
Divine Sacrifice Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The Lord's willing to forgive you and take you back; He paid that ultimate price."
"God's Last Wish is us... God sacrificed himself and used all of his power to create humans."
"He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all."
"We must always remember God's wrath against sin, yet he planned to pay the penalty himself, offering redemption through Christ's sacrifice."
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son now look what he gave he gave his very best."
"When there's no escape and there's no well mount Moriah teaches us that he God will not withhold even his son his only son whom he loves"
"Even if you were the only person on Earth, God would still have died for just you."
"God wants to be your friend and Jesus went through hell on this Earth for you so that he could be your friend."
"The Incarnation is a huge sacrifice God taking on human form tying himself to humanity now inextricably bound."
"Help us, Lord, all of us to lay it down at your feet, Jesus, and just to come before you knowing that we are righteous in God's eyes because of your sacrifice."
"If you're the only child of Adam and Eve, God would have still come and died for your sins."
"Jesus left heaven and came to this world to die for you on the cross."
"You have inherent dignity and God paid a high price by sending his son Jesus on the cross to restore your dignity."
"Jesus Christ, God in flesh, received the wrath of God on behalf of sinners."
"You are importantly, dearly important. So important to God that He gave His Son Jesus to die on the cross for you, specifically you."
"I felt like I was the only one for whom He would have to go to the cross."
"Everybody wants to be significant everybody wants to be worth something and at the cross God said you're not worth something you're worth everything you're worth everything to me I'm gonna give up my perfect son for you."
"Every single individual human person is worth the blood of the Son of God."
"In him we have Redemption through his blood... according to the riches of his grace."
"It takes the blood of God himself to pay for our sins."
"He would rather the blood of His Son be spilt than one jot or one tittle of His promise not be fulfilled."
"Could it be that the only work of man in heaven that we will see are the marks of crucifixion that we put on him."
"The nails in your hands, the nails in your feet, tell me how much you love me."
"We worship a Savior who left his pre-mortal station of the Godhead and condescended to come down to earth and live a mortal life."
"Tell me child, what more could he have done when he went to die on the cross?"
"God loves you so much He sent His Son to die for you."
"He was rich and he became poor, not in terms of losing money, but in sacrificing the harmony and unity he enjoyed as a heavenly being."
"If we truly are infinitely sinful, the only payment that could redeem us would have to be the blood of an infinitely good God."
"Thank you, God, for giving us your only begotten son that died on the cross for our sins. Amen."
"I don't know why He loves me, I don't even know why He cares, I don't know why He sacrificed His life, but can I tell you, I'm so glad that He did."
"God demonstrated his love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
"He suffered and died for you individually because He loves every one of you."
"...God's most glorified not at the expense of his creation but at the expense of himself for the sake of his creation."
"He loves you and me, He gave His life, what more could He give?"
"You are so valuable that God is willing to leave everything in heaven and to come down here just for you."
"Somebody ought to think, somebody need to be thanking God for the blood of Jesus."
"Giving is of God. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son."
"God demonstrated His love for His own in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
"Do you think God asked His son to come to the Earth, to humble Himself to the Incarnation, to be obedient all the way to the point of a crucifixion, so that you and I could benefit from that?"
"We don't need a lamb anymore because God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son."
"For the first time in history with the advent of Christianity, it became about the individual person mattering so much that God himself would become man, be crucified, and die for his salvation."
"Don't let shame keep you from getting the freedom that God has already purchased for you with His blood."
"God himself making the sacrifice, God himself taking the risk of becoming a man and meeting Satan on his ground at infinite risk potentially to himself."
"I love you and gave my life for you."
"Jesus Christ loves you so much, he was willing to die than live without you."
"God was broken to heal human brokenness."
"Jesus loves us so he condescended below all things for us."
"God has put the punishment of our sins upon Himself, upon His Son, that we may be saved, that we may be set free."
"You're so precious that if you'd been the only sinner on the planet, He would have poured every drop out for you."