
Political Threat Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Maga Republicans are a threat to the rule of law in America."
"The former president constitutes a clear and present danger to democracy and to this country."
"In this cryptic and frightening video, one of the most powerful people in the world was directly threatened."
"Donald Trump is the single greatest threat to America's democracy that has ever existed."
"Regardless if Trump is on the ballot or not, he is a danger to American democracy."
"Trump was implicitly threatening the nation with violence."
"He was killed today because he was the greatest threat to Putin's corrupt rule."
"Christian nationalism is the biggest threat that we're facing."
"What we share right now is a blossoming autocratic threat on the North American continent."
"Donald Trump and the party that has become him pose an existential threat to democracy."
"Quebec has threatened independence multiple times getting remarkably close."
"There isn't a single beat that hasn't been touched by this... this threat to democracy."
"The most significant threat to our future prosperity and freedom is the Chinese Communist Party."
"Enough is enough! The Europeans have gone too far. They are now threatening the British sausage."
"The greatest, most immediate threat is to the Democracy. We can survive four years of Biden. I don't know if we can survive four years of Trump."
"The Chinese Communist Party is the greatest threat to the United States' economic and national security."
"What happened to me can happen to any one of you, can happen to every one of you, will certainly happen to a slew of people who are on Donald's Hit List."
"The greatest threat to democracy since the civil war."
"The threat to our democracy exists right now in many of the MAGA Republicans who are running for office."
"Michael Bloomberg is a greater threat to democracy small D democracy than Donald Trump and I think Donald Trump is an imminent threat."
"The establishment thinks she's the biggest threat they have seen in a long long time."
"Donald Trump remains a looming existential threat to democracy."
"The threat that the CCP has brought to the world is far beyond people's imagination."
"When people talk about the threat to democracy that's going on in this country, that's the end."
"This is not a drill. These are real threats coming from the right."
"Apparently, RFK Jr. Isn’t just a rival. He’s a serious threat to America."
"What should scare them is return to 75 to 80 million people."
"The CCP is an existential threat to the United States."
"Bernie Sanders was a threat to the donor class and if you think that he was a threat I'm 10 times the threat."
"Putin found it profoundly threatening that democracy can prevail in countries close to Russia."
"Niger has given a clear warning that if Europe intervenes... Niger will end the trans Saharan gas pipeline."
"the Taliban has said openly that if you stay Beyond August 31st then bleep gets real here's a Taliban spokesperson saying this yesterday to Sky News."
"I think Putin, you have to take his threat seriously...this is not a bluff."
"Putin isn't a threat to our legitimacy, he's a threat to us."
"The government will always be a potential threat to free speech."
"Our American democracy itself is in the crosshairs."
"It would be the end of Iran and Tehran would be obliterated." - President Trump
"The danger of Trumpism and right-wing extremism... is still so real..."
"Losing control to the CCP leader is worse than War."
"The Chinese Communist party is the greatest threat of Our Generation."
"What I saw last night was a threat to our democracy, not foreign, but domestic."
"Trump represents a fundamental threat to their power base in the Deep State."
"I just don't know how you avoid the elephant in the room, which is the fact that the Republican Party is in the thrall of a demagogue who tried to commit a coup and may again." - Addressing the looming threat posed by Trump and the Republican Party
"It's much more a threat to the republicans that if you don't bow down to me and continue to, I will destroy you."
"Freedom and democracy are under attack at both at home and overseas at the very same time."
"Putin has continued to make threatening references to Russia's nuclear Arsenal."
"We're doing this because the fascists are at the door."
"This is very troubling and this is a threat to the very viability and existence of our great Republic."
"Trump calling for the termination of the Constitution... it's extraordinary... essentially a threat to the Constitution."
"They are coming after your freedom. They do not care about democracy. They are an extremist threat, a counter-majoritarian threat."
"If somehow he gets a nomination or somehow would win the election... the threat to our democracy is so grave."
"We are currently experiencing what I would consider to be one of the most overt threats to the sanctity of our democracy."
"Rhetoric is one thing, but the real threat is when these ideas become policy."
"He's an existential threat to the Constitutional system of America."
"We have an existential threat right politically speaking. I consider Trump an existential threat to our democracy right now."
"This is literally an existential threat to our Republic."
"The most powerful country in the world feels threatened by this man and what he's done."
"He undoubtedly committed important acts of journalism, which is why he was a threat to the Kremlin."
"The integrity of our elections remain under serious threat."