
C# Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"I think the most important C# prototype to learn is the class library project type. That's the prototype that should store most of your real code."
"There's so many ways to do stuff in C++ and everyone thinks that they're doing it the right way."
"This is C++, we're writing code in C++, and C++ allows you to do things in many, many, many ways."
"Who doesn't want to live a long, healthy life?"
"C++ is like 'I'm like C but I'm a little bit better.' It's one of the most popular programming languages." - Chris Peach
"By default, C# treats real numbers like this one here as double."
"Java is making sure they are, 'You okay sweetie, let me stand right here in case you fall?' C++ is, 'Yeah, I'm over here with my friends.'"
"C++ is a statically typed language, meaning when declaring a variable we need to specify its type."
"C++ is a general-purpose language, not specialized for only one domain."
"C++ is closer to hardware, allowing efficient resource management."
"Learning C++ isn't easy, but it's worth it for competitive programming or specific interests."
"Creating variables in C++ is straightforward; they hold data of specific types."
"Understanding conditions and selections in C++ is essential for control flow."
"In C#, data access using a text file is really simple. In fact, to read from a text file, it takes one line, and again, to write to a text file, takes just one more line."
"Writing to a text file: file.WriteAllLines with the same file path and the lines to be written."
"People love C# and I think they're going to love C# 9."
"The biggest secret in tech is that the majority of the useful code on planet Earth is written in C and C++."
"C++ is faster, but whether that speed difference is significant depends on context, and if there's any doubt, you should measure performance with a profiler and make decisions based on that data."
"C++ is naturally better-suited for implementing low-level game systems, and Blueprints is naturally better-suited for defining high-level behaviors and interactions, and for integrating assets and fine-tuning cosmetic details."
"You might choose to implement an example like this in C++, or you might use Blueprints. But either way, you're writing code."
"Structured binding can introduce a pack. It's great and I think it just became the most important feature for me in the next C++."
"Iterators of C++ 20 filters and other views cache, which has some interesting consequences."
"The key idea in C++ was to represent ideas in code."
"C++ 11 is good, C++ 14 is better. Both are in widespread production use."
"The general idea is not just a subset. First, we provide a superset. We have ISO standard C++. We have parts of the standard library that we recommend, and the rest you can use when you want to."
"You can use this beautiful syntax in C."
"Compound literals are really cool, they allow you to do crazy things like zeroing the whole objects, initializing objects in a very simple way, or even create default arguments to functions."
"Don't be afraid of modern C, some features really boost productivity."
"What's new in C++ 23 is that we now also have heterogeneous eraser and extract."
"If you're interested in improving your C# skills, be sure to subscribe to this channel."
"I've heard a lot of people say you should rather use Rust rather than C when coding in production."
"Execute normal C++ code at compile time. That is the basic principle of Circle."
"If you're doing C++ s simd is interesting for you because you care for performance."
"C# and .NET enable your applications to provide great performance."
"C# is heavily backed by Microsoft Corporation."
"And C++ 26 uh is it expected it's going to get even better so this is a paper that didn't quite make the feature cutoff deadline for C++ 23 where expected is also going to get um kind of these monadic functions and then or else etc which stood optional already has."
"Zero cost abstractions in C++. When we give the compiler the size of the data at compile time, it can do all kinds of crazy things."
"Our goal with the Back to Basics track is to produce content that covers important things you need to know to be a working C++ programmer in today's world."
"Explore C++ 17, 20, and 23: Staying abreast of the latest language standards is crucial for leveraging new features."
"Understanding the fundamentals of C++ and learning its basics are the foundational steps towards becoming a professional software engineer."
"One thing from C++ that I discovered is methods, where you have the object that method notation. It's a bit nicer, not as verbose."
"A constructor is basically a special method that we can put inside of a C sharp class, which is going to get called whenever we create an object of that class."
"C++ is considered to be the new version of C, which was published in the 1980s."
"C++ projects tend to be less tested compared to projects in other languages."
