
Debate Tactics Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"You missed a video maker were the one who brought up the regulations on slavery, and you were the one who quoted Exodus 21 to defend your position. All I'm doing is actually looking up the things that you're referencing in the Bible and actually reading what's there."
"You don't get to take away someone's humanity and attack them for who they are in order to just win points in a debate."
"Stick to the substance, know your facts, and when you're gonna throw a punch make sure you throw a good punch, that's the knockout."
"Facts are unfair, facts don't care about your feelings."
"Insulting people isn't going to win an argument."
"The left's response with tears is because they know they've lost the argument."
"Trump taught them how to say not only am I not going to engage in your argument, but I'm going to make fun of you. I'm going to make you look like a fool."
"You didn't make it this your argument religious but I know that it's really religious so I'm going to argue against it as if it is."
"When anybody throws up the term conspiracy theory in an attempt to discredit somebody all they are trying to do is discredit that person as a person without ever having to address their arguments."
"Labels are the refuge of people without reasoned argument."
"Those who can't attack the merits... they can't count nope nope."
"If you cannot win on the facts, you win on the intent."
"What about ism is an argumentative tactic where a person deflects a point being made by redirecting attention to another issue."
"It's a really good way just kind of going through the points that people make and kind of revealing how absurd it really are."
"Threaten them because that's really their, you see, you can't really debate with them."
"There's a time for a very precise reasoned argument and there's a time to be like STFU."
"For those who might say this is tone policing, what's the counter to that? I mean in some respects I think this is tone policing but it's valid tone policing."
"Label your opponent as a Nazi or racist if you can't defeat their argument with real truth and logic."
"Address my talking points, don't resort to shaming tactics."
"Labels are a way of emotionally priming people to like or dislike certain arguments or perspectives... without actually having to understand them."
"The framing of the question makes systemic racism impossible to demonstrate by the dishonest rules he has established in order to give him evidence he will accept."
"A decent argument followed up with an insult is usually really fine though."
"You know Jack Smith has thick skin and why shouldn't Trump have the right to fight back when others are bringing up his transgressions during these trials during the campaign right they go on the debate stage and everybody's attacking him."
"Now we can throw around words like accessibility and gatekeeping to win arguments but it doesn't change the fundamental nature of things."
"If you win the internet, you win the debate."
"This all seems to be one giant Whataboutism."
"Opposition brings leaks in our arguments strength lengthens your argument and then audience we couldn't get people on the left to really come on the show a whole lot and it's not a debate though it was always designed to be the Socratic method."
"How do you win a debate every time? It's when you present so many arguments and such quick succession that the other person can't possibly hope to respond to them."
"When a liberal calls you a racist, you know you've won the argument."
"You can't use an argument that actually doesn't make sense and then just be like 'oh well that's just what I like'."
"Instead of attacking someone's actual position, you waste your time attacking a view that no one holds."
"It's silly and it's a false dichotomy, uh, in fact in the last program we mentioned this."
"Try not to highlight your opponent's concessions or contradictions with uproar. You want to frame the discussion not as a tug-of-war which you have won but as a search for agreements to which you both contributed."
"It's considered a badge of honor if you could turn a right winger into being a lefty."
"If you have facts on your side, it shouldn't be that hard. Just state them."
"Acknowledging their points and then breaking them down leaves them with nothing but ash."
"Hit them with facts, and they have nothing to say back."
"This whole cry bully tactic of saying, 'Oh no, I'm not going to show up to the debate,' but also, 'You're too scared to debate me,' I think it's just emblematic."
"Do you think it would kill off that whole argument?"
"When the debate is lost, the loser resorts to slander."
"If you use reason to argue back you're participating in a system that was created by white men in order to exclude women and racial minorities from being able to argue on their own terms."
"Warren was really out for everyone in this way that felt very particular to this debate."
"Slander is the tool of the person who loses the debate."
"Stop with your insults and try to answer arguments concretely."
"You can't just say both buses are bad and we shouldn't take either bus."
"The principle of charity is actually really important in liberal arguments. It is almost never good to assume that the person that you're talking with is malicious or crazy."
"It's pretty much an ad hominem attack... Guys are not addressing what the both scientists are saying; they're just saying it's false or it has no merit simply because it's anecdotal."
"Sometimes winning a debate is just simply knowing when to be a little louder than the opposition."
"The power of ridicule to silence debate is unbelievably potent."
"It's very easy to shift the goal post and divert attention elsewhere."
"Destiny and others are not interested in any sort of moral consistency but instead are basically mercenaries. They just like coming across like they're winning an argument. It's fun for them."
"If you have to manufacture evidence for your opponent, then your opponent is not only correct but you're admitting it by simply doing that."
"Accusing someone of making a logical fallacy doesn't mean that person is wrong."
"I couldn't craft in a lab a dumber argument for the other side."
"Your fundamental approach to this conversation is [ __ ] and you need to go back to like economics 101."
"If the only thing you can do is to douse him in milkshake, then you've probably already lost the argument."
"It's not debating your opponents, that's trying to marginalize them, ban them, censor them."
"Be careful what I'm going to tell you. You can really tell the loser of the debate because the loser always goes back to their platform and puts up five videos talking about how he won."
"Screaming is not winning an argument. Screaming is what people who are losing arguments do."
"Separate your opponent from the idea that they're expressing."
"Winning a debate and winning the audience are not necessarily always the same things."
"The end game for them is not necessarily to be right, the end game is to win the deconstruction mindset."
"Andrew Yang was successful in avoiding being shut down and he was able to speak so confidently."
"They have to make you shut up because they don't have any facts on their side."
"It's just an admission that you couldn't prove the thing you were talking about."
"If you have to directly attack and insult people to get your point across maybe you're on the wrong side of the arguments."
"Whenever they divert and go personal, they've already lost."
"They start attacking the opposition because they have no arguments and no leadership."
"If you can control the frame of the argument then you can frame the argument in a way that you can win it."
"Sam knows he can't win on the facts he's trying to control the conversation and make Sean defend every Point while not having to defend his positions on crime and all the stuff."
"He who frames the issues, he who defines the terms wins the debate."
"Your admission or your denial of guilt is used as proof of your guilt. That's a Kafka trap."
"That's a winning point. If you go into a debate against somebody and they cannot concede that giving hormones to a child without the parents' consent is unacceptable, you sound unhinged to everyone else."
"You're gonna walk away with two trains of thoughts: I'm either gonna get you to admit you just want to ban all guns or you can see my perspective."
"White supremacy always takes both sides of the argument by proxy."
"That's the tactic of a losing side that's attempting to score cheap points on someone who has already defeated them."
"It might just be your shortcut to winning an argument, even if you haven't done 5 minutes of research."
"Consider using personal insults if you're backed into a corner. This will force your opponents to try to defend their character, which will then derail the discussion."
"This is another tactic to invalidate the person to make them look bad."
"Prioritize rebutting arguments that actively obstruct your ability to run an argument."
"Straw Manning or the straw man fallacy occurs when you distort or make a straw man out of your opponent and their views."