
Performing Arts Quotes

There are 437 quotes

"The notion that you make magic so that people come into the theater and they get an experience beyond what they might otherwise have."
"Performances, though they are performances, shouldn't feel like a performance."
"The show celebrates queer love in a way that Broadway has been waiting for."
"Every time I do this I feel like it's just magic."
"The vocal quality these actors bring to the show... it's very magic."
"Starting with stand-up first really helped me understand the game and the craft and the respect for it."
"Every day there are hundreds of thousands of performers deciding whether to lean into a stereotype they're given or strive for who they feel they are authentically and rarely do those feel like exactly the same thing."
"Troyen deserves an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony."
"Costume design is an art, you know. You try a lot of different things and sometimes the big out-there ideas are usually when they try too big out-there ideas and they work, those are my favorites."
"Brooke was a once-in-a-lifetime talent, snuffed out by Abby and her mother."
"I highly highly recommend chatting with all of the performers here."
"I felt valued now and I think that's very important as a performer."
"Some performers can go through their entire career and never have a night like this."
"You have a thing in you where it literally pushes you to say the joke either at a party or on the sound stage. You literally have timing, you cannot teach it. You can't read about it in a book."
"There's something about the feedback from a live audience that is very special."
"I love doing comedy. There's nothing like getting a laugh."
"We don't need to see ourselves in the performer in the physical sense, we just need to see an element of ourselves in the character."
"Throughout her career, she has earned critical Acclaim for her performances."
"One of the rules is that the sketch must feature something that cannot be done in real life."
"With the legendary Bob Fosse at the helm, the choreography cannot go wrong."
"The opportunity to be in a place where you can just observe and learn and take in and try to look at other techniques and see how things manifest over time from rehearsals to tech to performance is a rare opportunity."
"Everything's cooler when cameras are spinning singing and dancing in unison minute inglese the gift that we need clean maybe's knives are out for this you know like they hate Glee they hate Glee."
"You have to go with it. You have to improv off it."
"My heart just melts when I see a mother and dad take their kids to an audition."
"Bruno's mother migrated from the Philippines to Hawaii and worked as a hula dancer, she met Bruno's musician father when they performed in the same show."
"I love acting, I love writing, I love producing, I love stand-up. But what I love about stand-up is the immediate reaction from an audience. It's real, it's instant, it's gratifying, and scary as [ __ ]."
"It was glorious torture," a reflection on the challenging yet rewarding nature of performance.
"He literally learned to dance and sing starting from zero."
"Diversity is so important to me as an individual and seeing like people of color on stage."
"Michael definitely gives us that opportunity, you know, to connect with people in such an organic and wonderful way through this great art."
"Yeah, we could put on a show - maybe 'Bye Bye Birdie' or 'My Fair Lady'."
"In 1972, David Bowie took all the elements he'd learned about performing arts and fused them together to create a daring new stage persona: Ziggy Stardust."
"He was telling me like with his hour he's gonna like put in the most work and do those clubs before doing the theater. I think that's so smart."
"Once I got off the stage, I also knew that there was no gig that could ever frighten me because I had just done this one."
"It was magical, the people are all the same, it's the same people you did theater with when you're a kid."
"Kae Serinuma is the best female Hamlet in anime."
"After 15 years on the world stage she's achieved legendary status."
"Legally Blonde stands out to me to this day as just one of the best, most fun musical productions I have ever been lucky enough to see in person."
"So next time I watch Miss Yun's opera, I'll be able to take the compliments."
"It was pretty amazing, I think for many reasons. One is that it's so rare that you get to make your Broadway debut in something that you've developed from the very, very beginning."
"Most important is really what an audience takes away from the evening: the music, a gesture, your involvement, your struggle."
"The performance by Annabella is a lesson in just incredible acting. So many colors, so many layers."
"Comedy is a [ __ ] art and you're gonna learn something every time you go on the mat every time you touch that microphone."
"Your dance moves have the power to make people happy, your singing has the power to make people feel at peace, and your smile, it has the power to make people smile too."
"It's a form of Hindu performance art and Indian classical dance that combines comedy exaggerated facial expressions and elaborate costumes with myths Legends and live music."
"For many, D&D feels closer to a sense of truth than traditional acting."
"Robin Williams: widely regarded as one of the most talented and versatile performers of his generation."
