
Liver Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Liver is a multivitamin in a food matrix. It is so extraordinary."
"Liver: the detoxifier, protecting the body from toxins."
"Liver is the most nutrient-dense superfood on the planet."
"The most nutrient-dense food on the planet is probably liver."
"The liver is an unsung hero of the body."
"Intermittent fasting works because it gives your liver a chance to offload what it's already stored."
"Liver fat is the baddest guy in all of medicine."
"The liver is really Ground Zero for why we have this phenomenon of insulin resistance."
"Every which way you turn, the answer comes back to the liver. Fix the liver."
"The liver doesn't care if you juice it at home."
"Fructose recapitulates all the damage that alcohol does to your liver without the buzz."
"Adopting an intermittent fasting plan such as OMAD can stimulate a process called autophagy, facilitating the removal of old and damaged liver tissues, promoting liver cell health."
"A healthy liver is a cornerstone of overall well-being, influencing various aspects of our physiological functioning from fat digestion to nutrient absorption and regulation."
"Bile, a crucial liver secretion, plays a vital role in regulating cholesterol levels in the body."
"Glutathione plays a pivotal role in safeguarding your entire body from free radical damage, making it crucial for maintaining a healthy liver."
"Your liver is a remarkably resilient organ capable of self-repair and restoration even after experiencing liver disease."
"Saturated fats are linked with fatty liver."
"Cruciferous vegetables have a chemical in them that actually help the liver cells rebuild themselves."
"The liver regenerates at a very, very fast pace."
"There are some reasons why a clinician might order LFTs to get an idea of what is happening at the liver."
"Keeping your liver in Top Flight condition is tantamount to promoting metabolic health."
"If you have high cholesterol, the first thing I want you to think is your liver needs some love. Let's support the liver, it's making cholesterol."
"In general, we need to think liver when we think high cholesterol, especially before we get on a statin because we know that the brain needs."
"The human liver is the busiest organ of the body. It has over 500 functions, and not all of them are even clear to the scientists."
"Making sure to drink enough water daily is a simple yet effective way to keep your liver in good condition, promoting better health and well-being."
"Consuming excessive amounts of sugar, including fructose, can lead to fatty liver and inflammation."
"Prioritizing a diet rich in whole foods and protective nutrients is key to maintaining a healthy liver and overall well-being."
"While salt is commonly associated with elevated blood pressure, it can also inflict damage on various parts of the body, including the liver."
"What are the causes of malabsorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins? It could be a problem in the liver, such as cirrhosis."
"The liver is an organ that sits in the right side of the abdomen just under the lower ribcage."
"If your liver is glycogen depleted, fructose can help you replete your glycogen faster."
"Flax oil helps the liver function; you can take it throughout the day, especially if you have issues with digesting fats."
"The whole metabolic problem with the liver is this imbalance of energy, too much energy in, relative to the ability of the hepatocyte, the liver to oxidize the energy."
"If your liver is overwhelmed and you push it too hard, then it can't catch them all, it starts to falter."
"He says if they consume only proteins, it will harm the liver's Health."
"So if we have an issue with the liver, then we can have some problems."
"Opting for lean protein sources like poultry, fish, legumes, and plant-based proteins can help reduce the burden on the liver while providing essential nutrients."
"Engage in 10 minutes of daily high-intensity interval training to trigger liver healing and aid in the removal of fatty deposits and toxins."
"Green tea isn't just a refreshing beverage, it's a Powerhouse of health benefits for your liver."
"Processed foods are typically reassembled with unhealthy additives, significantly straining liver function."
"Limit alcohol and toxins; alcohol is a well-known irritant to the liver, and reducing its consumption is vital."
"Fructose must be absorbed in the liver. It rapidly turns to liver fat."
"Taking care of your liver by removing the toxic load in your body can be really freaking powerful in helping you just feel really good and feel really healthy."
"Reduction or stoppage of bile flow disorders of the liver bile duct or pancreas can cause cholestasis."
"Your liver will regenerate, rehabilitate itself into a healthier state."
"We have different ways of grading how much scarring is in the liver."
