
National Response Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"We will heal our citizens and we will care for our neighbors, and we will unleash the full might of the United States of America to vanquish the virus."
"The country lost this battle in the first attack when we were not willing to do what it took to shut down America, to truly contain COVID-19, and then get back on our feet."
"We've done it right. I can't believe how incredible the American people have been."
"We've done a great job... we're doing something that's never been done in this country."
"America will answer with love and courage and ironclad resolve."
"We will unleash the full might of the United States of America to vanquish the virus."
"Our country will be stronger than ever before."
"We've marshaled every instrument of American power and unleashed the courage of the American people."
"We want to reassure the American people we are doing everything we can to confront and ultimately defeat this horrible, invisible enemy."
"We will vanquish the virus and unleash the full might of the United States of America."
"We must pass this bill to crush the virus, to save the lives and livelihoods of the American people, to put children back in school and people back to work. That is its purpose."
"There will be no more red zones, no more songs. The entire Italy will be under protection."
"Italy is now a laboratory for how to stop this virus."
"German politicians as well as the public... shocked."
"We will not fully be able to return to anything like normal until we have a national strategy, a real one for testing, and actual leadership from Washington."
"Leadership sets the culture... He said this was a hoax, he didn't take it seriously, he should have said a National Response because it required a national response."
"We certainly aren't gonna see leadership from the White House, we certainly are gonna see leadership from cities like Charlottesville or mayors from leaders all around the country, left and right, Republicans and Democrats."
"The Chinese have done very dramatic things to try to contain the pandemic in their own country."
"China is prepared for this pandemic while the US is not."
"It adds to the sense of complete outrage among all Ukrainians."
"That's where we are in Canada now. And I think we rose to the challenge and pushed back in a very careful, thoughtful, lawful way."
"The divers did their best while the country did nothing."
"We've done more testing than anybody in the world, we've done the best job of any country in the world."
"The national response to COVID was a bit like a football game with two very different halves."
"The success of the vaccine program has redeemed many of the persistent failings of the other parts of the national response."
"This was one of the most important public health failures this country has ever experienced."
"There were elements of groupthink, British exceptionalism, fatalism, delays, and chaos."
"We have the choice to rally together as a country or let this tear us apart."
"South Korea's response was simply remarkable."
"No one was left unscathed, whether it was in Fox Lake, in the media, in the nation. Every police agency felt the impact of this and felt it terribly."
"She believes there was a conspiracy... and she wants this country to do something about it."
"We've tested now over 60 million people no other countries even close to that."
"The Czech Republic has 6,000 confirmed cases and about a hundred and forty deaths - one of the few countries that can really say it's flattened the curve."
"It is nice for us to have a win... the Dutch are actually doing something about the weft in their country."
"There is no excuse America just cut checks for millions of Americans that are white black Hispanic Asian red yellow business entities and all kinds of other people places and things."
"The South Koreans are having a drive-through, so the testing in South Korea is at the most advanced stage of any country in the world. I'm very impressed."
"I think the only thing that would do it anytime soon is some sort of national tragedy, you know? And I don't mean like COVID, I mean a war, you know, obviously I'm not wishing for that."
"This is literally a wartime footing... Encouraging from the states."
"More than 17,000 National Guard personnel have now been activated all across our country."
"Politics matters. Look at the South Korean response versus ours."
"And we will unleash the full might of the United States of America to vanquish the virus." - The President
"I think the people of America are going to stand up."
"It's been quite impressive what South Africa has done to control and manage the situation."
"What has been inflicted upon the Welsh people in the name of a scientific punt as in a national lockdown, yeah well family show and we know this is going out on Christmas day."
"The country has really stepped up like I don't think we've seen it in many, many -- probably decades."
"2020 has been a bizarre year... well done New Zealand."
"What does it do to the nation? Does it say, well, hey, we don't want to do this anymore? This is too much? Exactly the opposite."
"This country went further and faster than most to protect, vaccinate, and unlock."
"This nation has always listened to a challenge."
"This is going to require a national response, not just from our elected leaders or public health officials, but from all of us."
"The President has rightly called an 'act of pure evil' in Las Vegas."