
Personal Concern Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Thank you, Ellie. You don't need to worry about me."
"Blake, are you okay? I missed you so much, dear, two days ago was the longest time in my life."
"Maybe it will erupt into something bigger, but we got some stuff going on at home."
"I just hope that this is not inauspicious for me."
"Who stops Biden? Who stops the bad policy that affects me and my family and you?"
"I found it a matter of a bit of concern, however, I realized that this had to be done."
"The prospect of her getting into trouble or possibly going to jail for stealing this money was weighing on you heavily."
"I have a very good friend in the Donbass area who I am worried on a daily basis that he may get killed or die."
"I'm uncomfortable because this event is tearing at the fabric of this community that I care about."
"I'm more concerned about people in leadership having integrity."
"The more I find out about Bam's case, the more concerned I become."
"The man himself seems deeply concerned about others when something happens to him."
"I just want to make sure that you know your health is okay."
"I'm a black man in a society who's concerned about the treatment of black people."
"I think that issues of racial justice particularly had always been disturbing to me."
"I love you, but I can no longer stand by and watch you destroy yourself and your future."
"Come on, dude, what's going on? You good? Just pay $5 for shipping."
"Income inequality is something that bugs me too."
"I care so much about what these people think of me."
"If you're really concerned, you reach out in a personal way."
"Every time we talk about Tony as of lately, that's not good."
"I care enough about you to share this information."
"I know this is something that always concerns you, so we've already taken care of that."
"I learned from my failures, I just worry you don't."
"I care desperately where people think of them because they care so much."
"I know it doesn't literally chemically alter your brain if it did I'd be very very concerned."
"I don't really know where to put it... but it's really going to bother me."
"When she left the office that day, she too would understand why her doctors were so worried."
"I specifically pray for that person who is worried."
"Is everything gonna be okay? You really are crying."
"Absolutely my best day since I started worrying about him."
"I appreciate you guys calling. Um, by all means, you know, call back, let me know how it goes, but I'm less worried about your sister right now than I am about you, Daniel."
"Where is there stress and why is there stress?"
"The house might provide a fanciful backdrop but Ruth is concerned that important details are being overlooked."
"I hope she's taking care of her heart right now."
"I worry about Florian because there's something going on there for him."
"An intervention can be simple. Just sit down and say, 'We care about you.'"
"Put in a little extra effort and work to try to engage this player more."
"I gotta go with the pet thing, man. I can't [ __ ] that. I worry. I actually think about that all the time, really, I do."
"Should I be concerned? Yes, you should definitely be concerned."
"I really do feel like this issue is very, very, very important."
"I don't want to jinx it but this time I feel like Clyde's not going to live to see next week."
"From the very beginning, we get this setup that Jeanette is worried about her mom eventually dying."
"I was worried for the past three days like I haven't heard Tom talk. How do I know if he's still alive?"
"I care about you, I'm really worried something is definitely not right."
"It seems like you're concerned today, today I had time because like you know, I mean just that."
"I'm concerned about her, at this point, and I have no idea what to do."
"I remember saying to mom, 'I'm going to the police station. I have a really bad feeling about this, and I would rather be wrong than be right.' And she said, 'Really? You really think you need to report her missing?' And I said, 'Yeah.'"
"I don't want to live another day without knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt where I am going to end up."
"I hope Brendan Fraser is okay. Hey Brendon if you're listening to this I'm here for you if you ever want to call."
"One of the things that she starts being really concerned about is that she thinks that Lewis Danes might be a pedophile."
"Antoinette then asked Chao, 'Are you all right?'"
"Something must have happened to my parents, otherwise they would have returned by now."
"I hope Eva is okay. I hope that she's not deep diving into a dark place because girl sometimes I feel like her playing that role of Madam may actually be affecting her."
"The transition is in part due to the over 300 now people, men and women in different groups that volunteered."
"I could tell you really cared and you were really concerned about my well-being even when I left ESPN."
"I really love you I wish the best for you and because I wish the best for you I can't just sit there and watch and smile."
"I was especially concerned... as the pixel 6 was a two-day phone for me."
"I'm worried. I have to do something I never thought I would."
"I'm praying and hoping for him that that is the case."
"Let's just hope that he's not completely [ __ ] from this point forward."
"I pray the blessings of God perfect everything that concerns you."
"I'm a bit worried about this. He was very slowly losing something. What do I do? Wow, what do I do with this?"
"I just want to know who killed Kevin, that's what I care about right now." - Unknown
"Thinking of you Sebastian, hope you come home safe."
"I'm actually really worried right now."
"Hey, calm down, sweetie," Madison told me, grabbing hold of one of my shoulders and spinning me in her direction. "Now listen, there's two things I know. One, something bad definitely happened to Jose."
"He woke up each morning wondering what she was doing."
"I just wanted to talk to you about something that I think might be bothering you lately."
"I am personally very concerned about climate change."
"Why are you so worried? Because I want to win."
"I wanted you to be warm, that was all I was concerned about."
"The most important thing is that you're doing okay."
"His biggest concern is you, not winning a Super Bowl and not winning games, but you and your well-being and what's best for you and your family."
"What will men think of me weighs heavier than what will God think of me."
"You only really care about your friend."
"My only real concern is that my actions may put at risk one I hold in the deepest esteem and affection."
"It's been bugging me, and I just needed to talk about it with someone."
"It's an issue that I really do care about."
"What keeps me awake at night are these bio threats."
"I have to find out what happened to her."
"My heart both raced and ached, I have to find her."
"I love you so much, and I came to you about this today because of the fact that I love you."
"It's a big deal to me because I have very, very textured lids; anything can accentuate it and make it look a hot mess."
"I always wanted to talk about issues that concern the people and concern me."
"I'm very concerned about the plight of black men because I'm a black man."
"If you ask me what I care about, I care about reparations here in America."