"What you can see here is a group of liver cells here in a normal liver... what happens is quite remarkable."
"When your liver starts to get unhealthy and infiltrated with fat, you will see a dramatic increase in the post-meal triglyceride levels."
"Liver is an extraordinarily nutritious food and no one should avoid it for any reason."
"The liver magically regenerates itself."
"The liver is really good at regenerating."
"The liver is an awesome organ though, that thing regenerates."
"The hepatic lobule is roughly hexagonal, outlined by connective tissue and by portal tracts."
"The hepatocytes are arranged around a central vein, forming an arrangement of plates or cords."
"The liver is commonly said to be the largest organ in the body if you don't count the skin."
"The liver is in fact a giant biochemical factory involved in all kinds of metabolic reactions."
"Glutathione's primary role is to aid the liver in the detoxification of environmental pollutants and toxicants."
"Both the pancreas and the liver produce important secretions that will enter the duodenum of the small intestine."
"The liver also has an important role in metabolism."
"The liver detoxifies drugs, metabolites, hormones, and toxins being processed here before they enter into the bloodstream."
"Toxins are removed from the body through our liver and kidneys."
"Liver is a great organism because it can repair itself."
"The liver has a tremendous capacity to regenerate."
"Your liver is a powerhouse with five key functions that greatly affect how you look and feel."
"Liver is literally one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet."
"The great thing about the liver is that it's regenerative."
"If your liver is beautiful and healthy, it's just nice rich dark red with no unusual bits and pieces on it."
"The liver has over 500 jobs to do in the body, so you've got to make sure you're treating it nicely and that it's working optimally."
"Every day is beef liver day, as you know, beef liver is Nature's multivitamin."
"Avoid drinking too much alcohol or hard liquor because it may cause damage to your liver."
"The hepatocyte is the functional unit of the liver, that's where the biochemical processing is going on."
"The liver breaks down toxins and this is also true for drugs."
"The purpose of the liver biopsy nowadays is to demonstrate whether or not you have cirrhosis."
"Let me introduce you to the liver, one of the largest organs of the body."
"Your body does not see the food you eat; it depends on what the liver does with it."
"The liver will turn carbohydrate into fat, it will turn protein into carbohydrate; it does magic things."
"Insulin resistance in the liver was quite different to the rest of the body and it seemed to be mainly determined by fat."
"NAC was classified as a drug and they used it for lung disease and they still use it for acetaminophen overdose because it can significantly impact the liver."
"The liver has an almost miraculous ability to regenerate and rejuvenate and renew itself."
"The liver is a large organ that is on the right side of your body under your ribcage, does a lot of work for the body, and is very important in metabolism."
"A healthy liver should have less than 5% fat content."
"Anything that causes inflammation can lead to scarring of the liver."
"The liver ensures the smooth flow of Qi and stores blood for menstruation."
"The liver has high regenerative capacity."
"The liver within the course of about three to six months will regenerate completely."
"The lesson of the day is your liver is awesome, so how about we take care of it."
"Your liver will completely regenerate itself."
"The liver is responsible for detoxifying your body."
"The liver is the giver, meaning the liver stores the nutrients to give to the body in times of need."
"Desiccated liver... contains 80% protein, it is extremely nutrient dense."
"The liver is one of the few things that actually grows back."
"Coffee has been linked to reduced likelihood of developing liver cancer rates and reverses fatty liver disease."
"The primary organ involved in metabolism or biotransformation is the liver."
"The caudate lobe is independent of the rest of the liver and is often spared during many disease processes that affect the rest of the liver."
"The liver plays an essential role in maintaining blood glucose levels."
"The liver being one of the biggest organs in our body serves as one of the powerhouses of our body as well."
"The liver produces a lot, in fact half of the lymph found in the body."
"The liver is responsible for filtering blood, metabolizing what it can, storing what it needs to, and transforming other toxins for excretion."
"The liver secretes bile that contains digestive salts and hydrogen carbonate."
"The liver... produces bile which will help digestion in the stomach."
"Hepatitis B is actually the leading cause of liver cancer around the world."
"Cirrhosis means scarring of the liver."
"Physiological jaundice is due to an immature liver."