
Political Cooperation Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"I really believe that we have a chance to get along very well with the Democrats."
"That's pretty expansive stuff right there. This is what we were talking about. Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, people coming together and doing the people's work."
"We're working with Republican and Democrat leadership to move an economic package."
"I think it's true in the devolved authorities... they do want to find Solutions."
"I think bipartisanship is an incredibly important step."
"This is one of the few bipartisan things that I know of."
"The pressure will be on you and the Republicans to go along with turning the page and looking forward."
"For America to succeed, our politics must find common ground."
"We face serious challenges, and meeting them must start with a willingness to be honest, to listen to one another, to lower the political temperature, and to seek lasting solutions."
"We're often told Democrats and Republicans can't work together. But over the past 2 years, we proved the cynics and naysayers wrong."
"We need a senator who will work with the president where we can and stand up to him where we must."
"It's refreshing to see that there is something that does have bipartisan support."
"I don't want to give up on the idea that there are some efforts that... could be undertaken on a potentially bipartisan basis."
"I'm a hardcore libertarian that doesn't matter if the American experiment itself is on the line I am more than happy to go team up with a Bernie Sanders you know Democrat that's the antithesis of my world view if it means protecting our country."
"If the other side of the aisle is willing to come together around those issues then there will be opportunity."
"There is a precedent here for lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to put aside the deep-seated partisanship in this town so that they can get something done."
"Relief is needed. So, I am encouraging again everyone to come together. Let's wrap this up. We need to get it done by the end of the year."
"We are going to have to work with people whose politics don't always line up with ours, and that is okay."
"This bill could very well be a glimmer of what happens when people decide to work together... instead of shouting across the aisles."
"Democrats immediately joined Mr. Trump's call for two thousand dollars."
"Two parties working together to solve problems shouldn't be such a radical concept."
"I'm ready to work with any Republican who wants to help solve the problem and make the situation better."
"Let's set party interests aside and work to pass a budget that replaces reckless cuts with smart savings."
"The Constitution makes us not rivals for power but partners for progress."
"I think the sad thing was is that I think largely we're going, if like we want to keep having what I would consider like democratic wins, like leftists and liberals have to work together."
"Just because we don't agree on politics doesn't mean we can't work together."
"So I think the main takeaway there is we could have a solution but the smoothness or lack of smoothness with the transition is dependent upon politicians being intelligent and working together."
"Let us resolve we will stand together Republicans, Democrats, and Independents against those who would destroy our republic."
"In times of national challenge, Americans must unite together and put politics aside for a common good."
"There's a great bipartisan effort going on... it's down the line."
"Happy to work with almost any other GOP that aren't trying to get me killed." - AOC
"I'll work with anybody that wants to help this country. I don't want them to have to go through what I went through to get where I am. Thank God I'm blessed..."
"It's always difficult every single time one of these happens, and it is a horrific tragedy."
"This might be one of the few bipartisan areas in modern history where we might actually be able to get something done."
"Common sense dictates that Democrats and Republicans should be working together to find common ground."
"These are people from all over the political spectrum willing to come together for the things that they agree on."
"But we did it without all but a few Republicans being able to come across and vote for it."
"I do firmly believe that in the end... the Republicans and the Democrats will be able to work together." - Josh
"This is exactly the kind of bipartisan cooperative effort that you should see out of this Congress." - Clay Higgins
"It is important to engage in this coalition political building and not to forget that this isn't something we're starting, it's the continuation of something we've been doing for over a century."
"Members from both sides of the aisle coming together, politics set aside."
"We got things done, we didn't agree on much of anything but we got things done."
"Bipartisan support is important, but compromising on key issues can lead to spinning your tires."
"Many other Optimate Senators had similarly resigned themselves to working with Caesar."
"We're called to be salt and light and to delay the decay."
"The problem solvers are moderate democrats and moderate republicans, yes they're bipartisan oh boy they are not playing games."
"If we don't put all of the political divisions aside and come together for rights and justice."
"If we come out of this willing to do things differently, willing to come together across party lines, then maybe we can do things that actually help move the country forward."
"He believes in having bipartisanship... to get big things done."
"Tonight I am extending an open hand to work with members of both parties."
"We've got to be able to compromise with people who don't agree with us 100% of the time. Otherwise, we're not going to get anything done."
"It's time now for everybody our country to come together whether it's Republican or Democrat or liberal or conservative."
"Thank you for those real solutions that's what we should focus on and it should be bipartisan."
"I just hope that all the politicians of all parties will pull together for the sake of the country."
"We should be working together in a bipartisan way to modernize our broken immigration system."
"If there's any area of domestic policy where it's possible to get together, it's on this."
"If Republicans are willing to work with us to address that crisis, welcome, let's do it. But what we cannot do is wait weeks and weeks and months and months to go forward. We have got to act now." - Bernie Sanders
"I actually kind of get a sense that Europe is as united as it's ever been on this front."
"You guys actually want to work with the other side."
"We’ve worked in a very bipartisan way all along."
"Bipartisan support, Democrats and Republicans giving support back to their people."
"Democrats would have had to work with him... they would have."
"Find something in common with somebody on the other side of the aisle."
"In a time before compromise was a dirty word, when political parties worked together, he was a master of negotiation, always able to find common ground."
"Anything that we do in a bipartisan way is lasting."
"You need the support of the entire political spectrum in America to get things done."
"This idea of uniting the left and the right around animal rights has been successful for years."
"As an Irish Republican, I pledge cooperation and genuine honest effort with all those colleagues of a British unionist tradition."
"As the government no longer has authority to carry on business without the agreement of the opposition, we shall facilitate any business which requires the agreement of the opposition so that the dissolution can take place at the very earliest opportunity."
"I want the Republicans off the sidelines. I want them working with us to solve problems facing working families -- not to score points."
"I'm committed to working with both the Democrats and the Republicans."