
Looting Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Looting, in some sense, then shows us the tragedy of war for both the victim and often the perpetrator."
"Looting is a common occurrence in war, happening in virtually every conflict. But what is its impact on war itself?"
"Looting is not a race issue, and police brutality should not be a race issue. It's just a human decency issue."
"Last night was bad, right? The criminality, the looting was the most egregious."
"This is basically just a race to loot. Looting is big in this game mode."
"Knock them out... you can loot them while they're unconscious."
"The Grolier Codex, the oldest Mesoamerican manuscript, was found in a Mexican cave by looters."
"It's rioting for all seasons out here in the blue cities... But let's be real about this... The only people who are looking to rob stores and loot things, those are not Donald Trump voters."
"What's crazy is when they looted and destroyed everything they didn't touch ours i like to think the looters went we liked that guy"
"Perfect, according to plan. We could have escaped this long time ago, but you know, you want to loot a little bit."
"It seems to me that no matter the outcome with the police, looting the local Walmart is not the solution."
"When people of color loot a store, they are taking back a minuscule portion of what has been historically stolen from them."
"We cannot let violence and looting divide us as an American people."
"One is protesting. And the other is looting. You have two very different situations."
"Looting treasure in Frost Haven is something that you actively have to try and do during a scenario."
"Yo can you loot this kid yeah 280 scrap on him bro we can make a tier three."
"Looting is redistribution of wealth from corporations to individuals."
"Regardless of what you might think, always loot."
"Retail row, the best place to loot abandoned markets for dangerous weapons."
"These looting swords are going to be very, very useful."
"If we were to go to the end and raid 100 cities, just exactly what kind of loot would we get and how overpowered would we become?"
"End city loot is disgusting even after stopping by the portal room and clearing out my inventory."
"God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform."
"Yes, I've seen these caps before but nothing like the six that you just looted off of his corpse." - Player
"The place is incredibly generous and luckily I have a backpack to help me loot it all."
"Secret pockets at minimum level 2 will give you increased money when looting."
"Movement while looting can save your life, especially from sniper shots."
"It's like when you just start a new game and you just hit loot all every enemy you kill."
"Attacking all these minor looters is that you get loot from it which is obvious but you also get peasants."
"The place had clearly been a popular destination for looters."
"...a group of teens and young adults exploited the situation to engage in looting..."
"Me after I'm done looting the random Village I found."
"Let's loot the country, let's take back the stores... That's exactly what happened in 1998, five thousand shops and homes of ethnic Chinese were burned and looted on the eve of democratization. 2,000 people died and 150 Chinese women were gang-raped."
"Antibiotics and meds: looting hospitals means they're non-existent."
"...it appears that the tomb was broken into around 1,000 years ago..."
"During the time of COVID, people felt free to use that as an opportunity to break into businesses. They plundered and stole, excused by the woke generation, saying, 'It's only money.'"
"More smut swelled in the smoke down to the yard while in the street beyond the gateway the pickets were hauling looters from the shops and houses."
"Looting is one of those terrifying things I've ever seen. It's like, 'Jesus Christ, my man is in a dress and a banana. He must stop shooting somebody, please!'"
"They engage in more wars and IMA and her soldiers loot the fallen kingdoms."
"Some light looting, a little bit of looting."
"We have a rule on this ship: what you take off the enemy is yours."
"You can't deny that the basic foundation of it is basically looting a country."
"He orders his army to raid the towers and plunder everything they can."
"I lost a dear friend to people who were looting."
"For days, French soldiers will drag bodies out of the water to loot for coins and treasure."