
Psychological Strategies Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"There's definitely a game to it as far as your own psyche is concerned, like the dopamine hit of something working and seeing the numbers."
"Referring to Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a shockingly effective way of achieving both."
"You can absolutely starve a narcissist of narcissistic supply and in the process feed your soul."
"Whatever it is you do and make sure to take advantage of those psychological back doors."
"People who make implementation intentions follow through on their intentions because the cue for the behavior is in the environment, not you."
"Engaging in negative self-talk? Easily correctable, you're capable of handling yourself."
"It’s psychological trick. If you pretend to be confident, eventually you’ll actually become confident."
"Mental contrasting: imagining the future and obstacles."
"Game is the glue. Game is the only way you get her mind."
"How to think like a narcissist: why would I want to think like a narcissist you say? ... Because you presumably want to know what hit you, what is this force of nature that has essentially consumed your life for a limited period of time."
"Darvo the crap out of everything... deny, attack, reverse victim and offender."
"Realistic expectations, acceptance, boundaries, and self-compassion become an essential juggling act."
"Habits will win over willpower - create barriers to break habit loops."
"When a woman puts you under pressure, remember women bluff to test your strength."
"Scarcity creates value, and that's the beauty of what no contact does."
"You want to get them to move, you say -- you give them an out. You give them plausible deniability."
"Sometimes when you're not feeling motivated, just make yourself do it. And sometimes by doing that, your motivation actually comes."
"I'm just sublimating it with others, with me that's like a big thing, sublimate true."
"Describing failure as incongruous with how I see my character can really help."
"The best thing you can do to an F boy is reject him, okay, because deep down he wants to be rejected so that he can confirm the narrative that he has that people will always reject him."
"The way I get them to break their slump is not correcting their swing or getting them positive, it's getting them to acknowledge the small promises."
"Reduce the perceived difficulty of what you're doing."
"With cognitive defusion, we create a little space between ourselves and our thoughts."
"Hack this thing called 'akrasia'... The state of acting against your own better judgment."
"Act as if you're happy, then you'll feel happy."
"Make men desire and addicted to them." - Unleash the power of attraction in relationships.
"It's better for you if you just understand this in this discard phase and move on."
"They want to make a psychological connection with you."
"Seduction is a psychological process that transcends gender."
"There are no rules in war. This war is psychological psyop." - Jenny Thomas
"The Seinfeld strategy... creating a streak was like a psychological hack."
"Negative visualization... when you're done... I'm so grateful for how things are right now."
"The solution to conflict is not violence... but it's psychological and when you have that advantage then playing another game will work even better."
"We're talking about beating the narcissus at his own game."
"Successful manipulation is about making the person think it was their idea."
"The delusional mindset, Law of Attraction, and the like can be a great tool for individuals to achieve their goals."
"When they're doing any or all of the covert aggressive tactics."
"It's all psychological and you know knowledge is power."
"If you can be calm and focused, you're in a position to do most everything really well."
"Leaving them alone is a very, very powerful thing."
"Act like you believe in yourself before you do believe in yourself."
"It was sensational, how he read people and adjusted his motivational tactics."
"Start something, keep the mind engaged with open loops. Finish it."
"I don't know if he thought of this or his producers thought of this or his writers thought of this but it's very clever psychologically."
"Visualize success to rewire your brain's response to fear."
"Disruption is key to breaking emotional patterns."
"The strongest and single best tool I've ever found for personal change is to disassociate your identity with the thing that has you in its grips."
"Using anger to stop the critic is like a form of restorative justice at the unconscious level."
"It's a psychological warfare game and we have to fight back by saying screw you."
"Change the narrative of what you're telling yourself."
"Embrace them as a message, and what we see from neuroscience is that as soon as you embrace something you weaken it."
"Confidence is a choice. If I act like I'm the baddest [__] in the world, I might trick some people into thinking that too."
"It's all a mindset game; it's all like a game, it's a mindset control."
"It's all about psychological warfare, not just the weapons."
"I got so fed up that this is what I've done, you know, to help my mental, my psychology exists."
"We're not doing the last part of the brain, preacher, that's why you suggest things to people in sales."
"The antidote to fear is dare: diffusion, acceptance, realistic goals, and embracing values."
"I thought I needed... there's a concept in psychology called the Ulysses pact."
"You can reprogram your brain to interpret that stimulus differently."
"The gray rock treatment is an incredibly useful method of dealing with narcissists and toxic people."