
Automotive Passion Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"Cars are about the experience, about the emotion, about the connection."
"Our love for big V8 super sedans... was a constant reference for the development of Sapphire."
"I absolutely love this thing. I love looking at it. I love driving it."
"I love Diablos... to me, that was the poster car as a kid."
"When you're color changing a car, when you're going to this level of restoration, it's huge. It takes a long time, heaps of hours, stuff you can't anticipate, but all the different elements have come together really nice."
"As we get deeper into this build, we're starting to see just how special these cars are to the people that own them."
"Thank you sir. I'm so stoked that I get to keep my 32 Ford High boy. I love this car. It means the world to me."
"The thing that keeps this car alive and keeps me turning my head when I see one to this day is the nostalgia factor."
"This car isn't about numbers—it's just about having fun, and that's why people love this car so much."
"Always make questionable choices and remember Do It For the Love of cars."
"His enduring love for this car made it an icon."
"Overall, yeah, I want to drive this car, so I love that, I think you're onto a winner, I think you ought to take this up for a career."
"It's about enjoying every mile you spend behind the wheel."
"I still can't believe I own the Cannonball Run Countach. I've loved this car for 40 years."
"Restoring that XK120 isn't just an appreciation for a classic car, you've extended its life. You don't have to build a car now as a result of that."
"If you love classic cars, then Donald loves you."
"The best thing about this car for me is the history in it."
"I absolutely love it. It's a car you buy completely with your heart."
"My favorite thing about the two series is how it tries to bring back the basics of BMW drive and enjoyment."
"I am obsessed with cars specifically I'm obsessed with taking cars making them do things they were never built for."
"The best thing I saw was a '57 Lincoln convertible, Lincoln Continental, with suicide doors. Yeah, this is where I would spend my money, I think. That is badass."
"Passion for cars like this is entirely predicated upon that attitude being passed down as subsequent Generations."
"Automotive passion in every way, enjoying the experience, sharing the cars, driving the cars."
"Driving in the new ND2 Miata is a constant reminder of why you love driving."
"The cars really are the heart of Gran Turismo."
"This car is why I love cars. It's extraordinary. It's alive."
"As a car guy you invest so much of your love and emotion and passion into this inanimate object."
"It is the most fun car to drive, you got it."
"A red Dodge Viper to a gas guzzling challenge, there could be no other option."
"It's a love for the car, it's a love for the history."
"I love this car. I honestly, I really, really do."
"This ride is everything. Michael really knew what he was doing when he was building this."
"The exhaust note is just something out of this world it's it's beautiful it it just it gets the adrenaline pumping guys God I love this car."
"It's a very special day when you get to drive a car you've wanted to drive for 30 years."
"I'm gonna drive the car, I'm gonna go have lunch, I'm gonna take the long way to where I gotta go because I love driving this car every day."
"It makes you happy to drive it and I think that's what cars are all about."
"Wow, I cannot get enough of this. Oh my god. I mean if you guys want a stick with a V8, this is the only game in town."
"That's the thing with building a new comp car, if I build a new comp car, the Miata loses its purpose."
"GT Sport is not just a game, it's a journey through the love of cars and racing."
"That GT3 RS, it's the best car I've ever driven. Can't get out of it. All I want to do all day is just drive."
"As bad as the condition, this car may be... this has been my dream."
"This foot has no idea how lucky it is not only is it getting re-decked but like this thing's been sitting for god knows how long and now it's going to get on one hell of an adventure."
"For me, the car stuff is more of a personal thing. I love having these cars and I love showing them off, but also my content's always been about racing."
"I could just talk about cars all day and I just enjoy almost every aspect of it."
"Absolutely awesome car, you know I'll never sell it obviously based on a GTR and free and the fact that it drives so nice."
"I've got something rather embarrassing to tell you about my Porsche 911 GT3 RS."
"I love that view because you can just imagine sitting in the center with a 12,000 rev straight through V12 behind you at 850 kilos."
"This is the final year of this car, the car that underpins the ct4 and ct5 Blackwing, legendary cars that you can only whisper about now. I don't want to whisper about the Camaro, I want to shout."
"I never believed when I was that little kid down on 14th street looking at these cars going down the road that I'd be working on them."
"And I think the most important thing about a tuned car is it's not about how much horsepower you have, what the numbers are, or who you can impress by rolling up to a club with it. It's really about how it makes you feel as an owner."
"My love of cars came from one person and that person is my dad."
"This is one of the coolest fast wagons of all time and I have truly loved this car."
"I love doing this kind of stuff, this is the kind of stuff that got me into cars in the first place."
"When I hear this engine run it just it just makes me smile man and I'm just so thankful for the people that have done it before me."
"It's Alex's dream car the V10 R8 is definitely one of my gold cars."
"This is genuinely every petrol head's Paradise."
"The 911 experience lies in the enjoyment, not the automation of the driving experience."
"There was never a car that you cried when you saw, you finally saw?"
"Regardless of our differences let's at least all appreciate respect the fact that we all have a passion for automobiles."
"I've been a Pontiac fan all my life I've owned nothing but Pontiacs really and yes nothing but Pontiacs." - Loyalty drives passions.