"C++ templates are a vast, vast topic."
"If you thought that you knew C++, just think about this: you have this multinational organization backed by governments, backed by our tax money, that has access to time travel technology that is controlling all of C++."
"You have to fight it, and so I hope that you will join me on the rebellion of the free-thinking C++ programmers and crush the tyranny of the committee."
"This is real functions that have been added in C++ 11 in order to enable me to write proper generic code."
"What you can do given a well-written package in C++."
"Moving quickly along, a recap of concepts: C++11 was limited, C++14 brought generalized concepts, and C++17 offers more features in Constexpr."
"...if you understand this, you understand most of what you're dealing with when doing move semantics in C++11 or later."
"Debugging ambiguous overloads can be very frustrating. Accept that as part of C++. It is work to figure out how this process reached the result that it did."
"...watch these first three videos of Modern C++. They are our most watched videos, and we encourage you to watch them whether you've been using C++ for a week or 20 years."
"In the next few lessons, we're actually just going to dive into a model of concurrency by doing thread-based concurrency and programming this in C++."
"Lambdas are also `constexpr` by default in C++17."
"And in C++, that word is `mutable`."
"Understanding object lifetime is crucial for writing clean and efficient C++."
"I mean C++ has been declared dead at least ten times every year, for the last about 35, right?"
"Const expert appears to be the subset of C++ that people say they want. No or minimal undefined behavior, no exception handling, no dynamic allocations."
"C++ 20 introduced the ranges library and in C++ 23 there are quite a lot new features coming to stood ranges and stood views."
"It's now also possible to find the last element in a range based on number of criteria."
"Do you need any header then? Do you need to put header to actually use the literal or not? No."
"...there's a certain Joy to the C++ syntax."
"If you're going to work with C++, then are there benefits to using a functional style? I hope to put forward the idea that yes there are."
"Python, where we can, C++ where we must."
"These are coded in vanilla C# without any dependency on any kind of third-party frameworks outside of themselves."
"If you're looking for an easy to use, full functioning code-based C++ game engine that is performance focused and also has a 3D editor, you're not going to find that very often."
"Just use C# inheritance and Entity Framework will magically store everything correctly in the relational database."
"This is the gist of creating properties dynamically in C#."
"I hope I was able to teach you a little more about dynamic, expandable objects and the dynamic object itself."
"We're going to be learning how to take an image, a PNG, a JPEG, a bitmap, and how to convert it into a CPP or C++ byte array code that will tell us exactly what each pixel color needs to be."
"Focus on those parts of C++ that will turn potential runtime errors into compile-time errors."
"We are writing object-oriented code now because C++ is object-oriented, isn't it?"
"You write C# the exact same way you know how to write it, but behind the scenes, it is translated to what AWS is expecting."
"You can actually write idiomatic C# the way you would expect."
"MongoDB is written in C++, which means it has really high speed and high performance."
"Knowing how to read JSON data and incorporate it into our C sharp programs... turns out to be really, really useful."
"If you're looking for practical C++17, you're in the right room."
"I'm heavily involved in the C++ community."
"Structured bindings... it helps clean up our code."
"When I create a class, I'm basically creating a new data type in C++."
"I've learned that the C++ community is an absolutely amazing place."
"C++ rests on two pillars: a direct map to hardware and abstraction mechanisms that are more fit for humans."
"A lot of what C++ is used for is foundational; it's everywhere, like in JavaScript engines and AI tools like TensorFlow."
"C++ is on Mars, and there's no repairman there; it has to be good, it has to be really good hardware and software."
"I'm not a great fan of type erasure... I'm very keen on the concepts which allows us to have interfaces that are far more general than plain old types."
"If you don't know what to do if you catch an exception, you shouldn't have caught it at all."
"C++ is one of the most popular programming languages around. And for good reason. It's an awesome programming language."
"C++ is now at the essence of almost everything."
"I have been teaching C++ for 20 years and I've been using C++ since 1993."
