
Club Management Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"We have a huge say in Manchester United as fans."
"We're a club of progression and ambition, why would you not do that because of money?"
"It's very reminiscent of 2005 when the glazers took over the club."
"Everybody has their niche... Every club has its niche, you know?"
"All talk and no action is what the club is. Until there is action, you cannot believe in these stories."
"The sad thing is that the fans have been mugged off... We'd rather argue amongst ourselves than actually unite for what is really important."
"I'm not accepting it at all. I think it's a disgrace for a football club like this."
"What a way to treat a club Legend... it's a horrible way for a football club to be run."
"I think this club has made so many bad choices that when they make the right choice we should applaud them."
"It's about the vision of the club and the way it's run."
"Barcelona's financial situation is so dire that one or two publications even flirted with the idea of bankruptcy."
"Season 10: will this be the time we make Shelborne from the world's poorest Club to not only the richest but the best?"
"How is it cheating to want to make your club more successful?"
"I just want Josie out of my club by any means necessary."
"Stop kidding yourself that you think we're a football club. We're a business."
"Manchester United generates a lot of money, more than most clubs in the world."
"Let's get on the phone, Ed. Let's do it. Because ultimately, I just want United to get back to where they need to be."
"Our club's in a mess, and we're working through therapy here."
"Ownership that's going to invest in the club, invest in the players."
"I think Roman's going to guarantee that the person who owns the club next is going to do what he has to do to keep Chelsea funded."
"Criticism is not unfair when you have standards about where this football club should be."
"All the arguments you have about Ole get undermined and gazumped by your argument saying Woodward and the Glazers are controlling the club." - Mark
"All I want to see is reform at this football club."
"Imagine waking up knowing that your club's not in debt, that your owners aren't bleeding you dry."
"Arsenal are broken now. We need to rebuild the club."
"This club is a bloody disgrace. It's a joke how they're running this football club."
"That he should come to your club and work to your conditions, work in your ways that hasn't brought this club any success and the club are literally sliding and sliding and sliding. Like I'm sorry, when as fans are we going to say enough is enough?"
"The decision to focus on those four clubs meanwhile has upset a number of others, non more so than al-shabab..."
"You don't support Manchester United, you are business people. United's DNA was never about providing enough revenue to give it to dividends of American owners who don't support the club."
"If the game is called off because of the Glazer out protests worldwide, shame on the Glazers."
"Success on the pitch will lead to success off the pitch."
"Chelsea fans should want to know who's going to be running the club."
"They've got an opportunity to steer the club in a completely different direction to the last nine years will they take it."
"Arsenal fans are a bunch of do-nothing cry babies. March on the stadium, cancel Chelsea and City games until Kroenke and Arteta leave."
"It takes a brave club in this climate to say, 'We're not taking that 90 million we could take right now.'"
"You don't know in a year's time what's going to happen. It takes a brave club in this climate to say, 'We'll keep the player who's unhappy.'"
"The Glazers don't care about the fans that love this football club."
"I think it's going to be a very intriguing season."
"If we're in 15th place at Christmas and we're really struggling, how brave would it be to say no, not Ollie out, Woodward and the Glazers out?"
"Overall, you have to be happy with the way that we've progressed as a football club."
"I think this is a good manager but I think what needs to be done right now to that club and that the issues surrounding it and player Recruitment and him not even being involved and what players come to the club because let's be honest he's not."
"German Football is a lot more organized I would say in terms of how clubs have run."
"We fail because we are run by bankers we are run by people who want money out the club every good football club in history has a vision roman abramovich for all his problems wants chelsea to be the best football team in the world."
"We're a mid-table club that's drowning in mediocrity and apathy. Big change is needed."
"The club can only be successful when all the decision makers in the Club on one page and they back each other. That is the only way the club can be successful and operate."
"Nothing's going to happen, you know, nothing can happen that's going to be major news because the only thing we're waiting for is a sale of the club and it's not happening."
"The reality is a minority cannot speak for a majority."
"The reality of it is, right, the club's in a mess at the moment, I've never seen Arsenal like this."
"We're either a football club or we're a business." - Addressing the club's identity and priorities.
"I think it's irresponsible for custodians of these great clubs to basically take money off the table for shareholders or for profitability or both and not reinvest every penny in maximizing the value of the assets."
"There's an opportunity for people to come into our club put money in and make something that is sustainable at a high level which is unique."
"You aren't loyal to them, you don't deserve to have players that are loyal to your club."
"Profound challenges ahead but our club is built on a solid foundation with a robust financial base and diverse revenue streams."
"The best owner for this club is somebody who loves it, wants to cherish it, regards it as the biggest thing in their lives that they own."
"It's a great pipe dream to have, isn't it? Just keeps the club ticking over."
"Everyone listen, no one wants to take the blame at the club. There's players to blame, there's managers to blame, the directors of football to blame, their CEOs to blame, and there's one owner to blame."
"How can a football club be successful when the people running the club don't understand football?"
"Ultimately, I said it in the last video, An Postu has ripped that club apart from the inside."
"Sometimes it's good to take a step back and just go what actually is happening... I don't really know what we're meant to be doing as a football club at the moment."
"It's an odd business approach and that's what I mean. There might be a real master plan here, but we're certainly mushrooms kept in the dark."
"We've gotta know, and um, yeah, we don't know. We don't know at the moment. The soil's already been ripped out of the club and the Glazers have done it."
"It's that perception, it's that glamour. So if you are a well-run club, people want your players, whether they're reserve players or not. If you're a badly run club, you can't offload your crap."
"It's a failure of a football club and it's going to take a very long time to build it back."
"Building revenue means your club is self-sustainable."
"What a big club should do is not go, 'Wow, I don't want anyone else. It was him or nothing.' Now that, that's petulance. We should have two or three other players that we go for."
"It's good that we're talking genuine transfers. Whether you want Mount or not, it's a positive."
"That's why I've always said Liverpool for me as a Spurs fan is the blueprint you want to follow if you're any club that wants to be at the top."
"You know, it'd be wonderful if there was someone within the club who just... think about it, know your fan base, know what they want, read the room."
"The change that makes everything change is the change to be in a football club where we spend the money that we make on the football club."
"Positivity reigns, run a football club like a football club."
"It's evolution, not revolution. Somebody comes in who knows what the principles of the club are but builds it in their own way in the modern world."
"Four people on the Chelsea board, none of whom are Chelsea fans, took Chelsea into the Super League."
"It's all about the trajectory. Are you improving as a club? That's where you have to look at yourself."
"We're coming in here to turn this club on its head and sort it out properly."
"Our first priority is to come together as a Club."
"Club finance should include sponsorship income, season ticket sales, and merchandise revenue."
"Create a club, upgrade your stadiums, youth academy updates."
"Lingard staying is pure laziness from the club... we are useless in the market... embarrassing."
"Barcelona are gambling with the club's long-term future."
"The reality is, I think Ronaldo is just fed up to the back teeth with the way the club's being run."
"Everyone was willing to give the club an opportunity um to just like fix the mess."
"I still don't think we would win major honors with the way we operate as a club."
"I do believe that the way the Glazers will actually end at Manchester United is because of the Glazers."
"I refuse to let my standards drop at this football club."
"These have been bullying the club for 15 years, and finally, it took the slap in the face of the Super League."
"Ultimately, I'm a servant of the football club, custodian of its interests, and I want to set us up to succeed."
"It's not about that, it's about resetting the football club."
"This past week has been challenging and hard, but there is commitment and resolve across our board and our club to take every step we need to reset and become a great club again."
"That's why I think the club is so stable."