
Regulatory Impact Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Freedom of speech seems to be under attack from all sides: corporate, government regulators, and even internet companies."
"We need to get government out of the economy. The government has screwed all this up. Government regulation, government subsidies, government taxation programs—that is what has stopped the dynamism that existed in the past."
"Part of the reason that we haven't seen the financial system teeter during this major economic shock was because of those guardrails that we put in place."
"Bill C-11 could do to their livelihoods. I also worry that the dreams of the next generation of Canadian YouTubers will become less achievable once they're forced to navigate intimidating new regulatory hurdles."
"Stock price of tobacco companies is risk-adjusted due to evolving legislation and regulatory challenges." - Ron Gross
"All crypto basically centralized if the exchanges have KYC, it's centralized."
"If even Elon Musk recognizes that what the EU is proposing is serious, then obviously what we're dealing with is a potentially existential threat."
"China's rules are expected to affect the user experience."
"The tragedy will be if these new things coming along in healthcare are short-circuited by smothering government regulations."
"This document essentially turns law-abiding people into felons overnight."
"Positive regulation is going to push us to new all-time highs in 2022 and 2023. I'm very optimistic about that."
"It's intense watching this play out right, I mean experts are warning that free speech is at risk."
"Whenever the big guys do something horrible they come and regulate and the big guys like regulation you know why because it makes it more expensive for someone like me to compete with them and so it reduces competition."
"Welcome to my top 18 tech fails, each one so disastrous that they've had to be banned."
"The influence that U.S. regulation can have... is limited."
"Crypto investments are a global phenomenon, governed by regulators and policymakers. You really want to keep going to these regions and finding out what direction the policy is going to go."
"The judge said the ban represents a violation of free speech."
"Bitcoin has still managed to thrive in the face of more regulatory pressures and external pressures than any other asset class I had ever seen."
"The government led by Gensler is in a Full Assault on crypto and the goal is basically to either destroy in the US or drive it offshore."
"SEC's enforcement push will fundamentally change how cryptocurrency markets work."
"SEC regs will change cryptocurrency markets."
"Changes brought on by new government safety regulations... big ugly bumpers are one example of this."
"The private sector creates twice as many jobs as money put to the federal government."
"It's like the gold rush, this is the crypto rush but it's the regulators who are rushing to grab the market."
"There's like rules now, and it's there's a law and that it's just I think that makes the club so much better makes one other people want to go there."
"For every illegal worker, the employer could face a fine of up to ten thousand pounds."
"The President's deregulatory agenda will boost household income by $3,100 annually."
"Fortnite's $520 million fine is a drop in the bucket for a $10 billion game."
"There will be other ETFs... the sad reality of what we saw with the Bitcoin ETF is it was only because the courts forced the SEC's hand."
"The regulatory changes have created a black market."
"The only other thing I'm worried about... they're not going to stop with Alex Jones, they're gonna go after a whole bunch of other people."
"The Miracle on the Hudson has since inspired the National Transportation Safety Board."
"The Great Depression should be a warning that loose regulations and poor government oversight can lead to disaster."
"It's brutal - would crush forums and everyone's creativity."
"As long as the Title II infrastructure build-out protection is allowed, it's going to be huge."
"If companies didn't lean into sporting use, we would have a lot less regulation than we have today."
"FDA approvals are the mother of all catalyst plays."
"The negative impact of games may lead to widespread regulations."
"This legislation is nothing less than an effort to kill cryptocurrencies in the US."
"Facebook endorsed SESTA and right after SESTA passed, when multiple dating sites shut down, I think it was literally three weeks later Facebook announced that it was starting a dating app."
"They're going to use this as a wedge to make their legitimate sellers' lives much more difficult."
"It's a journey. Driving should be enjoyable, but it seems like the powers that be are taking all the enjoyment out of it."
"The regulation cutting is helping speed the development of a vaccine."
"What's the value of being able to teleport gold anywhere in the world anytime and have a government not have a saying in that?"
"The most important ruling to date was of course the sec's motion to strike ripple's fair notice defense which was denied."
"XRP just won in their case against the SEC. This is an incredible event, a very important precedent. Game Changer in fact."
"Biden's mandate isn't a government regulation, it's a government assassination of your jobs."
"Maybe the FAA is going to hear this out and suddenly make a million..."
"Having seen the success of what the UK did with FinTech you're now seeing other regulators around the world start to look to replicate that."
"They have really transformed how banks are going to see themselves how banks are going to view what type of risky Behavior they can engage in."
"Every founder dreams of a regulatory change that creates billion dollar market in their space overnight."
