
Twilight Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Twilight wasn't just a book or movie; it was a phenomenon."
"Twilight ended up capturing the teenage experience in a way it may not have intended to."
"Twilight didn't deserve all of the hatred that it got and was actually at least a little bit good."
"We've got nothing to worry about now that Twilight's back."
"Remember when Edward said to Bella in the woods, 'Say it,' and then she's like, 'Vampire that.'"
"Chuck Liddell entered the twilight of his career, a luminary, his winning streak legendary."
"Twilight lies over the bruised earth as now friends and enemies collect their fallen comrades."
"Twilight was a cultural phenomenon to say the least."
"The curse has twisted it, trapped us in a loop, an eternal twilight."
"Twilight explores and to some extent celebrates powerlessness, and I think that's a really rare and refreshing thing."
"The band made two songs for the 2008 hit movie, Twilight."
"And if you're a fellow Twilight obsessive then I love you and I'm so glad it's coming back into being a thing again and people being passionate about it again."
"Twilight can be incredibly brave and won’t cower, even against someone who may be stronger than her."
"One of the best things about Twilight was Bella's father. 'Cause damn."
"Chances are whether you like the movie Twilight or not, or you make fun of it or it's whatever, it's a pretty big deal, especially when it came out, and today it's still a big deal. It's a fun movie."
"Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I befriended a Twilight I'd have two nickels."
"Surely there were better choices. Twilight doesn't seem like the best thing for impressionable young minds to dive into. Not just because the writing is terrible but because Edward and Bella's relationship is... well."
"The point I'm trying to make is if anyone wants to keep reading twilight fine. I don't get it but I don't have to get it and as long as they understand that real-world relationships are not and should not be like bella and edward no harm no foul."
"The views of the line can't be truly appreciated until dusk."
"Whether it's the last thing I do, you will be a bigger Harry Potter fan than you are of Twilight."
"Twilight was deepening rapidly into night now."
"Twilight has created an aesthetic basically."
"This is gonna put Edward Cullen to shame."
"...Twilight was facing the same conflicts up in Canterlot."
"...Twilight was the only pony in Equestria who cared about maintaining peace."
"Dusk for me is the best time of day."
"There's only one true love of Bella's, and his name is Edward."
"Enjoy that cool twilight in between graduation and your and whatever the next part of your life is"
"Twilight, while they might not be great literature they were guilty pleasure reads and they really kicked off the whole YA book community."
"Twilight is a lot of fun to reread."
"I currently feel like how Bella looked after she was bitten by James at the end of Twilight."
"Gloaming is like underrated. I feel it has so many purposes. It could do so many things."
"The dark hills silhouetted against the only slightly brighter sky."
"I do love magic hour, and look at that windmill over there just kind of twirling around."
"It's like Twilight, there's still a little bit of light in the sky, and all the lights are on in Vegas."
"Philosophy only takes flight at the coming of the shades of dusk."
"It tells of his twilight when the great battles were over and the great miracles long since performed."
"The Great White Stag can only be seen close to night, at dusk."
"If you wait for the blue hour... the sky will take on a blue color and photographs just like this image."
"The little green engine was enjoying himself as he rolled along in the growing twilight."
"Magic Hour, where it's not completely dark yet but the lights have turned on."
"It's this last hour or two of light that I love the best in a walk."
"It's just after sunset, so you can see the sky is still pretty bright."
"I remember when Twilight was the biggest thing in the world."
"The face of brightest Heaven had changed to grateful Twilight, for night comes not there in darker veil."
"We bless you now at twilight, my Christ, God's Word, God's brightness from light that knows no dawning."
"Cold purple shadows rose in the east; crept slowly around the horizon, then gathered above in depth on depth of darkness from which the stars swung low and bright."
"The Sindar, they were named the Grey Elves, the Elves of the Twilight."
"The sun is setting, the witching time has arrived."
"I wanted to paint a Twilight setting, an evening early evening kind of that mellow feel of you know it's a cool evening and the light has really begun to fade."
"I see that Moon hovering on the horizon and in my innermost dreams, I long for those moments of Twilight when a hush comes over the whole world."
"It's a Twilight setting in which nature and human beings are at one, where we see the beauty of nature in the form of stars that are emerging in the evening."
"Twilight can sell property even better."
"In the dance of fading light, we grow."
"The colors of twilight painted the sky, and before I knew it, darkness enveloped the forest."
"I think that dusk is when the sun has gone down but it isn't yet dark."
