
Generational Gap Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"Riverdale is what happens when you combine boomers who think they know what's trendy and what teens are like with fanfiction."
"This is what happens when you have a bunch of old people sitting around not sure how to log into their Yahoo, making laws about the Internet."
"You can't make Wizard of Oz references anymore; the kids aren't even going to get them."
"I've never heard of this woke, what is this woke that you speak of?"
"You know how do you do fellow kids and it's like these like weird like 34 year old people that are writing this stuff and they're not cool."
"Future generations will never understand what we went through."
"You know these young hipsters, they don't know what they're talking about. This technology comes and goes but you know what doesn't come and go? Me."
"It's very much like I don't think kids today would probably even know what Sonic is."
"He's an anti-racist in his heart too, he's old-school, he doesn't know the buzz words."
"The best part of E3: watching a bunch of boomers who don't understand the first thing about the gaming audience try to look cool and failing spectacularly."
"But if you were born in 1993 maybe you haven't seen Top Gun yet but you better get on it."
"Once again showing how old and out of touch he is with the current 80s speed running meta."
"This whole process has taught me that the music industry is Boomer as anything."
"It's like dude no one cares and no one in history no one's going to care about this it's just a wasted opportunity of an entire generation."
"I bet those people don't even know what clip art is, isn't it?"
"That's the thing so apparently I'm now old enough to where when I Google a game genre that I like I get greeted by the word Boomer."
"I feel like an unbelievable boomer, I have no idea what the f**k is happening on my screen, I'm just seeing stuff flickering in front."
"Are you on tik tok? I don't even know what tic tac is."
"It's going to be confusing for those that don't know how to operate the tech on their phones... downright scary as scary as this is for Halloween."
"Just listen to this tale, 'The Snow Maiden.' There was an old man who lived with his old lady by the snow field. Their kids moved to the city, and they took all of the grandchildren with them."
"Exponential, like at the speed things are changing, like we don't even understand some of the [ __ ] that [ __ ] 15-year-olds are doing."
"Parents didn't know what was happening on the internet."
"Attempting to take away someone's conservative card for being pro-choice or pro same-sex marriage is why many young people don't feel the conservative movement is theirs."
"When we talk about people who are my age and there are people who are within the 18 to 29 year old demographic they may not necessarily understand the whole, you know, idea behind the civil rights movement."
"For the youngsters of 2021 who have no patience, they will probably get more out of simply having a nice glass of milk... after all, milk's perfect for a schoolboy."
"I feel like a boomer sometimes completely defazed from the current way people are interacting with the game."
"It's not that I'm old, it's that your ideas are stupid."
"It makes you realize that so many people, particularly of the older generation, are still stuck on there... they imagine they're getting the news."
"I'm trying to stay relevant, you know? I know you're a young kid, you're on TikTok or whatever."
"Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong."
"Those places are slowly fading from peoples memory, especially with the younger generation that don't particularly know their local history as much, or what the grandparents have told them."
"The trend of younger generations being acclimated to newer technology and running circles around older generations with it has seemingly been broken."
"Your average Millennial can change out the RAM in a PC; your average Boomer can change out the spark plug in a car. Do you think your average Zoomer can do either of those things?"
"That's the thing about y' generation, there's a lot of our generation started to judge y'all."
"My grandkids when I make them watch Big Hero 6 for the 47th time: 'I'm tired of this, Grandma.' Me, age 87: 'Well, that's too damn bad.'"
"Young people are mad because they get like eight times less government spending than the Baby Boomers."
"Kids these days will never understand Swimmer Mix 1999."
"It's just, you know, that everyone gets a trophy thing. I'm becoming an old person now. These kids aren't learning how to play baseball."
"This is a movie that was incredibly important to the genre, it was a massive gigantic hit and I think that's a big part of why there's a bit of a generational gap with this one."
"The next generation of people coming into IT don't necessarily think about systems the way we do."
