
Video Making Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"No matter what, even if it's to five people or 10 people or whatever, if I'm not even streaming anymore, I'll always make videos to myself."
"I love creating content I love making videos it's always what I've been doing."
"Thank you for watching and I can't wait to wait make a lot more videos for you in 2020, we're back."
"This is probably my favorite video I've ever recorded."
"You can't really expect to make one video and become super successful unfortunately, that's not how it works."
"This video was honestly the most fun I've had making a video in a really long time."
"I don't regret any of my videos because we never know how they're gonna perform..."
"I love making these videos, I love sharing my life with you guys."
"I really enjoy making videos like these so give me some more ideas and I'll see you next time."
"Making videos that provide value to other people... feels so much more exciting and purposeful."
"I've made over 600 videos and I've made a bunch of TikToks, Vines."
"It is possible to make thousands of dollars in just one month by making simple videos."
"I don't think I would want to retire at this point; I think I would want to keep making videos."
"One of the best parts about making these videos is meeting the very people who enjoy them."
"I love making videos. I just love making videos."
"Creating videos as easy as clicking a button."
"I seriously love making these videos and I love watching it. I feel like I am never going to stop making these videos for you guys just because I personally enjoy watching them and it just brings back so much memories overall."
"This is the most romantic video we've ever done. Yeah, this is correct. This is objectively correct."
"Never tickle a sleeping dragon. Ben, we made the video, guys, we made the video. It's out there."
"I had a great time making this video to be honest. It was a lot more fun than expected."
"I think it's just such a fun video to do."
"So guys I hope you enjoyed that video, I had a lot of fun filming."
"I love making these videos and I don't want to stop."
"...each of these could be the subject of a video in their own right..."
"At the end of the day, you'll be able to create some powerful and amazing videos."
"That's all for this one guys, if you found this video helpful please give it a like, subscribe to the channel so that we can continue to grow this community and channel together."
"You can make simple videos and hire an editor to help you with that, even if you have no experience editing."
"Hiring a video editor can help you make better videos, save time, and ultimately grow your channel faster."
"Recently, I've also been trying to lower the bar towards filming and making videos and just being a little bit more forgiving and gentle on myself."
"I still can't believe anybody who even watches my videos it just blows my mind that I get to make videos and I get to build bows."
"My favorite part about making these videos is reading your guys' thoughts in the comments."
"If you wanted to make a video about why Ariana Grande's outfit is awesome, you could sit down and pound out 12 minutes."
"You should make the most interesting videos someone could watch about the subject matter."
"I started in 2010 when I was a not so happy person and making videos made me happy, so I thought, let's do more of that."
"What do I do? What am I supposed to do? If you guys could see all of the half-started videos that I have, something is going on in here."
"So I hope you enjoyed the video today as much as I enjoyed making it for you. And as always, I thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one."
"this invitation represents an exciting opportunity both for me to answer some questions I've posed in previous videos as well as to continue to push my own video making abilities"
"So long as I'm making videos everything's gonna work out."
"People don't know how to make a video. I didn't know. I had to become a YouTuber."
"Hi, I'm Alvin and I like making videos."
"I definitely learned a lot while making this video, starting characters with traits and motivations made them feel more real and distinct."
"My whole adult life has been spent making videos."
"These videos are never easy to make and require a great amount of research."
"I'm just gonna make a short video on this."
"I absolutely love getting comments and messages like that because I never thought making these videos I would ever, you know, that would ever be the case."
"I have always wanted this channel to feel like we're just hanging out and talking about making videos."
"Don't think about it, just turn on your phone and start recording. Just say something."
"New plan for the video. We're cooking. We're baking."
"I love making these videos... it just feels like I'm on like a little day out with my friend."
"Sprinkling sublimation into my videos."
"...we full transparency we're the one that's making a video so that you guys can see what's going on."
"...but I'm just so excited to keep making videos this is what I want to do for a long time so I hope that you stick around and I appreciate the support and I will see you in my next video."
"I've been super excited about making this video for a long time."
"Lately, I've just been loving making videos."
"So, let me get the car finished warming up here, and then we'll jump into the video."
"I really enjoy making these videos. And I feel like I finally understand my purpose on this platform. To be the funny graphic design video man."
"When I began making videos, it was December, so I pretty much just wanted to cover the oddest, most obscure Christmas horror movie I could find."
"I'm enjoying just as much as you guys making these videos as you are watching them."
"I learned that people do care, people do care about the types of videos I want to make."
"Never give up, never stop making your videos."
"I've had an amazing time learning and making a video on this and I hope you did too."
"We're going to be doing a lot of videos in April on Vim."
"Just start making videos. You'll get better faster than you think you will if you take it seriously."
"It's really easy to use and it's going to be a great piece of software to get you started in making your first video."
"The sheer cesspool that was happening was absolutely absurd. I thought, 'I need to make a video on this.'"
"If we don't, I'm going to get back out here, try and do this again, because I need to keep a Cobia to make this video happen."
"These videos are absurdly easy to make."
"Making videos is how I process things. It's how I process life. It's how I just get through things. I find it helpful to talk to you guys."