"Michael McGrath, a Broadway luminary with a legacy of laughter, whose passion, charisma, and humor enriched the arts for decades."
"The relationship of the performer and audience is crucial."
"Rental arbitrage is not some new thing, struggling actresses and Broadway stars in New York do this all the time."
"The stories though, the costumes, the songs, the dancing, it's all very interesting."
"A gifted performer can move around. Carlin, Pryor, every comic should be going, 'We're all Carlin.'"
"The only thing that really matters is how you're being received by that crowd."
"Look forward to doing more shows with you in the future."
"A performance that truly matters. See it at least once in your lifetime."
"Everybody wants to sing from the president to everybody."
"It's the show that people should be doing if they want to...believe they're good enough."
"For me it's about conquering that first night and getting through and meeting an audience... feeling like you make a connection."
"But while we've known for a while that Kate had the acting chops to pull off this role and others like it, her singing and dancing talents came to prominence a bit later."
"It's fun to be able to be part of that, to take people on that ride."
"I love doing it and I think one of the things that I love about it is that you have these incredible encounters with people."
"The stage is where I feel a thousand percent comfortable being my complete self."
"I like the bunny disappearing, I'ma start around 20 here."
"You know, once upon a time, [__] I was on the stage. That was the biggest one I've ever been on, nobody knew me, so yeah."
"Marco says, 'It is time for the Stars to take the stage.'"
"I find him captivating, emotionally compelling performer."
"Performing has always been a part of Hudson's DNA."
"Thank you for getting vaccinated and wearing a mask and supporting live theater. Theater in New York is the lifeblood and soul of the city."
"This is where I was going to FK this is that John F Kennedy it's a theater school that's all we got."
"I think the stage is always what I'd planned to do."
"Some artists feel like the best part is when I hit that stage."
"He's the one that kind of unleashed that and gave me the opportunity to kind of have fun with that. And I'm also getting more confident in myself as a performer that I think I can do more and more things."
"The world has their eyes on me, and they should."
"I just like to play. I like to play the game. That's why I'm there doing it, because I thoroughly enjoy it."
"Challenging yourself in battle rap takes serious dedication, as crafting new material for each battle is demanding."
"Nobody's going to scoff at your stunts like as legacy is one of the most innovative influential colorful and timeless performers in any weight class is assured."
"Allow yourself to do what you came to do. Be like a singer on stage and just allow yourself to do what you were you came to do."
"Can we just talk about how that show gives me goosebumps every single time I see it?"
"Snoop says starting to perform so young helped him get over his stage fright."
"Jerry was the Balanchine of Broadway choreography...a once-in-a-century talent."
"The opening number is pretty good. The women are looking amazing."
"There was a moment where Dahveed and I were both offstage stage left and we would freestyle together."
"The Phantom: The vocals required from the titular Phantom are incredibly difficult but so rewarding if done right."
"Jean Valjean: The lead role in this intense story of war love life and loss must have an equally intense vocal and acting power."
"To leave the stage without fulfilling their part means that the life of the role and its actor are finished."
"Knucklehunga, but the Lazy Or Longer for short, is her name. She is a South African contortionist who is considered one of the best in the world today."
"The next big goal for me is I want to do a West End show."
"Apparently there was this amazing opera singer named Joanna Wagner. She was the hot ticket in London in 1853."
"Creating a performing arts school for all, regardless of background or income, is my dream."
"He was everything to us and we want you to know how much he loved his fans, performing live and bringing people from all walks of life together with laughter."
"Performing helped me find power, confidence, and happiness."
"Eve sponsored her and gave a good amount of money to the boss of the Pegasus company to have Ramona sing on stage."
"Their skills shine on the stage and earn them a standing ovation, not to mention the parents of the otaku girls are finally proud of them."
"Stand-up comedy scares the [ __ ] out of me."
"There's something about stand up that's like... there's a feeling up there that you get nowhere else."
"All we're asking for is recognition, appreciation for our humanity. We're not these dancing machines."
"Geoffrey Palmer who has done quite a bit of stuff for us recently."
"Sometimes we can just watch a story being played out by some actors, and that can be great and fun."
"It's time to get women on stage... it just changed the game."
"We sing, we dance, and we act, that's right, the triple threat."
"Burlesque is a uniquely healing art form that celebrates the body."