"The Chevy Corvette is a symbol of America that pumps blood through your veins with its guttural V8 roar."
"Any motorcyclist fanatic ever has a soft spot for the V4."
"I have definitely transitioned to where I like working on the cars and building the cars."
"I hope you guys really enjoyed bringing this pre-merger 1984 500 SEL back to life."
"That's the goal behind the car, is really drive it on the street, enjoy it."
"It inspired me to work on my own cars, modifying to improve the drive and to personalize my own ride."
"If Porsche only ever built one 911, we would all love it, and it would be awesome."
"It's very, very special because it really just gives you an insight into what the 911 is before anything else."
"It's one thing to make your car look pretty, but having it still function as a car, that's just top tier right there for me."
"...every time he got in it, he could remind himself of that amazing bit of footage of Ayrton Senna at Suzuka driving the NSX..."
"Subarus have absolutely changed my life in a very positive way and honestly I'll never stop loving these cars and this brand."
"This is the car that made me basically taught me how to drive manual and this is the car that I have my first manual driving memories in."
"Our focus here at Everyday Driver is to help you find a car you genuinely love."
"Their love and their passion for cars is what excited us."
"This channel is all about cars and people who love cars."
"Bugattis, I love them, I love to see more colors of them come to the lineup."
"...it's going to be a replica and clone of my R34 GTR."
"This car is just made to be driven, so I've just been driving it and enjoying it."
"We'd much rather see people using the cars than just building them."
"Oh man I love this car absolutely love this car."
"That was my first venture into Datsun's and sort of got me to where I am today."
"I love n a engine so much and I love the sound of open trumpets and you really can't beat that sound."
"Owning a rotary is a commitment, it's like a relationship, you gotta work at it."
"I'm just dreaming about the future, and that's where I got my passion for cars from."
"This was the car that I dreamed about, this is the car that I wouldn't shut up about."
"It's far from perfect but for a driver, it's great."
"I always want this to be a car I can drive on the street."
"Needless to say, it was a really sick car, and that's why I've always had a real sort of soft spot in my heart for the R32 GTR."
"That's what it's all about, it's the experience."
"I love to build these cars better than they came from the factory."
"I'm all about the cars, and they need saving as far as I'm concerned."
"Convertibles are a dying breed of vehicle, but man, you got to love BMW for keeping this segment alive."
"It kind of hits the passion point of what I'm looking for when I'm looking for a truck."
"Get them started young because you can brush them into loving the cars that you love."
"This car needed saving, and I couldn't let it go to the junkyard."
"I'm so happy with this car so far, you guys."
"It's a real sort of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me and this car."
"One of my favourite cars in the world, almost doesn't matter what year."
"It's a car that's very close to my heart."
"One of the most important things with driving is the bond and experiences that you build up with it."
"A Macan is a driver's car; it always has been and always should be."
"Hey everybody, I'm Bub with X's 4x4. We build badass Jeeps."
"This truly is one of my all-time dream cars."
"Cars were built to be driven and I feel like the creators of these cars will be turning in their graves if they're just sitting in people's garages doing nothing."
"Giving birth to one of my favorite car genres: the muscle car."
"It's very accurate system so everything is the way it's supposed to be as you stand back and look at the car and you realize that it's within a few steps of being completed and being handed back to the owners to relive their dreams."
"You know me, I love a good new old car, and this is definitely that."
"Thanks so much to Steve and Jordan at Offset Autohaus, they're awesome guys, super sound guys."
"What a car, what a day out, I love it."
"It's my vision for this car; it's gonna get thousands and thousands of miles cruising the USA."
"For more than 50 years, Corvettes have been exciting drivers with style, speed, and passion."
"It's a car that screams power and passion."
"We built this car in our family team, we started from absolutely zero."
"The sound of the exhaust, if that doesn't make you feel good, then you're not a car person."
"The sheer joy that their automobiles bring them, which means getting rid of them is not only impossible, but unthinkable."
"The legend, the C63 Black Series, that's not going anywhere, I promise you."
"I was absolutely obsessed with the McLaren F1."
"Honestly today was really fun because I got to give some love back to the Mustang because this is really the car that started it all."
"There's so much R&D and passion and history, literally I'm driving the same roads which is the foundation of this brotherhood."
"I'm completely obsessed with cars, car racing, all that kind of stuff."
"I bought every single component from Ultima, every single nut, bolt, washer, everything, and why? Well, I just want to enjoy the build when I come home from a long day at work."
"Choosing the specific spec of this car that will be my baby, my 20-year dream, this car is."
"That's what I do, ever since the day I bought this, I walked past it and I'm like, man, that thing is sick."
"This is what it's about, being unique. It's the baddest car ever made, and now I'm going to have the baddest convertible ever made."
"A chance to work on cars like this is pretty exciting stuff."
"I love roadsters, I love limited run cars, and especially when they really differentiate them from the regular car."
"I really wanted to build the car the way I thought Honda should have done it."
"It was the last Ferrari signed off by Enzo himself, and many like me believe it is the most raw, thrilling car ever built."
