
Content Improvement Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"When people ask this question, and they do genuinely ask it, 'How do I make viral content?' This is my answer, 'Aim to improve on your previous content by one or 2%.'"
"Give me some feedback on what you want to see, what you didn't necessarily need to see, and so we can make these videos as useful and informative and, more importantly, help you make smart buying decisions."
"I want to provide criticism and feedback and tips and advice for your videos."
"Every step you take towards making good content is just making you a better creator."
"You could see that after the sale in 2011, the content started to increase in quality."
"If you disliked it, let me know why so I can become a better content creator."
"Commitment to improving content and engaging with viewers."
"I want to lift up the highlights... now fine toggle on and off, I've really brought the brightness of his face up."
"Just keep doing more of what you did with Season 2."
"If there's any concepts or ideas that you feel we missed, tell us about them in the comments below."
"Is this something that you would like to see more of?"
"It really is appreciated and actually it's gonna go towards a new graphics card because I do need a new graphics card to improve the smoothness of my videos."
"I always try to get feedback from my audience."
"Your feedback matters, let me know what you want to see next!"
"Was there anything that you think we missed? Feel free to let us know in the comments down below."
"I'm always looking for feedback to improve these videos."
"You want constraints that are conducive towards making the content better and less effort putting towards on social media."
"I always want to try to make better and better quality videos for you guys."
"Now, the most important next step that I think Grace should take within her videos, and this applies to you watching very much so, is invite interaction."
"I like that they added the write-ups as it feels like we're getting a lot more insight about gameplay."
"Analyzing your own content... incredibly useful... helps you grow."
"I think that would surely elevate the level of quality in your content."
"There's no better way to understand exactly what your audience wants than to literally just ask them."
"Transitions definitely help make your videos more interesting to watch."
"When you guys comment it makes me more informed it makes these videos better."
"Strive to learn a new editing technique every single time you post a video."
"That's it for the video guys, hope you enjoyed it. If you did, go ahead link on down below let me know what you did. If you're not, leave a comment down below letting me know what I can do to get better."
"It's nice to see a title which makes a bit more sense than previous titles."
"This game visually looks appealing, and I think with just more content stuff, the game could be amazing."
"Every video is gonna have an animated intro now, every single one."
"I promise you I'm gonna try harder to make sure I'm doing right by you and by me."
"I just felt like I made it...it motivates me to keep going and I feel like my videos have gotten actually a lot better since I moved in here so I'm happy with it."
"What can we do to even make our videos better? We always want to be improving and being better than the next day."
"I think with this tighter pace in this new version it doesn't feel like that much of an issue."
"Past a certain income level I'm just going to be using this money to filter back into the quality of the stream, the quality of the productions."
"Regular live streams are great for building community, but consider refining your title and thumbnails for better engagement."
"Christmas is and always was a celebration of the birth of Christ. It is a purely Christian holiday."
"It really means a lot, and I'm looking forward to making my content better for you guys."
"Hopefully, going forward, it'll be more engaging and more interesting and get you guys involved a bit more as well."
"This segment is a direct result of an effort to make the show more interactive."
"Iterating over this process again and again will not only improve your content but also result in more avenues for potential viewers to find you."
"It's all about... making content that's better than it was yesterday."
"If I got any facts wrong or if there was something in there you didn't like technically or entertainment wise, please leave it in the comments below and tell me so I could improve."
"All of your ideas have really made my content so much better over the last five months. Thanks for contributing."
"The more time that passes, the better the Season 2 battle pass becomes."
"He's really open to justified criticism, and it does seem like he really wants to improve his content as his channel grows."
"Continue to improve and update your content over time."
"Improving as a whole is what makes you as a Creator grow on YouTube and potentially even go viral."
"If there's something we missed, maybe there's a special item someplace that we didn't know about, please comment down below, and we would love to try it."
"...better and better with each video."
"All the feedback you guys give me is really, really helpful to making better content."
"Thank you so much for sticking with us, your continued support and views, while we continue to try to improve our content analysis and video production is appreciated."
"Go do these things; it's going to make your content so much better."
"It goes back to constructive criticism, right? You can sit there and tell me you don't like the Game Over Greggy show because this topic wasn't well thought out, that you didn't like how I delivered this point."
"I'm always trying to teach my students the joy of cutting. Everything can be cut by 50% and it's automatically improved."
"I think that her content would improve a lot if in some videos she was compassionate towards narcissists."
"Once I hit that 2,000 subscribers, I swear I saw my content went up a notch."
"We're a team of people who make human mistakes; we're gonna continue to improve content as the years continue."
"Making improvements to your content."
"We're not reinventing the wheel here, just little tweaks here and there to make the videos more accessible to people, more packed with information."
"I could take my classic playthroughs, upgrade them, make them look better, make them sound better, put them into half an hour segments, add thumbnails, and make a more digestible, modernized viewing experience."
"Don't look at those SERP features as threats, they are opportunities for you to make your content even better and more appealing."
"Feels so good to have a little bit more space, a little better lighting and video quality for you guys."
"We've actually seen Linus Tech Tips content improve and they've also been keeping their mistakes to a minimum."
"I've been trying to amp up the quality of my videos."