"There's nights where I don't feel like doing it... but when the curtain opens and I feel people's perfume and some are smokers... it's hard. You have to find ways."
"Patty Duke’s breakout role came as a teenager when she was cast as Helen Keller in the Broadway play, The Miracle Worker."
"The most satisfying thing about comedy is instant feedback."
"I love musicals, but I haven't seen all of them."
"When you sing, there's like this vulnerability... there's just nowhere to hide."
"There's a reason she was nominated for that BAFTA, she was awesome."
"Last year, I did 880 shows in six different countries."
"With a charming smile, he walked towards the edge of the stage and squinted into the dark seating."
"Rising star Laurel Griggs lived the dream of countless stage performers: She made it into the cast of a Broadway show."
"Dedication to the art continues to earn admiration and affection from audiences."
"One of the best aspects of the music business is still knowing and performing with people that I performed with 40, 50 years ago."
"From the streets of Venice Beach to the grand stages, Harry is now receiving the well-deserved recognition."
"There's so many reasons why he's considered a great singer and a great dancer."
"But I've been waiting to perform on screen, I've been waiting to sing and dance." - Josh Gad
"Forget Broadway, London's West End is the true pinnacle for stage performers."
"Jackie Chan grew up in a boarding school for Beijing opera where he learned not only martial arts but performance art."
"It's always been my dream to headline a show."
"All of those long hours in the ballet studio lead you to accept this level of uncomfortability that lets you be vulnerable and open with an audience."
"A retelling of the Christmas Story by a narrator and a glorious masked choir accompanied by a 50-piece Orchestra."
"Celebrity narrators: Whoopi Goldberg, Josh Gad, Gloria Stefan, Neil Patrick Harris, Angela Bassett."
"I'm a storyteller or performer. I can either tell a story through music or through film."
"My whole life is theater... I really hope that I get to do that again someday."
"Um, so I'm not gonna ramble. The act I'm putting through is World Taekwondo [Applause]!"
"With its self-aware sense of humor, brilliant satirical songs, and enough talent to rival Broadway, there's a lot to enjoy about this series. I know what it's like to want to fix everyone around you."
"Mel's probably the most naturally gifted improviser I've ever seen."
"I like little scenes like that because like, you know, this is what they were meant to do, you know? This is their craft."
"You're not the only one who sacrificed. But I am the only one without my kid to get a solo."
"Listen, Andrea Grace, we love when we love bringing who you are to the runway, to the stage."
"What motivates you is it getting on stage and you attest you are like in untested waters right."
"Your job as a comedian is to please the most amount of people with your art."
"That's one of the great privileges I think of our job is that we can give dancers an opportunity that perhaps haven't had it before."
"I was Maria on Broadway before all this happened and I am still Maria on Broadway."
"The theater brings us together when everything else is hard in the world."
"This story deserves to be talked about. The musical deserves to be seen."
"At this age, nobody should have to tour and perform, but he did. He needed money."
"Throughout this interview, Rhonda's hand is repeatedly earning applause."
"Acting is not like math where there is only one correct answer to the problem."
"Christian Quad Fleek: An enduring icon of German television and theater."
"Rowan Atkinson's humor and performing style continue to attract and impress audiences."
"My mom put me in dancing and actually when I first started dance I hated it and I would not stop crying for the first half of the year."
"I'm just a rapper. That's what I do. I rap, sing, and dance for a living."
"Eventually things are gonna open. In three weeks, you gotta get back on stage. It's in your blood."
"Everybody wants to hear what you sound like. Sing a song playback."
"I perform for an audience of one and that is God."
"I'm a GD performer, okay? I am a performer, baby!"
"My heart goes out to him because I don't doubt for a second that Ozzy doesn't want with everything that he has to be back up on stage."
"Drama is easy, comedy is hard, dying is easy."
"It really reminded me of how much fun we had being that team rehearsing the plays, you know the camaraderie of the group."
"I just realized that's what I wrote into the script, sorry. But like I said, for the first time in forever, I felt that joy, that passion, that spark for performing again."
"If you've done choir or theater or anything like that, you know what I'm talking about. You get it."
"I'm sorry, thank you for everything. That is a struggle, musical theater, it's a dying generation and the time keeps ticking."
"David shared the stage with the incredibly talented Sheridan Smith, who was cast as Titania."
