
Film Genres Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Comedy and suspense are two genres that should be like oil and water. How could the two possibly mix? Somehow, 'The Menu' pulls it off."
"Top Secret finds the team of the Zuckers and Abrams sending up everything from spy movies to Elvis musicals with reckless loony abandon."
"I love buddy cop movies and to me Cassian and K2 fit right into that grand tradition of Murtagh and Riggs Jack and Reggie freebie in the beam etc."
"The superhero genre as a category of film like westerns, musicals, like film noir."
"The unnamed horror license is one that has marked the world of horror since its inception."
"In short, you're either 'Avengers: Endgame' or 'Paranormal Activity' or, my script, 'Paranormal Avenge-tivity.'"
"Some people might write this off as some kind of women's movie. It's phenomenal, it's incredible."
"Indeed, films today are more likely to take a buffet style approach to genre."
"Intriguing hybrid of both sequel and reboot."
"The slasher's sub-genre has been a staple of horror films for decades."
"The Lost Boys is an excellent mix of genres combining horror and humor."
"For me, 'Green Book' is a drama with a lot of comedy in it, handling heavy themes beautifully."
"Love really is not like the movies... it would be a psychological Thriller horror movie directed by Ari Aster."
"There's still an audience for this... these kind of dead categories of movies are coming back to life."
"I would love to do a Star Wars meets Lord of the Rings version of Masters of the Universe."
"There's also some really great tense suspenseful sequences making this one qualify just loosely enough as a thriller to include it on this list."
"This is a classic example of a crossover between different franchises, genres of film, cultures, and languages."
"What makes a true buddy cop comedy work is a bit of unease between the characters... enter Zemo."
"Having a gritty war and spy film in the vein of Winter Soldier and Star Wars Rogue One would certainly be awesome."
"It's about the horror of that and it was a great movie but like you said the horror doesn't it doesn't become an out-and-out horror movie until the third act otherwise it's a suspense it's a thriller it's a mystery."
"I've always been drawn to movies that are able to have comedy and drama hit when it matters."
"The best horror movies are sort of really comedy and campy."
"Star Wars combines aspects of many cultures and genres."
"When the vampires come to Earth and that's why I love it. Once the space girl steals the life force of an innocent woman and Cain goes to investigate, it becomes this detective movie."
"If an action film set in the modern day may ask you to accept."
"This is like marketing Schindler's List as a romantic comedy."
"Spielberg has proved he can do every single genre that that is on he can do comedy action sci-fi drama I mean you name it he can do it."
"Maybe it's not going for a super fast sword fight thing, it's going for more of an artistic samurai feel."
"I absolutely love them. They are feel-good films."
"I tend to enjoy horror movies a little bit more when they're like the 80s."
"Plenty of action flicks and comedies out there these days but a real honest-to-goodness classic adventure signed me up."
"I loved it. I mean, look, between Slither, The Suicide Squad, and this, James Gunn has a way with alien invasion."
"The trailers, they lie to you. Oh yeah, they don't sell it as a rom-com in them trailers. Yeah, they sell it as a rom-com. It turns into a cancer movie. Canada - got that pair for those movies, you know."
"A combination of horror classics and movies that are not too disturbing."
"I think summer's not really the horror time, you know."
"It's like Vietnam movies, we got a little bit of Akira in there."
"It's like Reservoir Dogs meets From Dusk Till Dawn with a healthy dash of Romero and Fulci zombie films mixed in for flavor."
"Gremlins wound up being a film without a genre at once a GUI Gateway into Creature Feature horror and the heartwarming tale of a boy and his dog thing who birtheds a bunch of destructive monsters."
"We love zombie films and now we get a chance to make our own zombie film and we love cop film and now we're making Hot Fuzz."
"It's funny because in the 70s I think you could have made the case that the Bond films are trying to compete with other genres."
"I highly recommend this film for lovers of action, comedy, and spy films."
"Wally was admired by women and respected by men, and his films offered a mix of humor, romance, and excitement."
"This box set presents these 20 movies... Hammer through Columbia really trying to capture an American audience."
"Versus films have always intrigued audiences; our imaginations just go wild."
"Ambiguity is something that I actually really appreciate in a horror movie or Sci-Fi film."
"Kubrick's body of work is truly something to admire and provides additional value in the variety of film genres it contains."
"Star Wars takes the aesthetics of sci-fi but at its core, is a fantasy story."
"I love epic time period films and that just never gets tiresome to watch."
"I prefer uplifting movies with some level of action, with some kind of intense action to it."
"There's nothing inherently gendered about liking a light-hearted film with a strong female lead and emotional arc."
"It's more of a descendant of 'Midnight Run' and '48 Hours' than it's a descendant of 'Airplane'."