"You're pretty funny, you know that kid? A girl sneaks into your room, comes on you, and you tremble with fear. That's your idea of closing the deal. I'll never be a granddad."
"She might be caught in a sort of generational Gap where they used to meet in person but now the generation below her meet online."
"The six-year-old flatly refused to believe that we used to navigate using maps made out of paper. You mean like pirates?"
"We have to depend on younger generations. They can see a lot further than we can."
"My soul left my body today as a student confidently declared that over 35 years old don't use social media, they are not on the internet."
"Look, I know what it must seem like to a younger generation, guys. It's ridiculous. No matter what LeBron does, if he's not perfect, then he's not Jordaned."
"We grew up just in a completely different time than it is now. So, I just... I think about this all the time and what I think it would look like especially because our audience, they feel like sisters to me."
"People over the age of 55 feel pretty good about America, but less than one in five people under the age of 34 feel very good about America."
"We blatantly disrespect our elders because they can't keep up with our technology."
"My dad sent a text to me, my Thea, my sister, and my other sister, and my dad is getting old. He doesn't know how to use phones. He's [__] terrible."
"I see us losing ours or when I say structure, I don't mean no paint that [ __ ] I'm just talking about in general, our respect for our elders."
"This generation is just so messed up."
"Most of my friends are older and yeah, I kind of feel like I was born in the wrong time, I really do."
"The younger generations actually speak a different language."
"If you're born after 1991, you're not gonna get that joke, it's a'ight."
"It's weird for me, it makes me feel even older when I'm dating somebody and they say, 'My parents wouldn't let me see that.'"
"When I was your age, I had to walk 10 feet through shag carpet to change the channel."
"Most people born after 2000 have no idea who you are."
"...we will never really understand the world through the eyes of like a Gen Z person."
"Stop using your anger at the older generation to punish the younger ones for wanting what's right."
"...I understand why younger people hate Boomers I really do because they exemplify this fake Narrative of it's okay to burn everything and hey if it [__] the future then the kids will deal with it."
"I don't understand when people say like it's an age generation thing like, 'Oh, they're from a different time.' If my grandad who was born in the 30s is not going to be homophobic saying, 'Oh, they grew up in a different time,' is completely irrelevant."
"We've got to bring the young generation on and not condemn them."
"It's sad because it's not even the older people, it's the younger people. The older people should be ashamed of themselves because they're using these kids as scapegoats."
"Throughout the chats I've had with various members of different generations, of course, things change and accepting that and being able to sort of roll with the punches, if you like, is a skill in itself."
"I feel like the older generation messed up the younger generation because even look um in 2022 there was 695 murders in Chicago but if we go back to 30 years ago in 1992 was 943."
"I loved it, right? I'm an old man, I'm 60 years old, I'm 61 in April. And as an old man, like my father, he would never admit that he likes my music."
"There's something thrilling about people laughing at things that our parents maybe wouldn't get."
"I think the next generation's gonna say that about us when it's like, 'Dawg, you have a knack for some, I grew up in a car, that's the most simple idea I've ever heard in my life.'"
"This is our future, folks. These young folks, they're smarter than us old folks, I'll tell you that already."
"The next generation will not have even a fraction of the knowledge of what you have of your own culture and heritage."
"Those tears were for the difference in generations."
"It's kind of hard. There's a lot of videos back in the day when they added seat belts, and everyone from the older generation was like, this is [ __ ] stupid. Like, this is crazy."
"It's different now, you know those kids just don't listen to one John ham and everything."
"We have a lot of emotional connection to music, there's not to say that young people don't, but then you guys get to cycle through so many things, you don't get to sit with it."
"There would be a dialogue between the ancient and what's modern. And for some reason, perhaps because of the thinness of contemporary culture, a lot of young people are searching."
"What's the matter with kids these days."
"What’s one thing that you love to do that your parents just don’t understand? Abeer: Dancing."