"He's a distinguished computer scientist, the inventor, creator, designer, and the first implementer of the C++ language."
"Unique pointer is the best feature that they added to the threading library in C++ 11."
"The new portability contract of C++ is concurrency, parallelism, and asynchrony."
"Don't pay for what you don't use, that's C++."
"C++ is a language that is all about types more so than basically anything else."
"If you're new to the channel and you have you watching this video as your first one, I tend to do videos that are just mostly specifically about C++ code with programming live examples."
"C++ is the language that provides tools to the programmers so that the programmers invent what was unimagined to the others."
"CMake is a cross-platform C++ build generator."
"If you're going to be a C# developer, the first thing you need to do is learn C#."
"We save the asset, then we click 'Generate C# Class', you don't need to touch any of this, and just go 'Apply'."
"C++ now has multiple return values."
"We welcome you to C++ as a fresh new language, simpler than ever."
"Cute itself is a framework that aims to make C++ a much higher level language."
"This game is made in Windows Form with C-sharp programming."
"I want to help you start building applications in C#."
"ROSS 2 supports the newer C++ 11 and C++ 14 standards unlike ROSS."
"Blazor allows us to build single page apps with C#."
"It's one of the most fundamental interfaces that we have in the whole of C# and .NET."
"The syntax for creating an array in C++ is just specifying the data type, then you supply a name for the array."
"We looked at the syntax for being able to create an array, being able to store value in an element of the array, and then also being able to traverse the array."
"C plus plus is very similar to C, except that they've added lots of stuff on top of it, like object-oriented programming."
"That's a credit card validation program using C++."
"C++ is a fast language, like really fast."
"C++ has the benefit of working closely with machine hardware while still somewhat resembling human language."
"Just a fair warning, there is a learning curve with C++, but if you can learn it, it's worth it."
"Not everyone needs to be a proficient or a professional C++ programmer."
"We use both error handling techniques using system error, not errno, that's in C since C++11."
"C++ allows us to write better code faster code that we actually can feel confident about."
"Arduino projects natively are programmed from the Arduino IDE provided by Arduino, and the language most closely resembles C++."
"C# is Microsoft's flagship language, it's their most popular language and by far."
"I'm trying to teach you guys how to actually be good programmers in C++."
"My job, as it turned out, was to write tests for these designs in C++ because you want to get the design right the first time."
"Something that a C++ programmer of one week's experience can understand the idea of, but of ten years experience can still find tricky."
"Pretty much everyone who has done something very, very important in C++ is here."
"C++ is a popular programming language introduced by Bjarne Stroustrup in the year 1979."
"I think C++ really has an edge over other programming languages here because we have these facilities for zero cost abstractions that allows to combine type safety without any performance loss."
"It really cannot be overstated how much Herb does for C++."
"My name is Tim Corey and my goal is to make learning C# easier."
"C++ is an object-oriented language; it encourages us to compose objects representing various layers of abstraction."
"If you know C#, suddenly you become a really effective developer really quickly."
"I would like to rewrite history, the history of C sharp, so that we added primary constructors to all types first."
"Many people learn how to write code in C-sharp. It's a fairly easy language to learn, you can do this."
"C# is a very good language, even better than Java."
"Delegate is a type in C#; it represents a reference to a method, like a function pointer."
"When a delegate is instantiated, we can map it with any method with a compatible signature."
"Delegate is declared with a list of parameters, zero or many, and a return type which can be void."
"To call the underlying method for a particular delegate, we can use the invoke function on the delegate."
"Delegates are mainly used as callback functions or along with events."
"Func is a delegate which returns something and can take up to 16 possible parameter combinations."
"Action is a delegate that returns void and takes a bunch of parameters."
"The event keyword is used to declare an event in C#, and unlike delegate, an event is treated as an instance member."
"The delegate associated with an event usually has two parameters: an object representing the instance that raised the event, and a type representing event arguments."
