
Multi-platform Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"This game is worth your time, absolutely I recommend this 100% regardless of what console you're playing on or if you're playing on PC."
"Create a social media marketing strategy that works across multiple different platforms."
"Almost every program I showed you on today's list, at least nine or ten of this top 12 here, are available on Windows and Mac as well."
"Modern Warfare 2 was released worldwide on November 10, 2009, for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC and it received universal critical acclaim."
"Kerbal Space Program 2 arrives on all platforms tomorrow."
"New widgets that work seamlessly across all three platforms."
"I feel at home developing for Windows and for Android at the same time."
"Shelter Shelly sold 1.7 million units, crazy! New research available: multi-platform."
"Happy game is coming to PC and Nintendo Switch in 2021."
"Dying Light 2 is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, and PC on December 7th."
"Project Ferocious is targeting a 2023 release date and coming to PC, PlayStation, and Xbox."
"It has full support for Windows, Macs, Linux, and also Chrome OS, with pro OS app usage growing four times in the last year."
"Middle Gear Solid Master collection volume 1 arrives on all platforms... each a masterpiece."
"Timing is everything when it comes to blogging, YouTube, PPC, Pinterest, influencer marketing."
"Skyrim has sold around 40 to 50 million copies. I think I own that thing in like three platforms."
"Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 arrives on the 4th for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation."
"Best part is, the game is free to play on PC’s, Playstation 4 and Xbox One."
"The official chat GPT app is now out on Android and iOS."
"Microsoft does indeed make open source products, and this is available not only for Windows but for Linux and macOS as well."
"When it finally released in November of 2003, on both PC and home consoles, there was no shortage of love for what it had to offer players."
"Brand validity is crucial... running ads on multiple platforms builds trust."
"Practice makes perfect, you should train as you will play."
"React Native: Thinking bigger, focusing on iOS and Android now."
"Good evening everybody now watching on YouTube and Facebook at the same time. This is the big one!"
"If you are deciding to make social media your livelihood you probably should be posting on multiple platforms."
"Dragon City is a free-to-play game available on all platforms: iOS, Android, Windows, and even Amazon."
"Create this beautiful responsive cross-platform Twitter app from scratch."
"While there are other technologies that have done interesting things in terms of multiplatform, none of them have targeted native code quite as well as react native has."
"It is multi-platform out of the gate you can run it on Linux you can run it on Windows you'll get the same set of results all right."
"It's easy to use, a pure Python library, inherently multi-platform."
"If you're going to have multiple items and many sites, you've got to be safe. You can't afford a ding on any platform these days."
"Leveraging a strong brand across multiple platforms is key."
"It's sad to see a game go multi-platform; it should be a good thing, more people get to play it."
"Follow a multi-platform strategy when you're first starting out."
"When you're first starting your agency, you need to follow a multi-platform strategy."
"I want to be able to build beautiful applications across desktops, whether it's Windows or Mac, on my iOS and Android devices, and of course on tablets too."
".NET MAUI is an open-source app platform from Microsoft for building modern, performant, and multi-platform iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows apps all from C# and .NET from a single shared code base."
"Using the same Firebase project for apps on different platforms makes enabling a seamless app experience easy."
"This project is multi-targeted, which means that the single project automatically targets Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows."
"Utilize your designs that you made for T public maybe for other platforms on other products."
"You need to ensure that you adopt a multi-platform strategy within your agency."
"OSSEC is also multi-platform and provides you with the ability to customize your HIDS policies across multiple platforms."
"Whether someone's looking at it on a desktop, a tablet, or their cell phone, the website has a great user viewing experience."
"So .NET MAUI stands for Multi-platform App UI, and it is supported on multiple platforms."
"We're going to be able to develop on all these platforms: Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows."
"Building native iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows applications all with .NET, C#, and XAML."
"It's for anyone who wants to create a Vue.js app on many different platforms with minimum hassle while avoiding having to maintain multiple code bases."
"One of the things I really like about NAV is that it is a true multi-platform solution."
"Think about how can you build content that could be used for emails, also for mobile, also for cloud pages, and potentially beyond that."
"Lens is an IDE that runs locally on Mac, Windows, and Linux."
"We're trying to provide as much reliable good information on stream to as many platforms as possible."
"Quasar's philosophy is to achieve what is usually a problem for most developers: building for multiple platforms."
"This lecture is going to be all about multi-platform support."
"Simple Notification Service, or SNS, is used to send notifications to users via SMS, email, HTTP, and many other ways."
"Node was built so that we could run JavaScript anywhere, including your computer but also your phone or even to control robots."
"If you do a multi-platform project, you have to have the ability wherever you are to build it under all three OSs."
"The more platforms using a single codebase there are, the more resources you save."
"Putting .NET everywhere in the cloud, in web assembly, on Macs, on iPhones, on Android."
"We're doing very, very, very well on all of our platforms."
"Every company I've seen has LTV at least double when they get someone to go multi-platform."
"This is your absolute favorite entertainment digital talk show that is on YouTube, Facebook, and Periscope."
"We've shipped Vulkan with full feature parity to other APIs, both on Windows, and on Linux, and on Android."
"You can essentially build for all platforms, and it's really good, especially when we're gonna go out of beta in September."
"It's a big app, has over 200 screens, and we shipped it on five different platforms simultaneously."
"You will have your YouTube channel art that should be able to work across multiple devices."
"I could kill two birds with one stone, increase my reach and serve my audience on multiple platforms."
"He did it on not only the YouTube level but also in professional leagues and overseas."
"We have multiple platform channel clients, so whether you're on your browser or on your iPhone, we should be able to have these devices connected to a backend and talk to each other."
"We're probably gonna be writing multi-platform Angular 2 applications."