
Voter Mobilization Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Thanks to backbreaking organizing by black women like Stacey Abrams and Nyki Robinson, over 75 million people decided to vote out the orange bastard in chief."
"We need to make sure everyone shows up for Joe Biden; he will show up for us."
"Trump will bring out the rural vote like no one else."
"Republicans don't have the organizational power to actually push people to go and vote."
"The polls are based on the last election, but we can create an electrified electorate."
"We've got to get everybody out to vote. What we need to do is get everybody out to vote."
"The formula for winning these is the same formula everywhere right which is turn out your voters and try to get as many people in the middle as you can."
"Remind people to vote through advertising—it's the only one that really works."
"The most important thing in politics is not a 30-second spot. It's somebody bringing a doorbell, registering you to vote, giving you additional information later, and coming back and getting you to vote."
"Groups like Black Voters Matter are so critical because they are doing the work."
"We're launching a campaign to get out the vote and amplify Progressive candidates."
"Instead of trying to find that one swing voter who used to vote in the 1984 election, you need to be hitting these communities all around the state where you have minority populations."
"Getting people to the polls, getting them to the polls on election day or before election day, if there's early voting, is going to be key."
"We can... check out Fair Fight which is Stacey Abrams' organization. Stacey Abrams, in the time that she ran for governor and had that governorship stolen from her... she was able to register 800,000 voters."
"I would look to Stacey Abrams for guidance because I think she has the best idea of how to facilitate voters in her state."
"Democrats aren't doing enough to constantly keep engaged Democrats."
"To keep this momentum going, to continue this incredible progress, to keep on winning, you have to vote Republican in November."
"Nothing gets Democratic voters out like Trump."
"It is hard but it is possible, and runoffs is a case where organization and enthusiasm decide the outcome."
"This enthusiasm gap... translates into voter mobilization and the type of resilience we're gonna need."
"With your help we will be able to mobilize millions of people on Election Day and build the greatest largest grassroots electoral movement in the history."
"Every values voter must be energized, mobilized, and engaged."
"Good versus evil. Humanity is at stake. Drop the memes. Silent majority, no more. Be loud. You have a voice. Are you registered? Vote them all out!"
"Imagine if we could rally disaffected voters across the country and make their vote count."
"Assume they won fair and square assume that they that they're going to win unless you pull out all the stops and register all your friends to vote knock on doors register your neighbors to vote."
"It's a pretty clear choice, so let's make it happen."
"Don't sit back, get your friends, get your neighbors, and everybody in your family. Let's get out the vote because we've got the numbers to do it for sure."
"We're going to win this election by turning out folks in Philadelphia and southeastern Pennsylvania."
"The only way to respond is to vote out all of the Republicans who have made this happen." - Kitty Colbert
"We've got to out hustle the other side. We've got to vote like never before and leave no doubt."
"It's time to mobilize, organize, and not allow Trump to deter anyone from voting."
"Every single election should be a get out the vote campaign."
"Trump is expecting this to be a base election. He's expecting his base to do better than Biden's base, and a part of how they're doing that is by juicing these third-party candidates, namely Kennedy."
"We need to support, vote, and fight for President Trump for the sake of the world."
"For the sake of the world, support, vote, and fight for President Trump."
"We can't afford rent, we can't afford groceries. This election, Republicans are fighting to block student debt relief and a livable wage. We can't afford Republican leadership. That's why we need to vote."
"There's very few certainties in politics, but one thing you can absolutely count on is that there are tens of millions of Americans who will do everything we need to do to make sure Donald Trump is never the president again."
"If you were to actually just grab a few non-voters and convert them into voters, that could be decisive for a general election."
"Show up to the polls, take care of each other, protect each other." - Sir Patrick Mack
"Sanders is the most electable because he's able to bring out communities that don't normally vote."
"Play hardball and say no, we're going to vote en masse."
"If black voters across the board maximize our numbers, we could actually change the South, the Midwest, the Southwest, and the East."
"America is on the ballot and that's why we need to show up."
"We have to vote in numbers to overcome voter apathy, to overcome voter suppression measures."
"When Democrats stand together we win... stood up for black lives... stood up for black women... stood up for our families..."
"The way we prevent that from ever happening is by ensuring that everybody goes out to vote in 2024."
"Electability is key for progressives as well but we think you get you're gonna be more electable if you had electrified the people who've never voted before and those are gonna be the people who need big solutions."
"I want to thank you all for being here our Grassroots is fired up you are the Red Wave we are the tip of the spear here in Arizona get out and vote like your life depends on it."
"Bernie Sanders would have inspired more Democratic votes."
"Taylor Swift endorsed Biden, urging millions of her followers to vote."
"We have to go much, much bigger... we're still going to have tens of millions of Americans who are completely at a loss."
"We got to come out in numbers y'all, and if you ever thought that your vote did not matter, look at what they're doing now."
"We're going to raise up people in every state that will be trained in every form of voter mobilization."
"Understanding how social networks actually map to moving people to vote and what messengers are most effective at mobilizing people they know to turn out."