
Product Naming Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The naming thing is really interesting. At some point, you run out of words."
"Snickers was actually named after a horse owned by the Mars family."
"The name is clearly meant to convey breakfast."
"So iforce max, the letters max right here in this image, are outlined in blue, and many outlets out there, including us, have said that their blue font means some sort of electrification. Yeah, hybrid in Toyota speak."
"Let's talk about the name because there's been a bit of controversy about the name already."
"Good news folks, the Snickers dick vane is here to stay! There was never any risk of the dick vane disappearing."
"Why is it called a party pack and not a fiesta pack? Fiesta is like an easy Spanish word to say."
"We want any player to read the name of something and immediately understand what it does."
"Writer's tears is an amazing name for a very mild whiskey."
"Thirsty Girl, which I think is the perfect name because honestly in the comments, like everyone was thirsty for this color."
"That's where this knife got its name: Kivar, kill a bear."
"Fiero means proud in Italian and really represents the brand's excitement behind its release."
"AMD definitely needs to change those names moving forward because it's just it's really it's borderline anti-consumer."
"It's just straight up better marketing to advertise Boba Fett on your LEGO box rather than a random ship name like Slave-1."
"PlayStation 5 is officially being called the PlayStation 5, to everyone's surprise I'm sure."
"Long term i think the fact that the name of the phones now matches the year we are in will probably help a lot of consumers."
"What they went for when they named this one was like what do we want you to."
"The name works sting scorpion you know what I mean the name was there and it already got green lit."
"Diana's perfume was called first, not second, not third, not apprentice, and not spare."
"Pink Gold Peach, Nintendo, like how did they even come up with something so random?"
"Shampoo is baby sham and human feces... sham and poo, easy."
"I don't think like creating these new names is necessarily super shady, but it's just important as consumers to be aware how product names and overall marketing really influence our purchases."
"What sounds better? Amy's caramel mocha Frappuccino or Samantha's pumpkin spice latte?"
"I want to call it like a deck box, you'll see why."
"The Land Cruiser name was going away, they said the new Sequoia was coming."
"We first attached the product name to the button using a data attribute."
"Introducing Grandma's new swirl cookies. But it's a terrible name for this new cookie of yours, Betsy. Swirl it just ain't right."
"Warrior Kid soap is called Warrior Kid soap because a Warrior Kid named it."
"The name Action Man was a stroke of sheer Brilliance."
"It's a really long name for just a really nice car."
"Oh my goodness, it's called one in a melon which I think is a perfect name."
"We're calling it the Pedal modular lighting system."
"This cider I called Gravity, and it was delicious."
"My favorite thing about this box was simply its name: Tartar Sauce."
"My bologna has a second name, it's M-A-Y-E-R."
"The Victorinox companion... I think that is a fantastic name."
"Before our friend HZ could share his new creation with the world, he needed a name for it, something catchy and easy for everyone to say."
"This is the Spyderco Yojumbo... obviously they intended for people to call this the Yo Jumbo because it is a jumbo-sized version of the Yo Jimbo."
"Night Garden Palette is the perfect name for it."
"Very good whiskey with the worst name ever."
"X plus Y equals Z, so this is why it's the XYZ hooded baby blanket."
"Moonshine is a real good name and it's a name that just sticks with everybody."
"I love the names of [the products]. That's what I mean, the way you write so much, the details."
"The name 'Combat Sub' is very appropriate as it has a field watch diver hybrid feel to it."
"I've called it Gravedigger because it's going to bury the competition."
"It's absolutely beautiful, just like the name Beautiful."
"First of all, a thumbs up to Holybro for coming up with a model name that I can pronounce."
"I love when brands do like empowering names for their products."