
Financial Choices Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"$882,000 is the price that I paid for being happy, for being able to indulge myself on all the luxury items that I've bought over the past 40 years. It's worth it. It is. It's worth it."
"Would you rather have right now a half a million dollar cash I give you... or would you rather take an income stream, guaranteed of $100,000 over 20 years?"
"If you're willing to make an investment that's going to have a lower return but it's going to result in doing good, my God, go at it."
"My body, my choice. Completely agreed. My wallet, my choice. Also completely agreed."
"Every time you got a hot little dollar or peso a yen or a yuan in your hand you have the power to determine what you do with it."
"Your financial situation can be altered by the decisions that you make on how you spend or invest your money."
"At this point, you have a choice: master your ability to grow wealth or decide what to do with your money."
"I'd rather throw money away chasing God then chasing all of this other stuff."
"Would you rather have that jpeg for 130 million dollars or the farm plus the yacht plus your own island plus your own apartment plus a Bugatti plus a chopper plus 157 bitcoin?"
"Five dollars is the difference between having a meal and having a roof over your head and not."
"Living in your car and getting a gym membership so you can have shower facilities and such is cheaper than paying rent, that's really flipping sad."
"You're choosing between paying rent and putting food on the table."
"Would you rather get paid a million dollars right now or $6 every month for the rest of your life?"
"I'm just saying if I know this is where I'm going and my numbers going to drop and I know I'm not going to sign to Max then it can't be about money at this point with him."
"We can vote with our dollars, we can vote with our choices."
"All money ain't good money. If you're taking unhealthy money, you're being paid by a white supremacist."
"Shout out to all of the ladies that's going out here and getting their BBLs instead of paying their rent. You some kind of special."
"When you deposit your money in a big bank... give your money something good to do."
"Couldn't she have handed out 4,800 lunch pails to the homeless instead of spending all those dollars on a jumpsuit?"
"You can't drink alcohol until you're 21, but if you want to go $250K in debt, go ahead."
"As long as you keep in mind your overall goal and what's driving you, I do think it's 100 worth it."
"Would you take $100,000 wired to you right now or a coin flip for 10 million?"
"It's still a lot of money, but it's better than gambling your life away."
"So yeah if you have more kids it doesn't make sense to go out and spend 300 at Outback when you could buy groceries right."
"I'd rather have $2,000 left than to have $200,000 and be a coward."
"Rich people have a choice with where to put their money. For poor people, it's actually surprisingly difficult."
"There are a lot of things that you can spend money on."
"So now you start to make this money and now you have three options with this money. You can go out and you can spend this money, you can invest this money, or you can save this money."
"Let's say you get a couple of thousand right, people thinking I'mma use that for my bills. Well, why not use it to take a trip?"
"You really have three choices: cash, treasuries, or buying the dip in stocks."
"Your refusal to choose a less expensive trip for at least one of these vacations shows that you clearly value fancy vacations over family and compassion."
"Totally spend that money on our aquarium no hesitation."
"You vote with your dollars, so whatever you decide to put your money into is kind of like your vote towards that energy towards that specific thing or idea."
"I'd rather be flat broke than get money to do something that makes me feel like [bleep]."
"This is the reason you spend the extra money over a standard truck."
"Quality of life... I'd rather be happy making less money than miserable making more."
"If given the choice between spending £150 on a gym membership or on these shorts, choose the gym."
"You could put a deposit on a house, buy a house without a mortgage, get yourself a nice flat, uh buy a couple of decent cars or go on a world Cruise, you could do all of those things."
"The whole reason in investing, and that's why a part of... Because people will roast me for this, but it's the reason a lot of the poor stay poor is because when you are poor, you have to buy the cheaper option because you don't have the money."
"There's a risk of you making really poor financial choices or not following through with some type of plan because you're feeding a lot of energy into frustration."
"When a dollar comes into our possession, there's only three things that we can choose to do with it: we can give it away, we can save it, or we can spend it."
"It's like with education, you're going to be in debt anyway, but with a trip to the Bahamas, you get a trip to the Bahamas."
"Ask hard questions: Are you trading your life for money? If so, what can you do to change it?"
"I prefer to spend extravagantly on the things I love and cut costs mercilessly on the things I don't."
"Money has no shortage of choices of places to go and people to enrich."
"Spend your money on what makes you happy."
"This is truly a labor of love, y'all. A labor of love not only for my home, I love my home, right? A labor of love for my money because I like to choose what I spend thousands of dollars on."
"I rejected a six-figure contract and I was sick to my stomach over it."
"I'm very happy that you're picking to pay for your child over buying art online."
"I'm not into the debt lifestyle; I'm not here owing money."
"I would only take less money to have more freedom."