
Erasure Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The impulse to erase the history is specifically an instinct of those who wish to fictionalize what happened in order to make it sound much worse than it actually was."
"Let's talk about the erasure of women on International Women's Day."
"Surely it cannot be a great sign for Palestinians that the map Netanyahu held up during that speech, entitled the New Middle East, completely erases the Palestinian territories."
"The history of Crimea has been very successfully obliterated."
"It speaks eloquently of the guilt Henry almost certainly felt about Anne, that after her death, he ordered all of her emblems and all images of her to be removed from royal residences, and no one ever heard him speak of her again."
"It's history as aesthetic, and it's erasure of history and priceless art and stories."
"A moment that sadly due to later events involving his opponent has largely been scrubbed from company history."
"If history is gone, it's as if it never happened."
"We have been so erased from this country that it's a matter of playing catch-up when it comes to these statues that represents our involvement in the building of this country."
"Why eradicate the historical record of a person?"
"There's no actual logistical way to just scrub something out of the history books like that."
"There is a worrisome element of erasure here in not saying something about it."
"Black history has been overlooked, minimized, or even worse, erased."
"The question that arises: how did such impressive and practical knowledge become so effectively erased from human history?"
"It just makes you think about how many pieces of human history either have been erased or are unknown."
"Nels brought up Stephanie's name multiple times... but it was intentionally wiped from the records."
"Chainsaw Man can completely erase any devil and all fears associated with that devil simply by eating them."
"Only the hand that erases can write the true thing."
"Anyone who had doubts about what The Stones were up to after 'Satanic Majesties Request' had those doubts erased by Beggars Banquet."
"So we're trying to not do what others have attempted to do to us, and that is to erase us."
"Ironically enough, it's the people who are using that phrase or who championed that phrase are erasing other people from the conversation."
"Every trace of the crime washed away by the flood."
"I feel like there should be some kind of Men in Black eraser that once you get this knowledge you know you can't take it with you, but I'm taking it [__] with me."
"That guy died in the house fire... So okay, all that was erased."
"Bi erasure is a huge problem and it's just as problematic as internalized homophobia."
"Their roles have been airbrushed out of the record."
"This op, it's time for you to get angry. Bi erasure is a huge problem and it's just as problematic as internalized homophobia."
"To this day, it's still difficult for descendants of enslaved Africans to find out anything about their ancestry, as most on slave ships were just given numbers, their origins and names erased."
"No more Kevin permanently written on the board."
"They just erased all of their personalities."
"There continues to be this erasure of contemporary First Nations people, as if that process of colonialism was supposed to not only take over all of the land but completely eradicate all of the human beings."
"Get rid of all the photos, get rid of all the videos, like to me that's the equivalent I guess is like erasing everything."
"Erasing history cuz it's not hip is never a good look."
"The idea that there's this one true culture or one true religion is a form of erasure."
"Water is the most powerful element on the planet. I mean, it'll erase anything."
"He was erased. Like he never existed."
"The government's not just locking up living gang members but also expunging all trace of those who've died, destroying their graves, dismantling their legacy."
"We've effectively erased the type."
"He basically erased Andre Roussimoff almost... to replace himself with that character."
"I have erased the pages where your tears were recorded in red ink."
"When they say they have existence erasure in Yu-Gi-Oh, and they're going to erase somebody, it's pretty concrete. Like, no, this dude no longer exists."
"Black people have essentially become erased from the historical mainstream."
"That is a great example actually of history being erased and one of my favorite queer historians Claire Balding has said that there's queer histories basically for the shredder."
"My beauty is so tremendous it has to be edited out of magazines and movements, whitewashed from history, evacuated from sermons, streets, and schools just to prove that it does not exist."
"You kill the woman and you wipe out the past she represents."
"The restorer erases everything on your phone: pictures, messages, mail, contacts, apps, and everything will be gone," I explain patiently.
"Black contributions were never recorded even though their achievements were inspiring."
"It's as though someone is trying to erase this man from history."
"What was so valuable that it wasn't enough just to keep it a secret, it wasn't enough to take it away. They had to erase the man from history?"
"All that has been erased in the last 50 years... there is nothing left of it except false histories and hagiographies."
"Erasure was a very, very important part of late 20th-century modernist thinking."
"Imagine being so powerful and influential that the world government had to erase you from all history books."
"In the end, no goody little two-shoes Barry forgave him and then vibrated away his living paradox powers, erasing him from existence, though not entirely."
"By erasing their names they were denying them immortality."
"To erase someone from history from their present can have irreparable damage on their future and past."
"The line between mental illness and sanity is steadily and systematically being erased."
"You can't learn from the past if you try to erase it."
"People simply disappeared, always during the night. Your name was removed from the registers, every record of everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten."
"To continue participating in the erasure and the oppression of people from historically marginalized groups instead of incorporating, validating, and celebrating who they are in these institutional spaces, then we do a disservice to ourselves and to our world."
"The Chainsaw Devil has a special power: whatever devil it eats has their names and their entire being erased from existence."
"Seneca Village's history was all but erased."
"Stealing our hairstyles, our food, our culture is a continuation of that erasure because we still aren't being fully credited for things we championed."
"I should have expected my existence to have been somehow erased from the outside world."
"Erasing people's culture is genocide."
"We keep hearing about things and they eradicate Africans out of history, and we were a major part of history."
"Censorship opens the door to modify and erase anything."
"The best eraser in the world is time travel."
"He promises that he will erase him along with the world, and that his existence will serve as a gravestone for the three realms that he's currently supporting."
"The snow had stopped during the night, but not before it had obliterated all sign of their passage to the hollow under the tree."
"The confluence of factors that converge to make black women and girls the most vulnerable of all women to state violence also conspire to erase their loss of life."
"Johan is trying to erase the memory of his existence."
"It is almost as if we were never meant to know that Akhenaten had existed."
"Censorship's an issue 'cause they choose what they erase."
"Destroy any footprints on dirt or mud or audio recordings."
"It's better in the office where it can be done in seven seconds. That's all it takes to erase an event."
"Can you imagine how badly this third successor must have disliked the queen to have her practically erased from history?"
"Most of the facts about the Cossacks have been erased from our history."
"If you don't tell somebody about your history, they're going to erase you out the history."
"Her successor tried to erase her from history."
"The devils that Chainsaw Man eats, their names are erased from existence."
"A lot of them are overlooked and a lot of that is because of the erasure that the dominant society tries to do of foundation of black American culture."
"Erasing our powers is erasing our identity."
"The age in which they reached the pinnacle of the glory so dazzling in achievements that Western and Arab writers felt compelled to erase it."