"I never make videos in hopes that, you know, 'Oh, I'm gonna get a bunch of clicks out of this.' I make videos about important topics."
"We are so happy to make videos for you guys, and we will see you in the next one. Bye."
"...if there's anything in the way of me and the viewer of my videos that's like dictating the content it's probably making it worse or making it harder to make that video at the very least um so yeah that's a that's a good takeaway I would say."
"Last year making these videos got me through the quarantine."
"For the past ten years, I've been making videos about my life. Documenting the burial cave as learning from it, and trying to preserve the site."
"What would you do to motivate yourself? Honestly, I would continue to make videos. I came home one summer, and I was like, 'I'm gonna make a video every single day this summer.'"
"I feel privileged every day that I get to come and make these videos for y'all."
"I make videos to encourage you to get creative, to share that joy of making stuff."
"...completes a journal...such a fun video to make..."
"I had clearly the best time ever making this video."
"Anytime I'm like, 'oh, I'm losing viewership or whatever, like this video is not doing as good as the last one,' the first thing that does is makes me motivated to make the next video the best video I've ever made."
"I had a lot of fun making this video."
"As I'm putting in the final touches, I really hope you enjoyed the whole build process. I tried many new techniques on this ship and in the making of this video."
"It's too much, and any other day it'd have been so easy for me to make this video. That's why I know this video is meant to be made because somebody needs it."
"It was pretty fun making this video and I hope you all enjoyed it."
"You can make a ton of videos all about Shader materials."
"I hope you had as much fun watching this video as we had making it."
"When it comes to making videos, I always try to write reviews based on figures that have some sort of unique attributes."
"It's been a freaking hot minute since I recorded a new video."
"What can I spend hours doing? Making one video."
"Thank you so so much for making this video and all of my videos possible, you guys are the lifeblood of this channel."
"This is going to be the most spontaneous video I've made yet."
"Do it because without them we wouldn't be able to make cool videos like this."
"Well since the average empire citizen has no video making experience, they should use the sponsor of this video, Wondershare Filmora 11."
"I feel like I have the credibility to make this video now."
"I care more about storytelling and making videos."
"I definitely do enjoy making these videos, I like being creative."
"That's what this pretty much why we're making this video is we want to you know obviously if it wasn't for you all we um we wouldn't be doing uh social media anymore."
"It is a beautiful rainy day and I feel like making videos."
"I thought this was the most ridiculous video idea I've ever had in my life. I was so wrong. This is the best thing I've ever done."
"I love making videos on this channel although sometimes I want to pull something shorter and not have it disappear because we all know that happens a lot more than it should."
"Making videos to inspire people's passion is where my real passion in photography lies."
"I really, really wanted to make this video. Very passionate about it."
"Because once you make your first video, the rest would be easier afterwards."
"One comment or question that sometimes get in these videos is that I'm stirring either too quickly or not long enough."
"I had a lot of fun going on the tour and a lot of fun making the video as well."
"Yeah, I mean, you know, when we do the videos, I mean, I was always very self-conscious about talking, you know, in public and that kind of thing. It's, you know, one thing really, even as much as you talk with people."
"If you make videos that people want to watch, people will watch them."
"I've been wanting to make this video on and off for at least four years now ever since I started my channel."
"It's so important to make the video you want to make first and then you can feel more confident in the way that you want to present it because you know what the thing is."
"I'm super happy to finally get the chance to make another video."
"The only way to start making videos is to start making them."
"I just did my hair, come on! Sorry, but you wanna try the video without me talking? This is what you get!"
"It would be cool if I had more viewers as a result of making this video."
"I enjoy making videos for you guys."
"I'm very excited to be making this video for you."
"Making YouTube videos is pretty hard as far as like setting up the camera, working around the camera."
"I've always wanted to make an overnight video here but under different circumstances."
"I really hope you enjoyed this video because I had a lot of fun making it for fellow collectors and fans of the movie to enjoy especially during these crazy times."
"The best thing about making your own videos, you can just do what you want. The bad thing is, I usually want to take a nap. And yeah, actually, that sounds really good. I think we'll do that, then I'll watch another one."
"I learnt more reading those comments than I did making the video itself."
"This video took a lot more effort than I expected when I went into making it."
"I think it's gonna be a cool video because I'm gonna take you through the process."
"Because in addition to selling everything I own making videos is another thing that brings me joy."
"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings today I promise what happened what happened to it I promise I was just trying to make a video."
"The answer to all of that at the end of the day really is only make better videos."
"How do you make funner, more enjoyable videos?"
"I had a lot of fun making this video today."
"One of the reasons that I like making videos is it always unlocks these random memories that I have."
"I thought I could make a funny little video from this."
"I'm really happy with how the video turned out. It felt like I was sharing a hobby again, which is fun to do."
"This video is going to help many of you who've always wanted to make videos."
"I enjoy every single review we make because I just like making videos."
"I wanted to make a video for those of you who are last minute like me this year."
"It's really cool to be able to do everything live and on the spot; it's almost like playing an instrument, except you're making video instead of sound."