"C# from the very first version actually addressed this issue."
"We are going to use C++ Builder and RAD Studio, which stands for Rapid Application Development."
"Hello everybody and welcome to another C++ tutorial for beginners."
"I want C++ to actually arrive in the 21st century."
"C++ allows you to express things as close to the metal as possible."
"C make is currently the single most popular build system available for C++ projects that are being actively developed."
"Transform is zip with transformer juice and aka the C++ 11 version inner product is zip reduce."
"There are fourteen kinds of types in C++, just so you know."
"You can write your code in either C or C++ using a very specific defined interface."
"You can now have a lambda as a member of a class for the first time."
"We have now generic functions in C++."
"You can now specify the template parameters in a lambda."
"C# is great because it can do really any of these things."
"This is going to be a tutorial that I'm writing in C#, using MonoGame as well as a custom library that I've created."
"This is a much more realistic picture of how real C++ programs look."
"This is a much more practical setup you're going to see in many C++ programs out there."
"Properly programmed C++ will be quite fast."
"The C++ Standard Template Library is a collection of classes and functions available within the C++ language."
"With modules, I wanted to bring C++ to the 21st century where we have all these semantics in our developer tools."
"C++ comes from two of the main lines of development of programming languages."
"We want to develop a better specification of C++."
"I tried to distill the most common mistakes that I see people make when writing C++ today."
"Let's take a step back and think about this for a minute: what is the big picture here? What is a C++ compiler actually responsible for?"
"You should now have a basic understanding of what the C++ compiler actually does, and that's going to be really important when it comes to debugging and also when we get into more advanced topics in the future."
"C++ package managers work across multiple platforms, architectures, and compilers."
"Writing everything in C# is absolutely delightful."
"The C++ string type is actually defined in a header file and it's a library that's added into the language."
"C out is capable of writing all the basic types that are built into C++."
"Resource Acquisition Is Initialization will completely change the way you code in C++."
"Smart pointers are internally raw pointers wrapped inside a class."
"Standard string does the RAII around a raw character pointer."
"You know what pointers are, you know what pass by reference and pass by value is, you know what RAII is, you know how memory works now in C++."
"C plus plus maintains the efficiency of C if you write the same code."
"Streams in C++ are so nice; they do things for us really, really easily."
"C++ thrives on more than one way of expressing code in what we call its paradigm."
"I'm going to actually do a little bit of development of a program... to just get at some of the things that are different about C++."
"C++ gets a fair bit of its power from being able to let good library writers write good libraries."
"I work with a lot of people who are coming to C++, who are learning the language again."
"The fact that we can express these things in C++ so simply makes me so happy."
"Assembly editing works really well on C++ games because the code is static."
"This channel is full of videos to explain various parts of C#."
"A clean style keeps complex C++ code manageable and readable."
"We're gonna talk about the dynamics of the C++ programming language."
"...that's the thing that's so infuriating about C++ but we work with what we have..."
"C++ is one of many possible worlds."
"The experience of programming in Ruby is fundamentally different to the experience of programming in C++."
"Object-oriented programming came first, generic programming came later, but... people are using generic programming way more now with C++."
"The main thing that C++ added to C was better support for type safety."
"There's a time and a place, and C++ is extremely well suited for that type of an environment."
"The biggest, most important thing is the standard template library."
"We've been trying to pull in more functional idioms, and you can do that in C#."
"C# is imperative, functional, object-oriented, and dynamic."
"In C#, however, delegates can contain two things: a pointer to a method or they can contain a pointer to a method and a pointer to an object or an object reference."
"Using Torch Script with C++ allows you to run your model with no Python runtime dependencies."
"C++ standard strings are going to be able to grow in size, we're not gonna have to worry about null characters, and they are just plain much simpler."
"Hello Internet and welcome to part 8 of my C++ tutorial series."
"And now I'm going to talk about how we can overload functions."
"If you're going to learn a programming language, C# is one of the most easiest and best ones to do."