"But it's also important to do the things that are actually going to give you long-term success. And so I think it's really the older generations that are keeping these issues in the dark and making people uncomfortable to share their journeys."
"The younger generation loved ones never have things to watch this movie."
"That's teenager for you, huh? Defend your position, Dad!"
"When I became the Imam, that's when the whole deen flipped upside down," he said. "They disrespected me. He has no respect for his elders. He's arrogant. He thinks he knows everything. He shouldn't be the Imam."
"'He's like a grandpa who thinks he can do something he can't, and the young characters have to deal with him as kids show viewers are connecting with the young characters and sharing their embarrassments.'"
"Kids nowadays don't understand sacrifices."
"Parents over the last couple decades have really failed their kids."
"You know, these youngins nowadays, man, they worried about what somebody comment under they pitch it, man."
"We should be open-minded and listen carefully to what the younger generation has to say."
"I think part of it, like you said, is a it's removed a little bit because of the time period. Like we just can't relate to it as much as like, oh, 20, 30 years ago."
"It's not just spectacular to just the United States. What works for the bloomers and even the Gen X is not working for us, and we're pushing back."
"Lots of people have lost that skill I mean the fact that young people now probably will never pick up a newspaper and read it."
"The last time we had a conversation, he was like, 'I can't hardly talk to my dad like that.'"
"It's crazy though, like now, growing up, like, your parents would like not want you to play video games and [__] and like, [__] what are you doing?"
"I think it's really interesting and exciting how people in their 20s can learn a lot from people who are boomers. And I think that you know, I think it has awakened the electorate in a way that I hadn't seen really before."
"Basic homemaking skills being taught to young girls in the home has skipped a generation."
"Karen's grandfather who wore a gas mask in his trench for six days straight, watching her f used to wear a piece of cloth for 20 minutes."
"...the crisis of Confucius faced of this generation gap was happening all over the world at the same time as the whole human race was apparently entering its teenage stage of self-consciousness and self-doubt and questioning..."
"I think it's healthy for an ecosystem of sports to have the old heads being like, 'Yeah, the young kids can't play in my league.'"
"So, NYX is a bit like punk rock because the Unix granddads are not going to like it. They won't understand it and they'll hate it, but the kids are going to love it."
"There's some truth to why old people call anything that beeps a Game Boy."
"How do they know how to do all this? 'Cause these kids nowadays are smart."
"My son was born 100 years after my grandpa."
"You got [__] that was born in 2001 2002 that is like shut up like it's like because you you didn't you wasn't there you don't even know you don't even know like you wasn't there like so you just don't understand like the certain impacts."
"Our generation is garbage, but the little ones, they might turn out okay."
"We're in danger of losing a generation."
"Your parents ain't going to know and understand everything you're doing in your life."
"So because I am truly perplexed and the only thing that I can imagine this is is this a trend I can say no it's not a trend I definitely know like several Millennials Gen X that they do not have the best relationship with their parents."
"The younger generations are much more accepting of tattooed individuals."
One contemporary observer said, "young folk be come together for love, but parents must cast how they shall live."
"It’s not just the immoral behavior of banks, but also the legacy system in which these institutions operate that turn off younger generations."
"My mom just called gen Z so good so she's like like all those Jay-Z's yeah and I was like you mean tell me you're Luke let's start with the shoes yes this is the parade we got in Turkey."
"The world doesn't work the way the school book said it did, and we are different from what our parents and teachers expected us to be."
"I think Millennials are so hungry. They're so hungry. But the second thing that's so striking to me is how little they've been given by us."
"Seeing the younger people, their priorities are not on religion. Yeah. I think this is."
"It's a very interesting clash of generations."
"...this generation doesn't know dates, okay? the dating I see around me of my peers and people younger than me, they're all deprived of respect, fun, and levity."
"I knew my grandparents would know what that was and like you know maybe it's I don't know we're always trying to show our parents like that like we're not like total uh."
"A lot of people won't understand me for that, a lot of older generation people."
