
Artistic Focus Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"They're just focusing on making good music, regardless of what the leaders of the industries at the moment in terms of sound are doing."
"Just make honest music, you know? Whatever your vibe is, whatever sound you're going for, you just gotta keep them blinders on and focus on your lane."
"Storytelling is always king. That's all that matters to us."
"It's time to go further. It has been fun to focus on creating whole new worlds and species."
"Because the music evolved one of the things that I was very weary and I was very kind of focused on was the way that the music has to evolve."
"I will probably use it mostly for sketchbook paintings because I really love to do portraits."
"Music is difficult because... to me, that's all secondary to the words and the poetry of it."
"It's not about impressing me with lyrics, forget that. Just focus on big hit records."
"Blade Runner 1 wins the fucking Blade Runner crown by keeping the story simple and focusing their effort on set design."
"He's an excellent brawler for sneaking around bushes and jumping out at enemies for lots of quick burst damage."
"People tend to focus on the wrong things, like brushes or tablets, but the key lies in understanding the tools and their functions."
"Focus that color, pull all that lightness into this area here brightening this area right here and brightening this area here."
"Notice the detail of the face evolve as it comes closer to the camera"
"We want to play music first, rather than guitar first."
"You hear something in your head, you go for it, and when it's close, you move on to another facet. Don't obsess over one detail."
"Just focus on making the best movies you can, and don't be distracted by what anybody else is doing."
"Selective use of detail can create depth and focus in illustrations."
"You want people when they look at your photos you want them to look at your subject not something else."
"Those fingers, dude! I couldn't even focus on the point because look at that hand. Oh my God, it's so detailed!"
"Paper airplane or origami videos: folding in silence."
"I really care about my craft and this album and the music of itself."
"Being creative in photography, it makes the rest of the world disappear so that you can focus on capturing awesome photos."
"Making the best movie you can is what's important."
"As long as I could just stay in this good headspace and keep making good music, all the accolades should come."
"I think the good sign was that I could sit for hours and hours doing art and nothing really - nothing else really kept me this focused on something."
"One thing at a time. If you want to do something well in life, what I want is to make sure that these the darks in the eyes are there."
"We generally want to draw people into details like the eyes, the lips, and the hair."
"Start with the work, don't worry about fame and fortune, be concerned with the work itself."
"In a time where everything is so overexposed, it's still refreshing to see starlets focus on the craft and the art and refrain from becoming overexposed themselves."
"Just think about the music and if the song is good and I don't care at all about how fast you can play or whatever do good music."
"I like the centerpiece but anyway, enough getting distracted by my work."
"The more you learn about yourself as an artist, the more you can focus your portfolio and find greater enjoyment in your employment."
"Clay is in the industry right now, they're basically kind of the holo type example of everything that an indie company can ultimately be if they really apply themselves to like the art design and creation of unique titles."
"It does bring the focus back on the art, and the people who do love making art can finally make a living with that."
"African culture was primarily based on their art."
"Believe that if you focus not just solely on your art but on yourself, you'll see a change."
"It's pure talent that ended up crafting this legendary project... it made for a more focused and cohesive let's say soundscape for the whole product."
"It's not how long it takes, it's just how it looks at the end that matters."
"It's the process not the product that is the goal."
"He chooses where he wants the viewer to look."
"Gear is great but it's really not the point of filmmaking."
"I'm just trying to rap, you feel me? That's what we're gonna be doing, none of these politics."
"It's so focused on and it's done so well, is really the true core of what makes these movies great."
"He's focused on gritty street talk, raw emotion, conscious lyricism, and a true, true, true love of hip-hop."
"Faces are the most important thing that you'll draw..."
"I got a shiver from that horn swell. Yeah, that's... that's one of his more focused tracks, I'd say."
"The only thing I really feel strongly about, and it's true, it's really true, is the human face."
"The moment is more important than the sharpness."
"Keep your kits simple, keep everything minimal, just focus on the art, focus on the creativity."
"I'd really love to have a clear focal point here."
"It's mostly about the songs, you know, that's really what it comes down to."
"The artist's decision to focus on the weaver's faces and gestures draws attention to their individual stories, making their struggle relatable and human."
"When you start to do a picture... you still have to figure out where the center of interest is and say that's where I want the eye to go."
"I need to pay attention to the highlights as well as the shadows."
"Your number one focus should always be to really just make your photos as awesome and epic and quality and great as they can possibly be."
"I'm trying to stop being so focused on views and flops, being mad about it, because if I made a good song and it doesn't do very well, then I shouldn't care."
"Artists can choose to focus even on the phenomenological experience of their work in person."
"You cannot have your painting say more than one thing... You need to find out what the melody of your scene is and stick with that, and not try to say anything more than that."
"Start your painting off very, very loose and then work from the center focal point out."
"Is this a painting about shoes, or is it about the light coming in on the shoes? And that's really the secret, if there is a secret for painting. It has nothing to do with painting; it has to do with light."
"It's the music rather than the people playing music. It's the Music itself that is the draw."
"The most important lines to get right is this top eyelash here."
"The focus here is not on the Lady Liberty Head itself, the focus is on the entire environment, the entire scene as a whole."
"It's not about your face so much, it's about your music."
"I have never painted a self-portrait. I am less interested in myself as a subject for a painting than I am in other people, above all women."
"It's not about the subject matter ultimately; it's about the painting."
"I wanted to really focus more on melody."
"What's most important in your painting, and what is it? I think in life, design is the active choice."
"The eyes are the most important part of a pet portrait for me, so I always spend a bit longer making sure that they're correct."
"You can keep the rest of the card very simple because the background has so much interest to it."
"I prioritize just making the music."
"Focus on your passion of dance and your love for performance."
"They focus on art instead of money."
"I could care less about a buzz; all I care about is great music."
"I've never put my picture on the cover of any album cover because I don't think it's about me, it's about it."
"The moment we take our attention off of the notes and begin to focus on what happens between them, we begin to get closer to a real work of art."
"The first thing I'm considering in the composition is what this painting is all about... it's not about really the rock, you know, it's about that splash on the rock."
"Everything else can look off, but the eye and nose gotta look immaculate."
"I do get a glimpse of him being a little more focused on this album."
"Dragons and backgrounds are my main subjects though, and that's what I usually draw."
"This camera is all about photography and getting the best possible image that you can."
"I primarily concentrate on composition and light."
"I wasn't caring about what the photo looked like, I was more concerned with the composition."
"The contrast is always with that focus, that light and that dark really makes this one pop nicely."
"The lightest light and the darkest dark should be where your center of interest is."
"The most contrast is going to be on your center of interest."
"I'm obsessed with the eyes, I think they came out so good."