"They run the risk of killing innovation in the United States within the cryptocurrency asset class."
"There's risks in everything but I love the idea that the regulator is going to really you know but when they regulate it they're basically voting as a real asset class provided they don't regulate it out of existence."
"Why it's cheaper there because they don't have environmental regulations that we have here."
"Regulation creates clarity and opens up the door to institutional investors."
"Witnessing no amendments in the crypto taxation policies have discouraged firms and investors..."
"Regulation creates clarity, opens up the door to institutional investors..."
"XRP wins court case, starts getting relisted."
"Brace yourself for the inevitability that video games will soon be governed by artificial intelligence."
"If you want less poverty, increase freedom, increase ease of transactions, increase ease of starting and release less regulation on a business."
"Once you start censoring content like that and telling people they're not even allowed to produce this content or sell this content then you open up Pandora's box."
"If the SEC wins, the crypto Market in America will be practically wiped out overnight."
"We banned your gas cars, are making you buy electric, and now we're telling you you can't charge them."
"Crypto feels healthier now than a year ago, despite the regulatory crackdown."
"It's not getting any better, and that's a double whammy of regulation and supply chain." - Mike Goldsworthy
"It's a very exciting time for Formula One. It's an opportunity for all the teams with these new regulations."
"Democratic elected government can't do what they want because of this regulatory chill."
"If the USDA disappeared tomorrow, would our food supply be more nutritious and safer? Absolutely, absolutely."
"Trump on electric vehicle mandate: 'I will terminate Joe Biden's electric vehicle mandate.'"
"The laws are killing you all these laws stopping people from progressing and making money in and changing neighborhoods it's ridiculous."
"Scaring consumers, concerning regulators, and slowing down the progress of this software is an immoral, unethical, and just plain dangerously stupid thing to be doing."
"This approval will be looked back on as a Hallmark event that will allow BTC to reach levels past $100,000."
"Crypto is inevitable, it doesn't matter how much government pressure we have."
"Massive regulation like this... will definitely have an effect on Bitcoin and all of cryptocurrencies."
"I don't think sites like these will ever fully die, not without some serious regulation changes."
"Big news, my friends, and I'm happy to see Gary Gensler looking defeated, timid, docile. He doesn't have that same aggression."
"I completed close to 50,000 background checks correctly in my 46 years. Why would I willfully ignore one background check? The answer is simple: I did not, but the ATF has revoked my license and ended my career and livelihood."
"It's government abuse and oversight that is causing you to spend far more money than you ever should in order to run your business and legally sell firearms to Americans."
"The SEC case with XRP getting finished is going to be important to the price of Bitcoin, it is going to propel."
"When Bitcoin ETF will be approved in the United States, the price will skyrocket by 50% in one single day."
"Heavy regulation is short-sighted and will destroy the United States."
"SEC can destroy altcoins or shitcoins; SEC cannot destroy Bitcoin."
"A terrible day for the internet a terrible day for America the internet as we know it is not going to exist anymore."
"I hear all the time that, 'Hey big money really won't enter crypto until we get some regulatory clarity.' Is that what you hear in your course of course because it's all uncertainty..."
"Even though fans might say much like also with Mount that the final numbers quite high, it shows you that despite Financial fair play and despite the glazes still being there there's that ambition."
"The current uncertainty in the US regulatory landscape discourages innovation and could cause a brain drain in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space."
"What are we actually trying to accomplish with this non-dissemination order?"
"The court case could make XRP the only crypto asset with regulatory clarity in the United States."
"The Department of Transportation next week is expected to finalize a requirement that will pressure Tesla."
"As long as the industry is allowed then we can hold on to them."
"This fair notice... if the SEC loses... they won't be able to continue suing other crypto projects."
"Rule changes force people to be more innovative."
"If it does become an indexed asset and I think once the SEC mandates it, it will, the volatility will decline dramatically."
"Regulation could be one of the things that actually helps us get out of a bear market."
"SEC fought hard to keep these documents sealed. But now they'll be released, potentially allowing Ripple to finally win the case and defend other projects."
"Once we see all this regulatory uh scenario you know subside that we're going to see some pretty amazing things happening."
"None of this digital asset space is going to get to where we all want it to go where it will flourish and we're talking more about the innovative projects that we're all interested in than regulation."
"The focus is on whether there's a significant interference with a power that Congress explicitly granted."
"More competition and less regulation will finally bring down the cost of care."
"The students really did feel as though they had impact and the regulators learned critical information."
"Since OSHA's creation in 1971, there has been substantial progress in increased occupational health and safety."