
Crisis Preparation Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"In an adjustment reaction, anything you do before the crisis hits is going to feel like an extreme overreaction, but in hindsight, you'll understand it was a complete underreaction."
"We are on the brink of a potentially enormous humanitarian crisis."
"My children, stay together more than before, help one another because soon everything will be lost."
"Prepare now before you find yourself in a desperate situation."
"We really prepare for the worst possible scenario."
"Gold was built for this scenario, gold was built for this moment in time."
"We had only like nine months to prepare for it."
"Bad things are coming, and I believe the only thing we can do is prepare."
"You want to know how well your plan would survive when you hit turmoil and chaos."
"Time is running out... to really minimally secure your food, your water, and your energy sources."
"Smart people are going to get ready for this. It doesn't matter what your wealth or income level is. If you're getting ready, you're going to absolutely dominate."
"It's not just about understanding how SHTF is going to play out, it's about understanding human nature."
"These are the people who are going to survive when the [ __ ] goes down."
"This fraud cannot continue; it is collapsing, and this is the peak of it all."
"If the grid's under attack, my advice to you: get out of the cities, get some animals, become self-sufficient."
"Many of the crises that we're looking for to come in the future, they are already here."
"They could have been planning for this, they could have been producing personal protective equipment, they could have been ramping up testing capacity, they could have been building ventilators, and they didn't, and that was a political decision."
"Canada went into this crisis with a far better fiscal position than just about any other G7 country."
"Do everything you can to limit your exposure to all this craziness."
"Develop self-sufficiency skills; lessons from history show that knowing how to grow food, purify water, and provide basic medical care can be invaluable during long-term crisis."
"Don't wait for another crisis to happen for you to map out your next 5, 10, 15 moves."
"Retain your humanity. What are we prepping for if we go through a major crisis and humanity is no more?"
"Hope for the best and prepare for the worst."
"I hope it never gets to that point, but you gotta reconnect with your family. When all of this technology and all of this stuff, you're gonna have to get in the bunkers with people you love and trust."
"The system is about to collapse, brace yourselves. Get your flashlights, get your solar packs, all right, get your tools and instruments."
"The attack on the financial system, the global attack, is already being wargamed."
"Even when the grid goes down and the world is going crazy, my home and my family are the most important thing to me."
"Detachment from all created good because when the chastisement hits, they're not going to be available."
"A bottle of water will be worth so much more than literally anything else."
"It's not a question of if this will happen... but when this will happen."
"Prepare accordingly, the tsunami has just arrived but it is going to get much more intense."
"We haven't reached that real fear like we did in 2007-08 yet... it's a perfect time to get ahead." - Adriana Reid
"Holster comes in it's not just a symbol of self-defense but of preparedness much like the unfortunate situation in Florida where a lack of control LED to irreversible consequences."
"Prepare for the worst because we are living on the conditions that you could have never invented."
"If we go into World War Three then I'm gonna want a more reliable asset."
"So the question is what can you do in the next 90 days to prepare for just some craziness that's coming over the next 90 days okay number one you're gonna take profits if it makes sense very key is if it makes sense."
"We might want to kind of start preparing for just in case."
"The physical transfer of a commodity that is worth something intrinsically valuable between two parties... I don't see it going away. I still see it having a use if it ever comes to that. I pray to God it doesn't come to that."
"When the trucks and trains stop running, what will you do then?"
"Never been a more important time to hold real money historical money not to get rich but to get out of the way of what's coming."
"Your community is a huge form of wealth that you need to be developing right now because it will survive the dollar collapse and the financial collapse and the everything else."
"This is serious because this is we are going into some Charter territory... hopefully taking us into deep water and drowning us."
"Once we start to see these lines in the sand get crossed, that's really when everybody needs to say okay, do I have everything that I need?"
"Do not fear the final test, don't fear the final crisis, just prepare spiritually, physically, and then brace yourself for it. But don't fear the final crisis, don't treat the final crisis as you treat a literal exam when you went to school."
"We must have the experience of a woman in travail, we have to brace ourselves for this crisis, but praise God, once the crisis comes, there is strength available, and once Jesus comes, we won't remember the crisis."
"Build self-reliance for peace of mind in times of crisis."
"Every 80 years we go through a world war and the people who weren't in the war are now in the war... So the way we prepare for these kind of things is to become more familiar with ourselves and our power."
"Prepare, and whenever that event occurs, you'll be ready."
"Are you really prepared to lose your job or survive a financial crisis?"
"We're really at a loss right now... Optimism had dwindled. Actually, we were all preparing ourselves for the worst."
"There literally is a tiny tiny window left for people to protect themselves before all hell breaks loose."
"Make sure that you are preparing because there is something coming to America."
"I want to make sure that we're prepared for all possible outcomes. And one of those outcomes, that may happen, and I hope it doesn't, is that the Taliban do come to power."
"Now is the time... especially if you haven't done so in the last 10 years."
"If the supply chain breaks down, I still can feed my family with fruit trees or what have you."
"Watching these markets today, it's a joke, it's laughable, absolutely laughable, look at the real news, look at the real data, look at what's happening to real people, this is a disaster and you better get ready for it."
"The shit's hitting the fan so I hope you're preparing preparing for a long cold winter at least here in North America."
"Ultimately then what can people do to prepare for whatever's coming?"
"Make your life easy folks because this is going to be a massive cluster F when it comes time to actually get forgiveness otherwise."
"We're truly able to benefit from it, so that when that crisis comes, we don't lose something essential within us."
"We cannot do in a time of crisis what we have not practiced in a time of calm."
"Growing your own food in times of crisis like these is becoming more important than it ever has."
"Preparation is key to be as proactive as possible when a crisis hits."
"Physical metals... you definitely need to have in the event of such a crisis."