"The Nissan Skyline is my favorite car, but I'm not alone in loving this mysterious car coming from Japan."
"I fund a lot of it out of my own pocket, so if I'm going to work for the money and then invest it into a car, I want it to be exactly what I want."
"As I've grown older, I've developed an appreciation for cars that maybe aren't the best all-rounders but have more character, more excitement, more drama, more passion about them."
"It's so invigorating and exciting and brilliant and fun and everyone just is just there because they love cars."
"It's one of the most humbling and just coolest experiences that the car I look up to, I'm associated to it in some way."
"It wasn't just a car, it was an emotion, a culture, a legacy."
"It's so cool to see an S55 powered car that is a full-on race car."
"I love roadsters, especially compact roadster, and this one is in that class."
"By my 14th birthday, I had started taking an interest in cars and I started reading every published word about car specs."
"This is my dream build, and I'm glad you guys enjoy it just as much as I do."
"It's such a lovely story because we often talk about custodians and how cars are more than just cars."
"I love this car whether I sell it or not."
"I just really love cars, I always have."
"All my life I have loved cars. I love the way they drive, the way they look, and I love the stories they create."
"I get a strong sense of satisfaction from bringing a car like this back to life."
"The M4 Competition has a bit more of a soul and emotion."
"It's just an amazing thing that that car can mean so much that it keeps people like us together, generations down the line."
"Type R: More than a badge, it's a symbol of passion."
"Resurrecting and recreating some of the fastest, fiercest, and rarest muscle cars on the planet."
"I'm absolutely in love with every time I get in my car."
"It's an elegant car, it's one of my favorite cars I've ever built and worked on."
"The passion that I have for automobiles, street and racing, really came from my father."
"We're just sharing our love of cars and motorcycles with you guys, that's why we do it."
"I could literally talk for an hour about how much I love this car right now."
"I love this part of cars when they start coming together and taking shape."
"I'm grateful that I actually got to buy the car I said I wanted to buy, I'm grateful I saved this car and I'm grateful I get to do something really, really cool with this thing that was legit dying."
"That's the one you want, manual V wagon, black diamond, which is the coolest color in the world."
"It's the excitement of a Ferrari, this is the Italian brand with all the emotion that we know and love."
"It's fun to drive every day, it's fun to drive on the weekends, and it's a truly special car."
"I'm hoping this winter to have this thing on the road, cruising and listening to the beautiful Duramax music."
"The cars that I own, I own because of how they drive, period."
"That's why we build cars, to drive them."
"It's cars you lust after when you've grown up."
"They build driver's cars and despite them being on a decline in terms of sales not having the most cars sold, they still stay true to what they have always done and I respect that greatly."
"The Mustang is kind of the last of the sports cars with the V8 and all the stuff that we love; let's hope tuning continues."
"We love car culture and we basically love car enthusiasts."
"We genuinely love cars so, yeah, we just want to enjoy them."
"This is the heart of this build, it is the coolest part of this build, it is the reason why this build is a lot more intensive than just putting in a B35."
"His love for cars seems to have sparked off a determined drive to win."
"I absolutely fell in love and I knew this was going to be my dream car."
"I love these old cars, you know, it's a shame not to rescue them."
"For those who follow me from the beginning, you know how much effort we put into that car."
"This is the car that started my love for Honda."
"I'm a repair mechanic; my love for cars led me to this profession."
"Ever since a kid, I just loved everything cars. I used to love being stuck in traffic jams."
"This car is going to be buried with me."
"You can just appreciate both for being so different, but at the same time, at the end of the day, it's just car lovers enjoy the sport."
"You can still buy a car with a proper manual gearbox and a naturally aspirated V8 engine, that's just cool."
"I love cars, and I love old cars."
"This is automotive passion in the best way possible."
"I dedicated the car to my grandmother."
"After driving this and seeing all the features that it had and knowing about the heritage, just falling in love with everything about it."
"It's a success any way you cut it, and I'm ecstatic about it. This is what I built this car to do, and we're doing it."
"It's one of those cars that makes you love driving."
"It doesn't matter if you like noisy engines or ECO electric motors, we love cars."
"I've really enjoyed drifting again. Being in the driver's seat has really kind of reignited my love for cars."
"I just love the car a lot, and didn't have any problem during the double stint, so it's okay."
"I'm really thankful to have met so many people and done so much that I have done because of cars."
"It's not about the car; it's about the people, the culture."
"It's the love for the car, I guess, it's the thrill of saving a car like this life."
"I've always been into cars since I was a kid."
"The nostalgic feel and just the way you feel the memories that you feel with these cars, that's what makes it up, you know?"
"This Sunday drops my dream build, this car is just the car I've been dreaming about getting ever since it came out."
"I don't want somebody driving me around; I want to be the one driving it. Man, I love cars."
"I love that they drive those cars, you see them at SEMA, see the show cars and film, I understand they were meant to be raced, so it's really cool to do that."
"The McLaren F1 GTR, one of my favorite cars of all time."
"Red Bay are a fantastic company; they basically keep cars like this alive."
"I love this car so much and I'm at a crossroads because I don't know what I'm going to do with this."