
Breadmaking Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"At the end of the day, the way I feel about bread is the way I feel about the oven: it's not perfect, but I made it and I feel very accomplished having done both."
"Bread making involved labor-intensive processing that includes de-husking, grinding of cereals, and kneading and baking. The fact that it was actually produced before farming began suggests that it was considered special."
"That's when you know you made a real shit bread, yeah. Like, they don't even know who you are, yes. And that's the coolest thing, man."
"The slower fermentation gives the loaf a nice tang, that signature sourdough flavor."
"Sourdough bread is sort of endless with what you can do with it."
"The longer fermentation, all of the natural flavors coming through, the wild yeast, multiple strains of yeast compared to one strain, it's like unlocking another dimension in your bread."
"Learn how to make bread this year. Bread is not hard to make."
"Some bread is very easy to make, but most breads require actual technique and actual willingness to measure stuff."
"It's surprisingly simple. It's a great recipe for beginners who are just trying to get into bread making."
"...the smaller amount of yeast, the longer the fermentation, the better the quality of the bread."
"The magic of having just some flour, a bit of yeast and salt, and water to become a loaf of bread, that's where mastering the dough is something you understand."
"...it's all about developing flavor too much things in our life were in a hurry for so if you can give your bread as much time as you can and realistically the amount of work you have to put in it's very very minimal."
"...now on our quest to rebuild civilization from scratch, probably one of the most crucial building blocks will be some bread."
"Stretching and folding generally always makes a better loaf of bread."
"Making fresh bread is the most fulfilling thing as a homemaker."
"I love baking all the time, my new passion right now is making bread and butter."
"In Tuscany, the art of bread-making is more than just a craft—it's a labor of love that begins with the land and ends with warm, crusty loaves."
"Now let's talk about how people bake sourdough bread."
"Why buy a bread making machine? My friend bought one and I saw how good it was."
"Overproofing is because the gluten is starting to get broken down by the protease enzyme. It's essentially like it's melting the loaf while the yeast is still trying to rise the loaf."
"'Remember this! In bread making, when your dough is hard; your bread will later would also be hard.'"
"We deal in principles, bread making principles to help you make amazing bread at home."
"The more you go, the more this is going to turn into a nice smooth pillow."
"If you're going to make ornamental scoring a part of your bread baking experience you should invest in a nice lame. It makes a meaningful difference in your ability to create striking loaves."
"The secret to delicious soft fluffy rolls or any type of bread: make the dough as sticky as you can handle it."
"Knowing how to make our own bread is very much food security and self-reliance."
"Bulk fermentation is the beginning of something."
"...let this sit and rest in a warm spot for an hour..."
"People found dehydrated starter in the pyramids in Egypt; it was 3,500 years old and they reactivated it and made bread out of it."
"It's been four hours since that morning feeding one one one, take a look at the starter, it's more than doubled and that's beautiful."
"Honey is my sweetener of choice, and it's so easy to use particularly in yeasted breads."
"Gluten... is very critical when making yeasted breads."
"If you can make your own bread, it's really going to make a difference."
"A lot of you have been asking me for a Sourdough sandwich bread, so I'm delivering that to you today."
"With this handy bread maker, you can enjoy a large range of gluten-free, whole wheat, French bread, rice bread, Japanese soft bread, and so on."
"Natural yeast and getting a culture ready for leavening bread is all about fermentation."
"Making this particular bread is a very grounding experience because it's so wholesome and simple at the end of the day: flour, water, and salt."
"Let your bread be as individual as you."
"We're going to do a rosemary focaccia bread."
"If you're gonna take your pizza-making or your bread making to the next level, it's really important to start to understand what this exact W factor is."
"This dough rose really well, and now comes my favorite part of all bread making."
"This is how we made bread four and a half thousand years ago; absolutely nothing has changed."
"Guys, I'm just so freaking proud of this bread."
"That's a really nice looking loaf, you definitely don't want to slam it."
"Always look for a nice soft dough when making baguettes."
"Sometimes the best loaves are the ones that are right on the edge of overproofing."
"We're their descendants, so I think that's a very good thing to look to how they prepared these breads."
"Bread making is meditative, truly."
"Bread is very difficult to bake if it's too cold outside."
"For a standard loaf of bread made with half a kilo of flour, you'll likely use around 12 to 14 grams of your fresh yeast."
"You can pat yourself on the back because that means you just made this wonderful bread."
"It's hard to convey just how much work would be needed to make a single loaf of bread."
"That is a really nicely proofed loaf."
"But that is really a beautifully proofed loaf."
"That is really fully proofed right up to the edges, really nice."
"That's kind of the classic open, irregular crumb that you see with the Tartine loaf."
"I see the nice distribution of small, medium, and large holes."
"This is pushing towards overproofing but not bad; some people would say this is a beautifully proofed, fully proofed loaf."
"That's a beautifully proofed loaf at 90 degrees Fahrenheit, 32 degrees Celsius."
"The gluten is starting to break down, the gluten starting to weaken."
"I think it's just the right amount of the cinnamon sugar to the white bread, not overly sweet, just enough."
"Baking bread requires a combination of precise ingredients and careful execution to achieve that perfect fluffy loaf."
"Keep in mind that when you are cooking with wheat flour... with a five-pound bag of white flour you can make five loaves of bread."
"Some breads take a long time to make."
"You should see that your Levain is floating in the water; that's a good sign it means it's ripe and active."
"We're gonna get these bread machines goin' again."
"It's so light and good, the French people know how to make bread."
"That's the tandoor, that is the clay oven, that is where all the amazing breads are made."
"I want to learn how to make bread, especially sourdough bread, I want to make my own bread."
"I think a lot of you have also asked me for is can you actually prove bread in there now."
"There's more than meets the eye, the problem with a baguette is the kind of density in the bread is what makes the big difference between the home-style bread that you cook and the amazing bread you get in the French boulangerie."
"There's something so incredibly rewarding about baking your own bread."
"Making bread is definitely something that I love doing during lockdown."
"Making your own bread is so simple, you can literally have a loaf of bread on your table in one hour."