
Creative Advice Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"When people ask this question, and they do genuinely ask it, 'How do I make viral content?' This is my answer, 'Aim to improve on your previous content by one or 2%.'"
"Create stories with your images. It's very important."
"An original is always worth more than a copy."
"Change up your angles... go the extra mile to get that unique story."
"Trying to draw actual expressions onto a ton of background characters every single time is always just a massive pain. Work smarter not harder. Cover your grunt characters' faces, that's my advice."
"I think you fit perfectly into the space of being able to paint pictures of reality."
"You don't have to keep taking on that same story over and over and over."
"You should make the videos you used to make."
"Don't let people deter you from making the kind of videos you want to make."
"Don't let gear be your excuse for not creating good content."
"You don't need to show everything in your workshop. Think in terms of storytelling."
"The secret here is it's a lot easier than you think, it's basically glazing."
"Just get one [Wacom tablet] as opposed to using the mouse, it'll make your Photoshop work so much better."
"I think that's such good advice i mean i say this over and over that if someone's um creating things like trying to let actual explanation to people play some role in that so the idea of just filming it that seems like the most direct form."
"Create backgrounds that match or distinguish from the platform to stand out." 🎨
"The best way to avoid tokenism is multiple characters."
"Just tell good stories and the rest will attend to itself."
"Never force the camera to do anything it doesn't want to do. Always ask for consent before you do it."
"The more bad paintings you get out, the closer you'll get to that one good painting again."
"Going back to basics and simplifying the stories would seem like a really good idea."
"Write what you know," said Jules Verne. "Your wife is going to meet a very god fearing man and we'll leave you."
"You don't need to contrive a drastic surprise out of nowhere just to shock your audience."
"Expensive supplies don't make you draw better...draw with anything."
"A good thing to always keep in mind is story."
"In order to be a great artist, you got to have those intangibles... you gotta be able to take people to all types of different emotions."
"Follow the music... make your video flow well."
"Just make sure that you've got enough on there that is speaking to you and making your painterly eye nice and happy."
"Not just hone in on your craft but say something."
"If you want your most authentic self on the page, you indeed must bleed."
"Find the version that only you could do and then that'll be the version at the end of the day gets you what you're looking for."
"Subtle things will make the difference in your videos."
"Common takeaway: make your own original [ __ ]. Don't try to just rip off something that's already successful and do a worse job at it."
"Not everything needs to be defensive, not everything has to be a twist."
"Writing doesn't have to be painful - embrace the process."
"Make good content and try to come up with a cool title."
"If you've got a good script and you cast it well... the film almost makes itself." - Marshall
"Don't compare me to that [ __ ] because girl you couldn't even tell me what editing software to use."
"Top-level brain genius: you can't distract the viewer with details if you don't put in any details."
"If you can tell a story in an hour and do it justice, you should tell it in an hour instead of taking two, or three, or more."
"It's worth the effort not to have the same blue sky or white sky shots as everyone else."
"Whatever you're doing creatively, don't do it alone if you can help."
"I think a lot of people... think that they just have a lot of brushstrokes in their canvas... quite often it's really just that you need more layering."
"It's better not to upload something if you don't think it's good."
"Dating your fears: take your fears on a romantic date once a week." - Alex Banayan
"You're going to have to go by feel, and I can tell other content creators probably get very, very similar questions where their response is just like, 'Go for it, see if it works, you know why are you asking me?'"
"It's important to have your own style and do something the way that you like it."
"Just make good stories, that's how you win the fandom back."
"Love story resonates, run with it, have fun with it."
"If you want to make a body swap movie, make a body swap movie; if you want to make a time travel movie, make a time travel movie."
"Just create good stories and the rest will take care of itself."
"Imma go acapella it's advice that'll go for miles into your radio station."
"Focus on story. Keep it simple. Give it a beginning, a middle, and an end."
"Every image has potential with the right adjustments."
"Write a good movie, don't worry about what anyone else is going to think."
"Structure doesn't have to be set in stone at the writing stage but it's good to have your bigger pieces in place and then work through that to get to the finer stuff."
"Your first draft is probably not what the one you want to go with."
"What advice would you have for upcoming creators? Never stop learning, bro."
"Most of the time, I think you should use reference, reference is super important."
"One nice technique you can use for coloring is to begin with marker and then add a colored pencil on top of it."
"You can't I run corny. You want to stop before you get corny because once you're corny, [expletive] ain't gonna care."
"You're so inspiring especially that part when you say that we have to make art for ourselves and not for others."
"I always advise people to take every single art class in high school that they have available to you."
"So try not to concentrate on those measurements."
"So if you like that, you want to blend, feel free to start just blending your little heart away, but if you're kind of wanting to keep it a little bit more airy and not have quite so much green, then just keep these colors a little bit more separate."
"My number one tip for people that ask how to start is to actually do a class or a workshop."
"Don't be afraid to put things way off center."
"Write the book you want to read, sing the song that you want to hear, create what you want in the world."
"If you want to turn orange into pink, add purple red."
"If you're not doing the whole throwing the initial gesture line off the bat kind of a thing, you really should."
"It's a little bit less talked about how important it is to use real world reference when designing fantasy."
"The secret to painting is that center focal point."
"If you're really worried about making mud and gray and stuff like that, then if you're looking at a color wheel, just use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel instead of across from each other."
"Layers are super powerful, super powerful. Should really use them."
"Be better designers and more thoughtful about what you draw and paint."
"I always told people to write what they love to come upon because then what they're longing for would exist."
"Make sure that the artwork that you are making has a story to it."
"Make it your own, push boundaries in your own way."