
Rights Awareness Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Know what your rights are and stand for your rights."
"People don't recognize how important their rights are until they lose them."
"Even if you don't exercise a right, you need to recognize that it still is your right."
"I know my right to film, and we all should, because when somebody says you can't film here, you go, 'Oh yes I can, I have the right to film, it's in public.'"
"You are under zero obligation to tell the police you are committing a crime. You have the right to remain silent. Use that right in your favor."
"Conservatives need to create a culture of demanding their rights."
"There is no law against filming in a public area, man. It's called freedom of press, man. Have you ever heard of it before?"
"Okay, there is no law against filming in a public area, man. It's called freedom of press, man. Have you ever heard of it before?"
"Understanding our constitutional rights and all it doesn't necessarily mean these rights protect you in every situation."
"I'm standing on a public footpath right, so let's get that clear. While I'm on a public footpath, I can film the company."
"What worries me is these people get carried away and they have no regard or maybe no knowledge of the First Amendment of due process."
"Rights are like muscles, and if you don't exercise them, they tend to go away."
"Stephanie would be wise to the fact that her best option would be to request legal counsel right away and end the procedure immediately."
"We're lucky. I am eternally grateful to the founding fathers for the bill of rights."
"Just because somebody is scared or doesn't know their rights doesn't mean they've effectively conducted their business."
"You exercise your body, you should understand and exercise your rights. Use them or lose them."
"Always film the police, it is your first amendment right."
"Let this be a reminder that you deserve to be heard, to feel safe and supported. You have the absolute right to seek Justice."
"Don't ever talk to the police... if the police say can I ask you a couple of questions you say no."
"It's a scary world, man. People signing away their rights without realizing."
"You can dictate the rules of the game if you consciously exercise your rights."
"Nobody actually understands what freedom is until it's taken away."
"Rights are like muscles, if you don't use them they tend to go away."
"They have a law book to understand their rights, they have a firearm to protect those rights, and they have a Bible to help them understand what is the moral and what is the proper right."
"The Masai's involvement in tourism has also led to increased advocacy for their rights."
"Everyone has a right to freedom, everyone has a right to understand how to find freedom."
"If you don't know your rights, you're going to lose them. If you don't use them, they're gone."
"Seoul Dynasty just ends up winning it so very one-sided 3-0 here for Seoul Dynasty really nice plays from them and a bit refreshing after a few unfortunate losses as of late"
"Freedom of speech is your single greatest right."
"I stood up to them because I knew for a fact that I was in a public accessible area."
"The laws are ours; they were written for us to protect us."
"Legal aspect: Get a lawyer, plead the fifth, know your rights."
"I want us to hear this as a cautionary tale to never take our rights for granted."
"Always exercise your rights, remain silent, have an attorney, and record the police."
"In a world where 'Karenism' is an epidemic, it's almost shameful that people do not understand and protect each other's rights."
"Quit laying down, quit taking what you're told, learn your rights, know your rights, stand up for your rights."
"Welcome. It's an awesome thing to know that you're exercising your rights."
"Amber alert reporting our civil liberties missing."
"The impact of fatherlessness can be seen in our homes, schools, hospitals, and prisons. Fatherlessness is associated with almost every societal ill facing our country's children."
"I understand having these rights in mind. Do you wish to speak with me now?"
"So if you if you alert them there and they're in danger of violating your rights before they do it and get it on camera boom then they lose their"
"Be good to each other, guys, and know your rights."
"When you get arrested, do not talk to the police, ask for a lawyer."
"Unfortunately for you, I do know my rights."
"The people have the right to know their civil and political rights as well as all categories of rights."
"It doesn't take much for you as a citizen to be educated about what your rights are."
"Rarity was very aware of her rights because the best way to lose them was through not understanding them in the first place."
"If they don't know your rights, you don't have any."
"I need to stand for my rights to be heard."
"We won't forget where our rights came from."
"Rights being enshrined in the constitution would mean that the people would have a clearer understanding and could be educated on their rights."
"We're not here to push buttons, we're here to bring awareness to those rights and remind people daily like you have these rights."
"We're here to bring awareness to those rights and remind people daily like you have these rights."
"...a public official is immune from suit when the official's conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known."