good game with solid action and decent music."
"Vocals are always good. If this song is a good indicator of where upcoming work is going, I may like this a little bit better."
"The music is just of such high quality it's arguably the best music that they've created in their career so far."
"Guys, it's been perfect. The music, like OnPoint, the weather is actually pretty dang good."
"The music in this game is godlike, good god."
"Tidal offers high-fidelity sound and curated playlists made by DJs for DJs."
"It's not which song is at the top of the top ten, it's which is a good song."
"You have to treat your music as full range, and the .1 is a little extra that, if it's not there, it's not like it doesn't actually translate anymore."
"If it sounds good, that should have gone platinum."
"Nearly every single song in this game is the definition of a grade A banger."
"The problem is the shittier music is spoon-fed to people whereas the good music is like making them eat broccoli." - Interviewer
"He's energetic, hungry, and his music over the years has come to represent quality."
"It was fast, it had the greatest music and tightest controls of any game I ever played at that point."
"It's an incredibly well put together record."
"The music across all three games is nothing short of great."
"Some of the best production you're ever going to hear on a rap project."
"This album is a game changer though. These songs are actually good in my opinion."
"The good news is that soundtrack still slaps."
"This should never be to cover up poor tuning, it should always be to enhance the sound of the drums."
"The music in this game phenomenal really great stuff."
"The sound is just amazing here, it's the mark of great music right there."
"Drake fans: Everything Drake posts is gold, even when it's clearly the worst music he has ever posted."
"What matters is does it sound good and do people like it, that's all that matters."
"...records wear out? This is my original pressing of Abbey Road, British pressing of Abbey Road that I bought in 1969. I've been playing this record since 1969. I cannot tell you how many times it sounds better than any digital version there is now."
"...nothing beats them. As soon as you digitize them, you kind of ruin them. That's my opinion."
"It's a record that's just about Queen level of good."
"Buying system parts of a system altogether that make the majority of your favorite music sound good to you, yes, that is the goal."
"The songs were getting better both melodically and music."
"I don't think I've listened to a band that is this consistent with their output and at the same time doesn't sacrifice some quality."
"You won't have to ask people if the music is good."
"A mediocre album and a bad one are two completely different things, yes."
"The first track called 'The Waiting,' just excellent birdsy guitars, just stunning."
"Absolutely dynamic, clean, the bass hits on here, it sounds like you're playing rap."
"...the best thing about this record is... it sounds Grand and beautiful..."
"Frozen Niagara Falls by Prurient certainly one of the greatest characteristics in this particular album is how good it sounds."
"Each song that I play has got to be just as great as the last one that was on before it."
"I'm not going to go too hard if I see a couple of like oh this not a great bar in comparison to these bars because I'm focusing on the best bars on the song."
"It's not overly compressed or distorted, it's that great old school sound."
"The whole point of mastering is to get your track, tracks, album, whole release to sound like it belongs in the upper echelons of music in whatever genre it may be."
"We want to make our pieces of music, our tracks, stand up with the big boys and also have all the quality that we originally wanted."
"It's so smooth, and the music is great."
"It's about the quality of the music and not about the quantity of those who choose to love it."
"Music is important to me, and I think it's what makes music good."
"Were the songs any good? That's what it always comes down to at the end of the day."
"Every song is a great, just rock-solid anthem with great hooks, great keyboards, great guitar work, fantastic vocals, atmosphere."
"It's so earnest and moving, simply the best they have to offer."
"The world tonight, young boy, calico skies, flaming pie, little willow, beautiful night, those are all great songs."
"Catchy anthems, hummable melodies, man just an expert guitar playing no matter who is in the band."
"Music is made of sounds. If the sounds themselves are better, the music is going to be better."
"It's better beats than I think we've gotten from him in the last two albums."
"The true test of a song is if you can play it on an acoustic guitar and it's still a good song."
"This one sounds a little bit more realistic and a lot nicer."
"The XS is brilliant for orchestral recordings because it gives you everything from the deepest richest notes... but it also has the extension and the detail in the treble."
"If you use apple music and the lossless setting then these might even deliver a better experience than your far more expensive airpods."
"If it sounds good, it is good, but the question is: how do you get it to sound good?"
"I think it's actually one of the better sounding songs you can find in the rhythm toy section of the game."
"There's a very magical quality to the song that I really like."
"If you have good music, you put out a good album, people are gonna be into it no matter what."
"This isn't better than Tricky House, it's equally as good."
"The quality of the songs and the music videos that accompany them is extremely high."
"The riff has to be absolutely blindingly good."
"The music that I've been hearing by this artist sounds really effing good."
"The music is extremely well done, encapsulates the mood the show was going for with great precision."
"Good music is good music, bad music is bad music."
"You get a much more full, deep, and resonant sound out of your kick drum."
"This is what hip-hop is supposed to sound like and this is the way it's supposed to be executed."
"It's not about impressing producers; it's about making overall good quality music."
"It sounds brilliant, that's all we need to say about it."
"We care deeply about a lot of things, but these two things keep us focused: purpose and values, and highest quality music."
"The character of the tone is just got a lot more bloom to its mid-range, it's more the mid-range is a lot more present."
"It's not just whether or not a keyboard's got a good keyboard on it, it's whether or not that key actually integrates well with the sound that the instrument is producing."
"Every song is a killer, every song is amazing."
"The music does sell itself, the music is still good."
"His electric guitars just have such this amazing reverberated sound to him, it's just cool, it's making this whole album sound really expansive."
"It's a really strong album, a lot of good songs."
"Some of our best tracks period, so worth checking out."
"Playing on the hardest reed is not always the best, as some may claim."
"All of our songs are good. All songs by HYUNGWON are good."
"Do the best we can with what we control, and you control a lot in terms of the quality of your music and the quality of your submission."
"The stereo sine and square wave choruses on the X3 are really nice."
"The music is excellent, top-notch, on the level of things like Genesis."
"The atmosphere in that song is just outstanding."
"There's a lovely amount of sustain when you boost that channel volume, it really just sounds great."
"That's why I think all that old stuff sounds so great and it's so compelling and so timeless even today."
"The music is pretty flawless; it's like one of my favorite soundtracks for sure."
"If the music is good, that's all that matters."
"It's all about the quality of the music."
"We made music to develop fandom based on the quality of what we made."
"A good amount of songs, good songs, that's all that matters."
"You're starting to get into a very dense music where it was very full and just the sound was better because they were now starting to move towards digital recording."
"It just sounds better, sounds more bluesy."
"The problem is not the difference between old music and new music; it's between good music and bad music, between music of substance and music that is frivolous."
"Their music is produced so well, their music is such high quality."
"Music sounds rich and well defined; the bass is smooth and not overpowering, the highs are crisp, clear, and they just kind of sparkle."
"That's a good sounding drive, that one."
"It's such top tier high quality bass music, and you just don't find it anywhere else, really."
"There's a lot of really good R&B out there."
"The entire piece vibrates as one seamless unit, which is really the best way to get a great tone."
"This year, the year of 2023, has been a good year for K-pop, in my opinion, when it comes to music."
"The quality of the song is what matters most."
"These songs are incredibly well-written, well-crafted."
"Here's what music is supposed to sound like, and it isn't bad."
"Apple music sounds the best to my ears."
"Literally every single one of Taeyeon's albums are top tier."
"I love a good hitting bass, but I want it to be clean."
"If you make great music, people like your music because it's great music."
"SF9 has one of the best discographies in all of K-pop."