
Incompleteness Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Kurt Gödel... realized that there were some mathematical truths that could never be proven to be true. This was very shattering for mathematicians."
"It's kind of like walking out in the middle of the movie that you're always left with." - Unknown
"It's like taking a paragraph out of the middle of a long chapter book."
"Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen claim quantum mechanics is incomplete."
"You mean everything to us, and until you come home, this family is not complete."
"It is through its very incompleteness that art becomes complete in beauty."
"If you have just a part of something, chances are it’s going to not be complete enough to know what it is."
"It's okay to be in things that aren't complete. You still love it, still feels like home."
"My guest bed has a mattress and a um like a sheet on it. It doesn't have a comforter yet."
"The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue but that they are incomplete."
"Life is inherently not like life. Life is inherently not complete."
"The perfect ending is still far off. All the side quests still aren't complete."
"It is wrong to think that we get to the bottom of a complete description of reality. There is always this incompleteness, the part we don't know."
"Due to the way we're conditioned, most of us feel incomplete."
"Life feels unfinished without you."
"That part of me will always be incomplete."
"Accepting the fact that logic cannot be complete creates worlds that are unbelievably different from each other, and yet they have to exist."
"The best part was he wasn't even close to finishing."
"It's like there's a hole in the maker."
"That feeling when you're complete but it doesn't feel like it's complete."
"It's like all the pieces don't really stitch up."
"Incompleteness is measured by the class of problems a system can solve."
"Humans are weak, they're broken, they are incomplete."
"There's always something missing."
"Every genealogy in the Bible has missing names; no genealogy is exhaustive."
"Science will never be finished. There are always more pockets of reducibility."
"It's where quantum mechanics is incomplete or not quite correct."
"It's difficult to get invested in the story because no matter what, it's just going to feel incomplete."
"Every consistent computably axiomatizable theory is incomplete."
"Justice has been done here but actually for all of the other victims whose murders were not having charges associated with them this is something that is kind of incomplete."
"You can spend all day in here just describing it, it's insane and it's not done yet. It gets even crazier."
"Quantum physics is correct but incomplete."
"This point is nowhere close to a hundred percent."
"It's never done, it's never finished."
"Isn't that so sad? I bought that many albums that I didn't get all the cards."
"Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems: Hilbert's dream of a final theory was shattered."
"This vacation has it all, all except for one thing."
"A bed without a quilt is like a sky without the stars."
"Every human life is an unfinished symphony."
"Do you want to allow our current scientific understanding of the world, which we all know is incomplete, to override this incredibly strong feeling?"
"Like heaven without you, I'm incomplete; it's hopeless."
"Each person has one big theory to explain the universe, but it doesn't tell the whole story."
"The final piece of this puzzle is not complete."
"I could make believe I have everything, but I can't pretend that I don't see that without you, girl, my life is incomplete."
"It isn't complete; there's a missing piece in the AI puzzle. It can't make informed decisions or apply meaning to data."
"Maybe the puzzle, just like life, is never going to be fully complete, and maybe that's beautiful."
"Elisha realized that after returning, her memories seemed somehow incomplete."
"The loss of my twin cut me in half, leaving a crystal vessel that sang the wrong note when struck."
"Without you, things won't seem just right."
"You feel a sense of unfinished business."
"They're a starting point, but they don't tell you the whole picture."
"He was trying to build a jigsaw puzzle without all the pieces."
"Quantum mechanics is not a done deal, quantum mechanics is not a full description."
"To study it without acting upon it is incomplete."
"Embracing the authenticity of your incompleteness."
"Maybe it feels like everyone else has their [__] together and you don't."
"The sales figure in the accounts is incomplete."
"The builder's house is never finished."
"The spirit of Christmas just isn't complete without..."
"Have you ever tried to solve a puzzle with half the pieces missing?"
"Every set of axioms will be always incomplete; there will always be some true fact that cannot be proven using this set of axioms."
"Memory obviously has practical uses but it's got so many quirks that it almost feels incomplete."
"Sometimes the picture just doesn't tell the whole story."
"I sensed that even though he still loved me deeply, something was missing in our relationship."
"We are the creatures who realize that we are incomplete."
"There's something poignant in our passion for completeness and our constant discovery that we are incomplete."
"We are the incomplete creatures who realize that we're incomplete."
"I really want to share my story, but my story is nowhere near done."
"There were certain statements that are true in a formal system but you can't prove them."
"The analogy that I have in my brain is Gödel's theorem in mathematics."
"Don't go, stay with me, I'm incomplete."
"When we're studying Mars, we have to collect data from these different puzzle pieces and we still don't have the full picture."
"The problem with stereotypes is not so much that they are incorrect as much as they are incomplete."
"It feels weird, nine years we made a lot of good [__]."
"I wish I could love, I spend my nights so alone, 'cause without you in my life, I'm always feeling incomplete."
"Just as in real life, stories end before they are finished."
"Love is like a rose with gentle..."
"Einstein's famous formula E=mc² is incomplete."
"I struggle with just anger that I don't have that and that I am forced to live the rest of my life having to have a family that's not whole, and it never will be."
"Our understanding of the world is far from complete."
"The Raditz and Goku feel like they're still missing something, something in that vision that they're looking over."
"You read a great sonnet of Shakespeare and at the end you think, 'God, that's so beautiful,' but something's missing."
"Any field... we feel that if you advance far enough... you will complete the field... yet what we are seeing... is you're ending up with paradoxes, incompleteness."
"In a way, it was the incompleteness of his wanderings that made him immortal."
"Man can know he is incomplete, he can become awakened to a true consciousness of his incompleteness."
"It's like a part of me is missing, I can't quite explain it."
"Knowledge is never complete. No knowledge is ever complete."
"Without you, I'm like a toothbrush with no toothpaste: incomplete."
"A single name on a wall of a memorial cannot tell that full story."
"Even when I'm super busy with super important stuff like business and just like doing other stuff like traveling and it's still making me a living and I'm not doing art, I feel like I'm not complete; something is missing."
"Stats are just like bikinis, they show you a lot but not everything."
"They feel incomplete without you, they feel like a part of them is missing."
"They're feeling incomplete without you."
"Amma, I leave because I feel like an unfinished poem."
"I wish I could follow you, I spend my nights so lost because without you in my life, I'm always feeling incomplete."
"This person definitely feels incomplete without you."
"A sus chord is kind of not a finished chord, so it leaves your ear kind of wanting for more."
"It is a shadow of who God truly is, not the full picture."
"Share this with me, darling, without you all the stars we steal from the night sky will never be enough."
"I feel incomplete as if a large chunk of me was ripped out."
"I always feel like I am missing something."