
Public Demonstration Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"What we saw in New York last Thursday was a show of unity and a show of defense of democracy."
"Peaceful protest in New York City will be honored by the NYPD."
"You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of to them a very, very important statue."
"We're gonna be out there in full force fighting for sure."
"The million mask March isn't about one single issue... it's a statement of solidarity, unity, and revolution."
"Nearly 100,000 Pro-lifers descend on Washington DC for the 47th annual March for Life."
"This is real-time madness in the streets, catapult!"
"Barricades got pushed over and folks flooded in."
"Imagine what we can do if we actually have a whole movement of people walking down Pennsylvania Avenue and standing in front of the White House talking about climate migration."
"We're not there to block traffic. We're just there to say, 'Hey, we're here.'"
"Forces of evil operating against us, he made a public example of them, exhibiting them as captives in his triumphal procession, having triumphed over them."
"Most did not come here to cause trouble. Most came here to protest in the manner that I've advocated for years."
"It was a thing of beauty: what message did you mostly hear? What were they actually chanting? For freedom."
"A call for social change echoed through the streets."
"A lot of these people are down there on the streets showing a lot of the [ __ ] that the mainstream media is not showing."
"There's major huge demonstrations with thousands of people, tens of thousands even in some instances hundreds of thousands of people hitting the streets saying enough is enough."
"Our physical safety is being threatened by the actions of the demonstrators outside banging on the windows which could easily get broken and we will have a mob scene. I'm asking for police presence to arrest those individuals."
"We're not going to get anything we want unless we hit the streets."
"Actual footage of the protests... people dancing in the streets, people cleaning up garbage, people putting honorable signs up."
"Please do not call them protesters even if they are in fact rallying in the streets please do not call them that there is a very important reason for why and I'm gonna explain it so they go by the term land defenders"
"It's great to see people standing up for their freedoms."
"We've got to stay on the street, we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational, we've got to make sure that they know that we mean business."
"We need to counter-program his rallies, we need to come out with ten times as many people as they get, anything we can think of to do, we need to do it."
"If you ever have any doubts about these rockets, just go see them for yourself. The burden of proof from people that say this is like a fake launch, I don't understand, 'cause you can just go see it. It's right out there in Florida."
"Tonight thousands of Sri Lankans reaching a breaking point, protesters storming the presidential palace, swimming in the pool, working out."
"I will be the first among the first to take to the streets."
"If this individual isn't brought to justice for the damage, death, and violence he has caused, I will be the fir among the first to take to the streets."
"Take to the streets peacefully because we don't need violence to spread our message."
"Hundreds filled the north steps of the state capital in Sacramento to protest against California's vaccine mandate."
"Enough is enough. We're tired. Here's how we're going to strike back. We're going to be heard."
"If ordinary people cannot gather on a street and actually make their feelings known, we've lost pretty much everything."
"The national movement reached a new climax on Sunday."
"The acceptable amount of swastika flags at the rally would be zero. You can't get away with saying, 'Well, only some of us were Nazis, so how could you judge us as a group?'"
"The crowd was shouting 'Stop the vote,' they made their way into the Capitol building. There were no overt threats of violence made at that time."
"You must obtain a permit before filming a protest on the Washington National Mall if you plan to post that protest on social media."
"Change doesn't happen if you don't have people on the streets."
"Here's what women did during the Kavanaugh hearings... they are demanding that their voices be heard."
"Striking is good. It really just shows that the power's in the people."
"The protesters are back outside of Bezos' house, and they've got another guillotine."
"This doesn't look like a protest to me no more said Anderson that just looks like they just took over and said we can take over whenever we want to."
"I know you guys want to distance this from Wii Sports but this is my new Wii Sports to show people what the switch is about."
"Millions of people are coming on the street and fighting back."
"It was thrilling to see the huge crowd outside Government House, supporting our action, regardless of their political beliefs."
"People took to the street and said, 'Yes, we need to do something.'"
"This is what drew hundreds of thousands of people to Ottawa - for peace, unity, and freedom."
"The enraged citizens of Tucson marched in the streets behind Vicki's family to protest lenient laws against convicted child molesters."
"It's up to us to actually stand up, walk the streets, and let our voices be heard."
"We are all witnesses to this injustice! (crowd: yeah!) and we will not stop until the world sees it too!"
"He got up, took his mat, and walked out in full view of them all."
"This is a knee on our neck and we've had it. Get your knee off my neck."
"More than 200,000 people have taken to the streets in Minsk," illustrating the scale of protests despite the risks.
"Bronze show the world two-time MVP show the world."
"They're indiscriminately shooting at these demonstrators."
"We need to rise up and say oh hell to the no, stop it, just stop it."
"The Wright Brothers' success came fast, and in the following years, Wilbur flew demonstrations for audiences across Europe and America."
"Hundreds of thousands marched down Fifth Avenue for the world Pride Parade surrounded by millions cheering them on."
"Russell will be on the streets outside of those Day X hearings."
"The People's Climate March is our chance to show the immense power of people in solidarity."
"The tough part is organizing a set of demands or organizing a set of grievances to say, 'This is why we're out in the streets and this is what we demand to happen next.'"
"You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds."
"Now is the time to transform, to show the world what you're made of."
"Marches don't necessarily change things but they definitely bring attention to issues."
"Hundreds of thousands gathering from the North Plaza Hotel carrying homemade portraits of Mao in a show of loyalty support."
"The women's march was so successful and it got under Donald Trump's skin."
"Stop the genocide, stop the killings, and raise the awareness all over the world. I'm so happy that our brothers and sisters are gathered in the UK in front of the UK Parliament today. That was really commendable."
"Nobody will be intimidated. You saw, irrespective of what happened, people still turned out en masse to the rally. They came. There was no fuel, no money, nothing."
"When you see people in the streets... that is an economic statement."
"For the people that just show up with an AK-47 just to exercise their right to carry, you're all [ __ ]."
"This is a protest, let's hope we can make something out of this."
"You showed the world that they can't break us no matter what the hell they do."
"Rioting and protesting are two different things."
"We were developing something really cool and we were showing it to people and they really liked it."
"All of this media coverage was conveniently present for Meredith's one-man march."
"And this guy back here, we're going to find out your name, where you live, and we're going to do a protest, a peaceful protest in the sidewalk, public property, right in front of your house."
"This has been an incredible day for us. A two million person strong protest that's definitely not something you see a lot or ever in your life."
"Letting them march, that's the exchange of free speech."
"Anyone who is really serious about calling for progressive changes would be coupling it with a call for people in the streets."
"I was praying and praying and praying to God would not allow it to rain and storms so that we could show America that we could show up and show out."
"People should be able to, uh, yeah, like demonstrate if they want to, if they're unhappy with something. Amazing."
"I thought it was Unbecoming... standing with swastikas."
"If the millions on the streets pleading for their future would be let down once again, a fury such as the world has never before seen will be unleashed."
"The greatest source of hope... 10 million people around the world expressed their overwhelming opposition to the war in Iraq."
"The view is if they throw shoes, it's not an attack on police; they're shoes that happen to flow through the air."
"Spanning the last 27 years, a select group of naval aviators have had the opportunity to demonstrate the precision techniques of naval aviation to the public."
"It reflects the spirit of the candlelight rallies that led to the impeachment of the former president and the election of President Moon."
"The demonstration in Hyde Park was vast and showed the government that equal franchise was an issue that resonated amongst the population."
"Thousands of people out in the streets... it was unbelievable."
"Many demonstrations have been well attended on issues such as the Iraq War, Brexit, and the climate crisis."
"It's always very inspiring to see how great masses of people can come out in the name of science and reason."