
Media Trust Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Trust in the media has been declining...it's a disaster in the making."
"If pictures are being manipulated and so things don't look quite right...then there is a major issue of trust."
"You can't really trust the media in a lot of ways."
"Does the media realize that they're no longer The Trusted experts when they constantly lie constantly cover up and punish other people for being years before them?"
"No one would ever call Huntley or Brinkley enemies of the people."
"The more you trust your media, the more you're doing yourself a disservice because the truth is not what is being shown to you."
"Majorities in Western Europe more likely to trust public news organizations than distrust them."
"What is right is not always legal and what is wrong is not always illegal."
"You know you see who are the trusted sources of information and it's guys like you me and fox news."
"If you want to reach young people who actually trust Crystal and I in order to deliver them the news, then you need to come here."
"Trust in traditional media is at an all-time low... right-wing attacks on fake news... having done a lot of wilderness stuff... the first things they say... how much they hate the media." - Dan
"We need trust in the media because we need a real media apparatus to challenge the powers that be."
"If people can't trust what's happening because we have deceptive lying media then politics will break downstream from this."
"If you paid attention to the mainstream media you are likely to be much safer and much closer to the truth."
"Renewed my faith in the idea that a reliable, responsible non-biased source of information is available."
"Trust from the most trusted name in news. Trust is not given, it is earned."
"People aren't listening more. People trust Donald Trump talking about the Chinese flu more than they trust the media, and that's obviously a big media fail."
"If you can't trust the sources, then what can you trust?"
"Trust in media hits bottom as 60% say sources pay for stories."
"Great amount of trust for media and media is like awesome job guys that's us pick up your trophy like it's truly it's." -
"So the question is can we trust BookTubers? I'm gonna say yes and not just because I am one."
"If you say you're news, I should be able to turn your [__] on and everything you tell me is what happened. That's it."
"The reason these media outlets are collapsing is because people no longer trust them."
"The vast majority of the time they are completely lying to you."
"Now that mainstream is covering any of this people go the opposite way uh but there are some events that can be easily hidden in plain sight because they know that people do not trust mainstream media."
"Bill Gates keeps coming on the TV, he's not an authority, I don't trust that guy at all."
"This erosion of trust in the media and the spread of misinformation further deepened The Divide between Democrats and Republicans."
"Don't trust Hannity, don't trust Tucker. If they had any integrity whatsoever, they would have been resigning after Fox News did what they did in the midterms."
"I love the Epic Times because it has renewed my faith in the idea that a reliable, responsible, non-biased source of information is available."
"The UK came bottom on a recent League table for trust in the media precisely for stuff like this."
"The American people have lost trust in a lot of the press because so many of the press are desperately just repeating whatever the Democratic narrative is."
"Trust is something you get because you've been around for a while. Thirty years on TV with only a six-month interruption, that's a long time."
"Audiences don't trust a word or an image coming from any company."
"Fact check to the best of your ability. At the end of the day, we all choose who we trust, but we cannot just blindly trust the media."
"You literally cannot trust anything you see on YouTube anymore especially since they've removed the dislike button."
"We need a trustworthy mainstream media and then we'll trust them again."
"It's another reason why there's such a gulf of trust between traditional news outlets and influencer-driven news."
"If Vox.com is now saying it's not overreacting to prepare, they have my eternal respect and gratitude for finally coming around and saying please take care of yourself."
"It's not a conspiracy theory, it's solid reporting."
"If you are concerned about the fact that public trust in the media has eroded, you need to look in the mirror and figure out ways to improve."
"We in the media might want to spend more time thinking about why so many people trust him instead of us."
"How can consumers trust wired at this point? How can the businesses that would give them things to review trust them at this point too?"
"Global mainstream media are facing a trust crisis."
"who trusts the media for rest asks do you trust the media okay do I yeah absolutely I do the great majority of reporters and journalists and our business are good honest and smart"
"Mainstream media has an enormous trust problem and it's doing an ostrich attack."
"Understand that trusting a news outlet does not mean they're perfect."
"Maybe gamers don't trust the press as much as they trust the enthusiasts because the press doesn't seem as engaged with the games themselves compared with the enthusiast."
"In the near future, we will no longer be able to trust any media as authentic."
"We now live in a world where numerous people in positions of power have made it their modus operandi to discredit and undermine trust in the media."
"I still trust the New York Times to a certain degree; there's still great journalists at all of these other outlets as well."