"That feels like such a boomer thing to say and I'm 25."
"Twenty years from now, if you have grandchildren, they are probably not even going to know how to change a light bulb."
"These young 20s somethings ... clinging to this prophetic history like it's scripture like it's gospel it's not it's not it's a man's story."
"I was born in the wrong generation, bro."
"Every generation has their own music, you know what we listened to our parents thought was wild what they listened to their parents thought was wild what our kids listen to is crazy to me."
"Taking chances 'cause they don't wanna live like their parents."
"I'm not gonna be that okay Boomer, elder, who tries to tell them what to do."
"The real issue when we look at emerging generations not being in church is always going to be going back to boomers because no parent who knows something good for their children and they don't have them participate in it."
"It's different. They haven't seen it before. Of course, people make fun of things they're not familiar with. Yes, you know, um, now I don't know his age but the new generations now we we pushing back we not just accepting what has always been you know and it's it's different."
"That's one okay, let's get into that, okay generational what is it differences differences."
"He started in on how my generation is rude and how we could take a lesson or two from a manner's book."
"If we had a little bit more authenticity, if we had conversations like this, then I really believe that the millennial generation wouldn't be leaving in droves the way that they are."
"Language changes over time, I still remember saying to my grandpa, 'That's sick,' and grandpa's like, 'What, someone's sick?'"
"I was raised on your music by my dad who's mostly telling me that a lot of the music that comes out nowadays is rubbish in comparison."
"I think if you were to read it, you would have thought, 'Okay, it's some old society thing,' but it's not. It's going to hang out with the kids."
"You're not going to because people my age don't."
"The big mistake we made being Progressive like this was blurring all those lines and it being okay, but then not educating or helping our generation."
"I think there has been this sense that you know one day somehow or other the guitar just will die out because there'll be a generation of people that just won't get it."
"for as negative as people are toward uh the teenagers and kids on the tick tock app and and just zoomers in general like they they have uh bs detectors"
"Gen Z doesn't value music in the same way as Millennials and Gen X. Every generation has their way of music appreciation."
"It's a kid's app and there's a lot of... I'm an old man."
"We have a really skewed social contract where it's really imbalanced for young people against old people."
"The way younger people now are communicating, they're uncomfortable having conversations."
"I'm not really hip to all the girl lingo."
"Is that what young people call music? You all suffer from brain damage, there's no other explanation. This country is doomed!"
"...thanks to receiving a fraction of the whole picture from the high school principal, an important authority figure of the school belonging to the same generation as him with his own limited perception of the younger generation he oversees."
"Kids these days will never understand."
"I'm from a different era. I'm different, alright? That's for sure."
"It's people also forget too that you also the age difference like a lot of these shows came out when you were like a teenager it was a different era back then."
"I hit them with that 'Yo Mama,' and my wife can't stand it, she's like, so sensitive, I'm like, baby, I grew up in that era where somebody, you know, said something to you either way, like 'Yo Mama,' you know, this is where you go."
"I'm an old-ass [__] I like the old [__] man they still got the new [__] enough she's got a fine."
"I've been doing it a while and I watch what your generation is doing with a mixture of Wonder um distress uh envy and every other emotion"
"Every generation thought that the subsequent generation was going to ruin the world."
"wow yeah and it's like yo it's like that adds the pressure it's like I know I'm old leave me alone that's a new age like new age pressure that's oh my God yeah wow"
"For a new generation, not least those younger than myself, this feels like a different historical era."
"Everyone's always polite with them, strange isn't it? Meant to be the greater generation but it just seemed to get bitter and whatever as they get older, who knows?"
"Stairway to heaven on an iPad full blast was the most boomer thing in the world. Peaceful Hawaiian like ukulele music, and [__] just goes 'You all need some America in this.'"
"Your generation, the younger generation, will in all likelihood, have a lower standard of living than your parents."
"The West is dead but the inheritance that the West has has simply been rejected by multiple generations."