"Out of all the Performing Arts in the world, magic is the hardest."
"It's important to me to take the Opry on the road where I can."
"You can get scholarships. They're called 'DADA's - Dance and Drama Awards.'"
"This is going to make so many young people excited about doing musical theater and getting into performing arts, and I think that's a beautiful thing when this film can ignite a child's passion for performing."
"They have been a lifeline for Performing Arts across the country today in recognition of their vital importance to our national life."
"Opera is the greatest performing art form in my view."
"I used to watch you at Joe's Pub or 54 below and now I'm at am door now I'm at Marymount Manhattan and that is again better than any type of paycheck or anything that we."
"There's actual research that shows young performers who got to work in film over television became better-adjusted adults, namely due to film being perceived as a higher status, more credible art form."
"Canada has a long and respected performing arts history with a network of regional theaters and world-renowned performing arts companies."
"That's where the best material is for the most part. There's also a tradition the stage has a tradition of work and the tradition of working together that film doesn't have. And it makes for better work I think."
"It was always my plan to be an actor, singer, dancer."
"A new breed of performers started appearing, drawn from fringe theater and red brick universities."
"Megin dance studio was known to every ambitious parent as an entryway to show business."
"Performers are basically insecure people."
"The essence essence of talent the reason why I say Essence the reason they become forers as opposed to accountants or Architects or jet Pilots or truck drivers it's because they have this inherent love to something draws them to the stage."
"What an amazing speech she gave, especially the part about Clooney and George Clooney, you know, the seriousness and the dedication to your art."
"I love musicals too. I saw Billy Elliot. It's the most I've cried ever at any piece of art in my life. Musicals are incredible."
"A community Performing Arts Center that serves Northeast Wisconsin."
"I love auditions at The Next Step. I love the dancing, I love seeing all the talent, I love how fierce and intense it gets."
"It was not running for a hugely long time at Charing Cross theater, but while it was there, I was imploring everyone to go and see this show because I do think it's one of the best new British musicals that has maybe been seen in the last three years."
"Cabaret is the very show that launched my career."
"When you become a guitar player, a drummer, a comedian, an artist, you become a different category of human being."
"Wrestling and dance have common ground."
"I've always wanted to do dance and just express myself through movement, like that ballet, contemporary, just all the different dances."
"she's super talented wow so talented"
"This early taste of applause, no matter how humble, possibly sowed the seeds of her enduring affair with the performing arts."
"My youngest is all about her drama classes and drawing."
"I'm doing this acting class, really loving it."
"I got right on the phone and I said, 'Mr. S, I have found the most wonderful play, and I would give anything to be able to do it. Will you hear me out?'"
"I was very drawn to performing arts classes and writing plays and putting on plays and making home video movies with my friends using the pause button, you know, on the old VHS recorders and just having fun, you know?"
"Theater kid shit, theater kid shit, theater kid shit, inject it directly into my veins!"
"I just want to follow in her footsteps and not only be an amazing dancer but be an amazing singer and storyteller."
"There's nothing higher in the US that's public; this is the one award that is the most meaningful to anybody who's been in the Performing Arts."
"It's moments like their first applause that keep me going as a performer."
"She loved to sing and dance, and she really liked to make her friends feel good."
"We've been doing this since March to raise money for the Actors Fund."
"I'm still doing theater; we're in a theater right now, I'm starting my first day of rehearsal."
"There's so many things you can learn from watching a live performance."
"I feel so lucky to be in the business that I am, to wake up and go into rehearsal, this the best."
"My dream was to be on Broadway, that was my dream because I love to sing and I love to dance."
"I started on Broadway at the age of six."
"My first classic ever was Swan Lake, then Giselle, and I never had a sort of burning desire to hit Sleeping Beauty."
"The ballet experience is not just about the dancers, it's also about the music and the conductor and the orchestra."
"I do a lot of content on Disneyland Paris, Disney Parks worldwide, and a lot of London theater stuff as well."
"She's only got to have the most fantastic character, she's only got to be funny, she's only got to be able to act, she's only got to be able to sing, and she's only got to be able to dance."
"The Sydney Opera House is a famous Performing Arts Center. It is considered one of the most iconic and recognizable buildings in the world."
"You don't wake up in this business and say I've got to get to Topeka; you wake up and you say I've got to get to Broadway."