"The moon could be after the sun is down, there's a little bit of glow from the sun left."
"Dusk in old Japanese is called 'tasogare doki', and it's supposed to be the in-between moment when strange things occur."
"The Dark Watchers are described as human-like figures and can only be seen in the twilight."
"The only light was the last little bit of dwindling daylight trickling through the windows and the glass on the front door."
"The shadow of twilight sweeps across the planet gradually, followed half a day later by the slow brightening of dawn."
"Under the floodlights, the sun dipping down behind the stands."
"Just look at that twilight sky, we're about 45 minutes after sunset."
"There are three kinds of Twilight."
"Nautical Twilight is a time for taking those navigational measurements you might need at sea."
"No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight, in the shadow of your heart."
"In the evening, especially around that magical hour of twilight, the same streets take on a wonderful glow with a mix of shop lights, sunset and streetlamps."
"This is my favorite time of the day when the sun is set and it's not dark as yet."
"What we do in the shadows... they actually quoted Twilight, how they put glitter all over."
"This is Magic hour, there's nothing in the sky, no sun, it's just nice colors."
"I've been waiting to marry you a century, Miss Swan."
"As the sun sets on the Sound, the black moon arises, shining in its own light."
"That's kind of a key characteristic of blue hour is that your artificial lights start to overtake the power of daylight."
"Twilight is when the Sun sets but is still at least six degrees below the horizon, and it's what photographers call the Magic Hour or the sweet light."
"It was near twilight, that perfect hue of orange and purple in the sky."
"My battery's getting low, and it's getting dark."
"So we're watching Twilight tonight?"
"In me thou seest the twilight of such day, As after sunset fadeth in the west."
"Shadows fall as the day begins to end."
"Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala inspired its many twilights and its discipline."
"It's like that last little bit of light before nightfall, you fall into Twilight, and it's those colors, everything's got this beautiful rosiness about it as the sun's lowering."
"The owl fairy wanders at twilight when the trees cast gentle shadows on the mossy ground."
"In the hazy wane of windows' twilight hours, an angel and a demon lay grappled in familiar embrace."
"Twilight was radiant, beyond radiance, beautiful beyond beauty."
"Watching Twilight, I was like, how was I obsessed with any of these people?"
"Twilight is the part of the day where it is dark but it's also a time where it is light."
"But dusk cannot happen without twilight because they're part of the same cycle."
"The creature walks on its hind legs and appears at dusk."
"It's me, my dearest Twilight, I have been conducting a thorough cleaning of the castle."
"The dark Watchers... typically appear at twilight, they are extremely tall, cloaked in strange clothing, and undoubtedly eerie."
"Twilight crawled across the sky, laden with foreboding."
"Sorrow for those who fell defending Twilight, and unrivaled fury for those who had attempted to harm her."
"Sunset and evening star, and one clear call for me, and may there be no moaning of the bar, when I put out to sea."
"Twilight had come to the small valley, the dying rays of the sun casting the craggy rock-strewn hills into varying darkness of shadows."
"Twilight is a really good time to do photography because you have a combination of natural light and artificial light."
"It's a magic place to be just a few more lights light starts to fade."
"During the blue hour, there's still enough ambient light in the sky that is able to illuminate parts of the background."
"I wanted to capture the blue hour; I'm able to represent those colors, represent the lights."
"It's not about desire, it's about Nightfall, a perfect match for Twilight."
"I love this time of day when the light is starting to get low and the moon is rising."
"I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I'm a good booktuber who didn't like Twilight. Like, come on. I loved Twilight."
"The evening star was so bright that it seemed to flare and crumple as it sank toward the western mountains."
"In between is a transition zone where the sun is always low in the sky."
"The purple afterglow of twilight seemed to have more in common with the faded warmth of day than the hastening gloom of night."
"Coming out at Twilight, early evening sunset time is one of the best times to take pictures."
"The twilight capability on this optic is fantastic."
"The twilight hour is so beautiful here, just like ah so romantic and dreamy."
"It just feels perfect with what I'm reading, Twilight, obviously the rain, so it's very atmospheric in here."
"Guys, this is the city of Forks, if you're ever curious, or if you're a Twilight stan who wants to come to the town just for this reason."
"The blue hour happens when the sun is pretty low in the sky."
"It's not the same as golden hour, though they're very close together in time."
"Look at how long the shadows are getting, look at how the light has taken on that golden color of twilight."
"Running into the twilight here at COTA."