
Personal Privacy Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"If you're at the point where you're checking your partner's phone, you should just exit out of the relationship."
"I only submit pictures of my thighs, it's just my thighs, no genitalia."
"For everyone's sake, you want to keep everything quiet on your front. The woman right now who accused Kai's friend is no doubt getting a bunch of death threats."
"How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, 'Wasn't any of their damn business.'" - Joe Biden
"If you behave like a celebrity, then people will treat you like a celebrity, and if you don't, they won't. There's not much to write about me in the tabloids."
"I think they're watching, Chuck. I do think they're watching."
"How secure is my banking information... how easy would it be for some stranger in the future to not just shut down my internet but also help themselves to all of my private information."
"Why do people care so much about somebody's sexuality?"
"Even if you don't allow people to know exactly how you feel at the end of the day, you sleep with you, you look at you early in the morning, you know when your emotions all over the place."
"You would never see me sweat... I'm not stressing... I'm not tweeting nothing... mind your business is what I'm saying."
"Respect for yourself means keeping your mystery, not allowing people to see you naked on the internet for likes and for clicks."
"Don't always tell people about the moves you're making; allow yourself to make the moves anyway."
"Sometimes it's okay to be a little fake. You can have embarrassing secrets. We all do. You don't have to publicize them."
"Whether or not to encrypt your home folder... it's very nice to have."
"Just as long as you're filming in a public place, if other people can't handle that, it's sort of their own fault."
"So protect your online activity today with the VPN rated number one by Business Insider."
"Welcome back to the nordvpn top six show our title sponsors are the very best in the business of protecting you your personal information your identity and financial details online."
"Most of the things that people know about me are made up. My own life is backstage."
"This stuff about his personal life, which is true, is completely disrespectful from the club." - Jack
"You can now lock a note using your device password."
"Central to individual liberty is individual privacy."
"You don't need to know my body count if I'm feeling you and you're feeling me."
"All you have to do is buy this mask which not only reduces ambient noise by 15 decibels but also muffles your conversations."
"You have a digital profile that knows you better than you know yourself."
"Everyone has something they can't show to other people."
"I'm glad her mother stood up for her because we know that Kiki doesn't address things publicly, she stays to herself."
"He didn't want to share that with the world as well."
"Stick to yourself right now, be picky and choosy who knows what about you."
"My mailbox, my phone, and my email inbox are sacred spaces."
"I don't care who you like to sleep with, I don't care if you like your genitalia on a day-to-day basis and they don't understand how annoying that is right so."
"Not everything needs to be posted. Sometimes it doesn't benefit you to go viral."
"Britney probably needs desperately is a sense of safety and a sense of autonomy and a sense of protectedness I guess that goes with safety but not having her dad know all of her business I think will help her feel very safe."
"As long as they're two consenting adults, it's none of your damn business."
"Sometimes it is better just to keep [__] to yourself and don't talk about it."
"Sid believed that his whereabouts had nothing to do with anyone else because he knew he did not take the life of his own child."
"No offense, but that's about as open as I care to be."
"Your feelings are quiet and they're just for you you're not displaying them in your external world."
"You don't need to know my body count if we ain't building nothing together."
"Apparently they're putting something in my body. Must be a way to track me. That's kind of cool actually."
"Not everything about you should be known by everyone. That is how a life led by the Holy Spirit should be."
"Protect your fridge against food theft with customizable permission settings."
"Somebody just asked what's my email address like I'm gonna say that in the middle of a live stream."
"Privacy is becoming more and more important every single day."
"We're vulnerable... we literally woke up to news crews pounding on our door."
"Maintain a mystery, intentionally don't reveal everything about yourself."
"Personal census information is actually kept completely confidential for 72 years."
"You don't owe it to anyone to share anything you don't want to."
"This ain't America anymore when the ATF has that kind of power to come into anybody's home and keep doors down and things like that."
"You should be wondering, why won't Tucker say whether he's vaccinated or not? Is that weird?"
"You don't know who people are, that's why, you know, when that situation was even going out with Nelly back in the day, the whole bus situation."
"They've been all in your business... keeping tabs on you."
"VPN services have become a necessity in the information age surfing the web unprotected can leave your private information vulnerable."
"I don't really like talking about myself, but anyway."
"Don't do something that you wouldn't want the world to know."
"It's more unhealthy to look into snoop because you're going looking and it's just planting those negative things in your head."
"If he wanted to, he could have my phone, he could have everything because I don't want him to ever think that I would do anything like that."
"Dude, they got to stop calling me hot, I'm like 11."
"Demanding an explanation for her disappearance... after the internet berated her for 2 months."
"Honestly, I don't feel like I owe the world an explanation."
"If you want privacy or you expect privacy, you have to create that privacy yourself."
"They know more about you than you know about them."
"I see they put me on means and things don't speak of my life without knowing the real hey figures are you what it cost me to leave don't hold it just say what you feel."
"No boy should have any opinion on what's coming out of my vagina."
"I feel like something that a lot of people need to hear is you don't have to share everything that you make."
"The suburban woman... they want safety, security, and to be able to have their houses and leave me alone."
"Nobody will ever be able to see my face again."
"Simplicity sells, sink or swim at least means you're going to be left alone."
"Lots of privacy, lots of security, lots of light."
"Having a safe space to express things to my therapist that I don't even tell my wife, my brother, my sisters, or even my parents."
"The public Focus has to be on finding her and not making up wild theories about her personal life."
"That innocuous incident and very minutiae incident where her underwear was taken out of her suitcase and left in her cup holder of the car remember that."
"My privacy is more important than your comfort."
"Government should stay out of your private affairs."
"You don't know who you can trust anymore, and everything you do is like under a microscope."
"I have secrets I don't want anyone to know, secrets that could make my life a whole lot harder."
"There's no turning that off, you know. There's no escaping once your face is out there, once people know who you are."
"I'm kind of against the idea of being identified."
"I don't need the public to know; I didn't need the validation."
"Somebody's sexuality is not an opinion that you can hold; it's something that they can choose to share publicly or keep private."
"Encryption is not just a technical term; it's a shield for personal data against unauthorized access."
"You've found a love for something else, and it's either yourself, your work, your businesses, your privacy."