
Work Experience Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"If you've never worked a retail job or a food industry job, I instantly think that you are less than."
"You never appreciate fast food workers until you've worked in a fast food restaurant."
"I used to work a lot because... it'll let you know what you don't want to do when you get older."
"I appreciated working at Kmart cuz it really put me into perspective of what it's like to earn my money."
"I used to work at PetSmart and they would be like oh I'm going to purchase crickets and I would like go into the cricket box and I'd be like like freaking out like trying to try really. They freaked out that much?"
"I remember when I was working for revolt with Puff."
"I think you do always develop a bond with the vessels you work on for any length of time."
"Unexpected surprises can turn even the most uninspired work into something enjoyable."
"It's our first time working here and it's just like Minecraft."
"My first job was definitely babysitting or mom's helping."
"21 days in a row of shooting, and I would not trade that for any other work experience I've ever had."
"Everybody's got to work, and I've busted my ass for a Whole Decade serving in restaurants and bars, and my body is tired."
"Every time I take it out the ground, all right, you have a good day."
"I don't think I've ever had as much fun as working on this."
"We know what to do part-timer, we've done it a hundred times and sometimes we even get a little promotion when we do it good."
"After seven days on the jolly mountain fire, I feel beat up. Not as young as I used to be."
"I worked at McDonald's for two and a half years and I put 11 nuggets in almost every 10 piece I made."
"Oh man, it was just... You ever work a job and been working it long enough to start hating it?"
"Each job pays you twice: you get your money now, that's your wage. You also get experience, now that's how you get paid in the future."
"But it's yeah, you want to do something different but not different worse."
"The work is always harder than you want it to be but it is easier than you fear and it is something that we can do."
"Imagine four years at your job by then you're looked at as a person as a veteran on your job right so much can happen in four years"
"It's been really nice actually to work with you and go through this whole process together."
"Each job pays you twice: your wage now and experience for the future."
"The experience I have is perfectly aligned with the job description... I have experience working at pace and managing a large workload... those experiences are attractive for all job roles."
"I'm not real fascinated with the work anymore, because I've just done it for so long."
"The number one best thing to have on a resume is relevant work experience and this is always true it's kind of not a non-answer but the best way to get an internship is to do internships beforehand."
"When you enter the workforce, experience and ability are more important than educational background."
"I think obviously I've had two jobs technically in my life in terms of I've worked at Tesco's then I went warehouse but I went to three different warehouses in the space of a year."
"At a hundred and ten miles an hour, that's badass. Best day at work ever."
"But, when I came here, most of us had no work experience."
"I learned so much from every bit of work that I've done."
"For those of you that have dove into my backstory a little bit I used to work in a machine shop, and we did a lot of stuff like this every day."
"There is nothing wrong with getting some real-world experience before committing to law school, and in fact, law schools appreciate candidates that can bring professional working experience to the table."
"I've carried on working night shifts, and I've never experienced anything remotely similar to that again, and I'm glad of it."
"It was the happiest work experience, the most fulfilling that I've ever had."
"I worked at Nordstrom Rack, shelving shoes, and I'm shelving books at Borders Books."
"It was one of the only times I've ever felt such sweet justice in my retail career."
"Go work, exactly that. And I say to them specifically, go get a retail job, yeah, customer-facing. Customer-facing, one of the best things I think developed my confidence and brought me to where I am now."
"Guys, lying about your work experience is already bad enough, but not knowing that you're lying to someone who knows about your prior work experience is pure gold."
"I absolutely loved working for this tech company in Dublin."
"As long as you can prove three factors: the period of work, the job description, and that you were paid for it, you are absolutely fine with your work experience documents."
"As long as you can prove three factors, you are absolutely fine with your work experience documents."
"Your work experience speaks volumes. Did it challenge you? Did it help you grow? They want to know."
"I used to work in a bakery style setting in a Taco Bell. Don't ask, it was weird."
"So then I started working for for uh for DC wow so they're 2000 to 2006. so I was like okay oh those are 100 years right there yeah what it was right after everybody left."
"It's the best set that anyone's ever worked on."
"I got paid to cut the cheese literally."
"Overall, working for a large college in a big office type environment in England was really great, it was really good."
"I worked at a milk plant, advocacy work for like the power grid, like nothing crazy. You can't be against protecting the power grid, you know what I mean?"
"I saw a dead body, got yelled at for 15 minutes, wasted almost an hour of work time, all for my crappy $2 delivery fee."
"I had quite a lot of jobs growing up."
"I'd recommend you do a bit of work experience."
"I trained two shifts on days and then showed up that Thursday at 10 p.m. for my first shift alone... or so I thought."
"We've had such an awesome day today here at ABC 15 news station."
"I think one of the best if not the best part about working on cruise ships is the travel because you get to see amazing places like this."
"Working at the Daily Wire has been one of the truly great work experiences of my life."
"...nothing really is a prerequisite when you go into work; it's all about picking things up and learning along the way."
"It was a great job and taught me a lot. I honestly feel like every young adult should have to work in that line of work for some amount of time."
