
Family Gatherings Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Don't start [conversations about wills, healthcare directives] at the holiday event but plan for those... it's about Joy, coming together, the feeling of belonging, and feeling loved and supported."
"That is a very big deal because folks on average will travel 60+ miles for that Thanksgiving meal to be with family."
"Florida man is my kind of people; like the crazy cousin that comes over during the barbecue and says 'hold my beer.'"
"You're going to enforce Thanksgiving? I can only have 10 people. Would you like to know how many people I had?"
"Family wise, there could be a few get-togethers or an invitation coming in."
"It is in this mirror gallery that the prince and princess gather with their children and close family."
"Holidays now are me and my parents, my cousin Chris and Will, their dad's my Uncle Brian, and then my cousin Danielle and her husband and her kids."
"Being that it was after one, we were expecting to go and see a full house right Auntie was expecting to go a full house."
"During vacations we all gathered at this plantation for a get together... me being the oldest guy I get pampered a lot because I have some badass elder sisters."
"The Christmas festive period is one of the most celebrated in the Western world. It's a time for all of us to come together for peace and reflection, for family and friends to reconnect, to eat great food."
"Feels like Christmas when we're all in one place."
"The holidays are upon us, food, friends, family, and cleaning. Our loved ones can be a bit messy, and more mess equals more waste."
"The dining room is very much like the center of the house, it's like the hub."
"Every one of grandma's family and friends felt an overwhelming urge to laugh out loud."
"Family reunions: a foundational Black American invention after emancipation."
"We are the culture. Other groups don't have family reunions like us."
"I thought it was funny, but my parents and uncle think I ruined the lunch."
"There's nothing intrinsically wrong with the concept of a Thanksgiving, of a big family get-together of communal spaces."
"This is where we have our family over I love having a guest room."
"I just came back from seeing my family like we went to this like Antique sale stuff like that like I have a lot of just random stuff that I've been buying that I want to show you because I feel like you guys appreciate it I don't know."
"Christmas is fun. It's just fun to get together with the family. But definitely have a safe Christmas."
"Happiness is when our kitchen is full of family and friends."
"Enjoy your food, enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy your wine, enjoy your turkey, enjoy your stuffing, etc, etc."
"The holidays is the time of year where we all get together with friends, family, and eat a ton of food."
"Nothing brings me greater joy than all of our kids getting together."
"Oh do we have to do we have to see the uncle and the auntie again because [ __ ] them [ __ ] them."
"The NBA on Christmas gives you something to do instead of talking to your relatives that you see once a year because no one likes doing that."
"Eating with the in-laws was the last thing Otto wanted to do right now, but he was hungry and the food was always delicious."
"My parents invited all of their friends and family to a costume party then when people got there they found out it was actually their wedding."
"ASMR Debating politics with your uncle. Thanksgiving special."
"Holiday gatherings aren't meant for family to comment on your body, oh for sure."
"Holidays just feel good... the fact that you can get together with your family and all come together is just extraordinary."
"These reunion we needed something good."
"Transforming this space is a major part of a dream for big family get-togethers."
"Thanksgiving was a good time, and it was fun seeing all my friends and family."
"I'm hosting Christmas here, so pretty much all the holidays are going to be here."
"Every Shabbat, every Sabbath, I had an aunt and an uncle, my father’s sister, and they had five children, and we went to visit them every Shabbat afternoon."
"This is definitely one of those dining spots you got the whole family over."
"We should have two or three Thanksgivings a year where you can like make you made one or two of them, that would be great."
"I'll tell you what I'm thankful for: that it's my mom's turn to spend Thanksgiving with us."
"I'm just dreaming about the get-togethers and the family dinners and having people over."
"Why do you have to attach a massive dinner plus a dessert plus a few drinks with seeing your family? It doesn't actually have to be that way."
"I saw a lot of families getting together for the holidays for Thanksgiving."
"It's giving Rich Auntie pulling up to Christmas dinner."
Naomi just came in here and said, "Boy, it smells like Thanksgiving."
"I just feel so much more comfortable going to like a family function in something like this."
"Thank you, Matthew, you're gonna be the new deviled egg or an angel egg when you come to family get-togethers."