"It's a new generation, this is like how [__] don't like new generations of music, [__] don't understand it."
"You ever see your grandfa father, you ever see a grandfather with a cell phone?"
"For the love of God, young people, don't become like these millennials."
"The younger generation despises the mothers and the state that they run, wants to live in America, or wants to live an American life."
"I had a proper head on my shoulders, but I can't speak for these younger women. It's a new generation, and they think differently."
"I still have that, but there's a lot of young people who don't pick up the phone."
"Youth will insult the elders and the aged will stand before the youth."
"When your grandma sees Roberts on your birthday wish list oh Deary what is that."
"Everyone's mother knows how to use the internet here, which may or may not be different from where you come from."
"I remember sitting in the car with my mom when I was 12 and having and Mo Money More Problems was playing and my mom just looked at me and said this is trash."
"He was living the dream, best women, best drinks, best drugs. But they were from a different generation, resentful of a pampered pop star telling them what to do."
"Only bangers survive we got to remember that from music because everybody talks about the current generation of music and every generation about how shitty it is."
"I do worry quite a bit sometimes about the younger generation."
"...young women today will come of age with fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers."
"You tell grandpa that my brother has something he needs to tell him, um."
"If you're the average millennial male, your dad is stronger than you are."
"I mean, can you imagine the alienation an elderly person must feel being left out on their own when they know that the younger generation are having such a good time?"
"yeah shut the [ __ ] up dead ass are you going to start saying cop and stuff like that and all these Millennial terms that make me cringe Bop yeah I don't know that one he's ahead of you like made that he could have I would to know yeah old hurry up."
"...watch a bunch of 14-year-olds hang out with each other, they'll hang out with each other and then get on the phones."
"Kids these days and their silly TikTok."
"At age 86, I belong to that part of the octogenarian generation that's not looking for a smartphone, they're looking for a cell phone that has a rotary dial in it."
"A good chunk of Monster Jam's fans who were under 30 don't have the same levels of reverence or attachment to these excluded trucks as much as older fans."
"Youth ministry overall as an institution, it has failed to capture the hearts of our generation."
"I'd be trying to push it though, because I'd be wanting to see what could we do with the youth, because this generation, older generations, it's like it is what it is."
"I felt like my dad saying, 'I don't understand new music. I don't get new music.'"
"And I think the beauty of this whole thing with these two guys is that you have from the older way of looking back, you start, they're young men, they're full of optimism."
"A lot of people who watch our show weren't even alive in the period we're going to talk about."
"I love it when Lauren damn kids are wearing their razor nowadays. I was like, that is so old man. I love it."
"When you're a young person, especially you aren't around for that, right?"
"There are two English languages, one that kids speak and one that adults speak, and only adults are fluent in both."
"The internet… doesn’t have an older generation still."
"Kids teaching parents the dangers of social media is like kids teaching parents street smarts."
"A lot. A lot, yeah. I mean, it's way more than they... Yeah, dude. Way more than they know. I think they're 10 years behind, and the world is moving at light speed. That's what I think."
"There's a lot of people, especially the older generation or parents, they don't understand social media."
"I'm not a you anymore, you know what a ute is? Did you say youths? Yeah, two youths."
"People don't know how funny Spade is who are like really young, I mean."
"I may be 50 years older than you. When I was a kid, nobody believed we'd really reach the Moon."
"How to frighten the new generation: put them in a room with a rotary phone, an analog watch, and a TV with no remote, then leave directions on how to use in cursive."
"It's funny because that is a joke that 90% of the generation who was watching this on TV did not understand."
"Oftentimes a person will realize they're getting older when they realize how different they are to the younger generation."
"Generational divides are a tale as old as time."
"I understand that I can sound like old man yells at cloud here."
"It's like my grandma wants to plug in something with an HDMI and she thinks it's magic."
"It's a strange world, the influencer space, because in many ways, people of our age are dinosaurs; we don't understand the way it works."