"If you ain't never worked in the food service industry, you don't understand."
"It's been an absolute pleasure working alongside you."
"I've had a great time working with you, 135 pain-free."
"I enjoyed working at Pizza. I met great people, I got to eat a free pizza every day."
"It's always a challenge, I mean every project is a completely new experience."
"I'd say that this is the most valuable work experience of my life because you know you can do labor, you can do just about anything."
"It was really nice, I really loved that part of the job."
"Overall, it was a really good experience and I do kind of miss it."
"Work experience is important because it gives you probably the closest insight you're going to get into what the medical environment is like."
"You get an option to do work experience within the fashion industry for a year before your final year."
"No one cares what degree you have done, how much education you hold, as long as you have the right work experience."
"That's what I've learned in Australia."
"Work experience gives you points ranging from nine points to fifteen points for one year to six years of work experience for eligibility points."
"What have you done in previous work that proves that you could make decisions under pressure?"
"I had a really positive experience at UPS."
"Work shadowing is that you're literally going to be sat behind people and learning and observing what they're doing throughout the day."
"Students that co-op work in organizations like Apple, NASA, Disney, and places as close as downtown Cincinnati to as far as Japan."
"I have experience working on time-sensitive projects, working under pressure, and managing multiple tasks to help my employer thrive."
"Doing free work is so underrated."
"You're going to work, you're going to have the experience, you're going to be able to travel, and if you meet someone along the way then amazing, if not then that's obviously absolutely fine."
"If you have less than 10 years experience, try to condense it into one page."
"For those who are concerned about lack of UK work experience, I was able to achieve this by selling to them my job experience in Nigeria."
"I remember my first job, I work in McDonald's for 5.75 an hour."
"It was the most memorable job I had as a teenager."
"I worked at a place to build night-vision goggles for about three months."
"I'm going to leave this in real time so you get a flavor for what's it really like to work with Big T."
"If you can at least work for a year in India, and then come here, you will be taken like a hot cake."
"I understand that new employees at fast-food chains need real world experience to get better."
"It's mind-blowing we've had a good time, I've had a great time working with you."
"I loved working with this so much, and it was really different from anything else I've worked with before."
"If you're trying to work there for a short amount of time, say six months or less, then I think it's worth it."
"Having that kind of experience under your belt... would immediately set you apart from anybody that's entry level trying to get into sock work."
"Sometimes you don't work for the money, you just work for the experience."
"One of my favorite days on the job was I got to work in Magic Kingdom on the morning of the 45th anniversary."
"By the time I graduated college, I had all these years of experience and I was able to present my resume to bigger companies."
"Literally, every place I worked at taught me something."
"Go and do job experience, do whatever it takes, just get into the industry that you want to get into."
"It's a really nice experience to just work inside where Excel, PowerPoint, and the Office apps are really nice and seamless too."
"Running donuts and making coffee sucked, I can tell you that much, but it had its perks."
"Everyone at some point should work in a fast food or retail job. It's nuts."
"I'm tired of working at Popeyes Chicken, I was getting paid $9 an hour, the job was absolutely terrible."
"I've had the most incredible, magical time working with Braille over the last 10 years."
"It was really a wonderful experience working side-by-side with you."
"I have worked every job you could ever imagine."
"I have never worked so hard or had so much fun and learned so much in such a short time."
"If you were an apprentice for a company for a year, the things that you would learn would be far more than sitting in a classroom."
"No job is meaningless; it's always something you can learn from it."
"It's a good experience, at least one day you will be telling your kids you had an experience in this kind of job."
"It's like if you could work there and work all those different posts and stuff like that, you know, that was a good job."
"They're the best they've ever been in my eight maybe even 10 years at this place."
"I worked on the fishing boats in Alaska for five seasons."
"I've logged about 12,000 deliveries between the three giant American delivery apps."
"Age is an asset in work, age is an asset."
"This talk is about a very simple scenario that I think we've all encountered at some point in our working career."
"It's good fun actually, I really quite enjoyed this job."
"I didn't know why they called it a poop deck until I worked on the boats."
"High School culture is more like the average Real World experience working a job."
"I had maybe one of the highlights of the past 17 years of working at Rooster Teeth."
"It was amazing, it was really incredible working with so many wonderful actors and actresses."
"One of my strongest beliefs is that everybody in the world should have to work customer service."
"It was a massive pleasure to work with Fergus for the first time on walk."
"Everyone at some point should work a server job or kind of just a food dealing with the public job."
"I just found Disney to be such a pleasure to work at and such a great experience for me."
"You get your feet wet, you get a little bit of experience, make a little bit of money, and learn about budgeting."
"I've worked so many little jobs in my life... and I've made such great memories, built character."
"I always wanted to go to Alaska and work on a boat."
"I had honestly the best week that I could have asked for."
"It's possible to get academic credit for work experience."
"For example, a period of voluntary work experience might impress a university admissions officer or a future employer."
"Experience is king in any situation."
"I was working at the London Chess Fest which took place in Trafalgar Square."