
GIS Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Geographic Information Systems layer data on maps, allowing us to see different spatial relationships."
"QGIS is an open-source toolkit that means it's free and open to use."
"QGIS really focuses on providing tools for both the introductory user and up to really advanced use cases."
"Modern GIS can seem very overwhelming; it's a brand new territory with different types of tools, technologies, libraries, and languages."
"What I hope to do is break down what are the most important things to learn and get started with if you want to take a journey into modern GIS."
"Spatial joins, how spatial features touch each other and interact, measuring distances, nearest neighbors... this happens to be one of the things I do most of my job."
"Understanding the concept of trade areas where people might go to certain places or interact with certain things."
"Network analysis... understanding maybe it's a road network, maybe it's things like rivers, other features like utility lines all encompass network analytics."
"GIS can transform data into information and then finally to knowledge."
"The ultimate aim of GIS is to support decision making."
"The core power of GIS is in its ability to organize data into one common geographic view."
"One of the most basic functions that modern GIS software provides is the ability to visualize Geographic and make maps."
"Thanks for watching this video, I hope now that you have a good understanding of what's possible in the exciting world of geographic information systems or GIS."
"I'm really excited to present this video on getting a job with Geographic Information Systems or GIS."
"Perhaps one of the best things that you can do to try to get and secure a good paying GIS job is to study computing topics that can go along with your core GIS skill set and your knowledge of a particular domain."
"With the era of big data, topics like artificial intelligence and machine learning are also going to be very important when combined with GIS and domain knowledge."
"So in this video, I have shown you how to perform land use land cover change detection analysis using a landsat 8 image and landsat 45 thematic mapper in rgis."
"Without data, your GIS cannot run."
"A successful GIS operates according to a well-designed plan and business rules."
"Theoretical number of columns you can have in your GIS database is unlimited."
"Spatial data and attribute data have a direct linkage in GIS."
"GIS saves resources and time, leading to better decisions."
"GIS enables decision-makers to make informed choices."
"Integration of GIS, GNSS, and remote sensing makes analysis easier."
"The power of this is that a person with no GIS skills can actually be very productive creating smart forms."
"Subtypes and domains, they apply in both situations whether you're still using the older ArcMap and ArcCatalog or if you've moved into the Pro environment."
"Now we have the topology created, the rules assigned, all based on subtypes."
"Ultimately, the team was successfully able to identify edge habitat in transportation corridors, the borders of cities and small municipalities, as well as near recreation areas."
"Hello everybody, welcome to this QGIS complete tutorial."
"If you're a GIS analyst or you're actually trying to become and break into a spatial data scientist, you can certainly do that."
"That's a value that anyone doing GIS can immediately bring to the table."
"Everything that you can do with ArcGIS, you can do it in Python."
"Now it's finished, let's close this window and go to our model builder geodatabase, here right-click refresh and you will see here that we have exactly all the feature classes that exist inside our California dataset."
"The 'buffer' tool is another very simple tool to use."
"Whether you're already an active GIS user or you're a data scientist who wants to take advantage of location data, you can unlock new knowledge from your data with ArcGIS Insights."
"So we support different authentication schemes within the Python API because we know anonymous is not going to work all the time."
"Automate your GIS right using scripts with the Python API. It's built for that."
"The front end portal allows you to view and work with GIS content in the map viewer, and you can also bring in GIS items from the web."
"Sharing GIS content is intuitive and follows a familiar model."
"Web GIS is not a replacement or a step up from desktop GIS, it's the central tier in a modern GIS system."
"ArcGIS Enterprise allows you to pick and choose from a wide range of capabilities using that powerful web GIS model in order to make the most of your data for your organization."
"In ArcGIS Enterprise, server roles provide specialized capabilities like mapping, geoprocessing, imagery, real-time data processing, and data science."
"Consider the infrastructure size and server roles when setting up your deployment."
"Collaboration between ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise allows for data exchange."
"Shapefiles are usable by multiple applications. There's a large number of GIS and GPS apps that can read in shapefiles, display them, edit them, and create them."
"Each of the five orthomosaics from an autumn camera can be brought into a GIS environment as a separate layer."
"Overlaying operations can very easily be performed on raster maps and a lot of modeling and analysis functions can be done over raster data."
"We also can work with 3d data. You can take your 3d data and visualize it online, and ArcGIS Enterprise has a scene viewer for viewing your 3d content."
"If a map supports data collection workflows like the one that is currently open you can complete those inspections and capture new data directly in the map all this you can do with the support of location tracking."
"Recognizing Esri as the leader and best of breed when it comes to spatial analysis and spatial visualization."
"Being able to store and access QGIS projects from PostGIS is another great feature."
"Each render contains its own symbol. For instance, the point layer we just looked at contained a simple render with a picture marker symbol as its symbol."
"That's how easy it is to add a layer."
"The utility network is the enabling technology to unlock the capabilities of a modern complete GIS platform which uses the power of location to digitally transform your organization and the way utilities do work."
"...you can import points barriers line barriers or polygon barriers instead of drawing it on the map you can import it from here..."
"The great thing about a solution built on ArcGIS and incorporating three GIS is that you get the rest of the ArcGIS platform and all that ArcGIS has to offer."
"ArcGIS is now IoT and big data ready, so you can tap into all of that real-time information, all of that big data, you can store it and manage it in ArcGIS."
"ArcGIS for Power BI actually ships in the box."
"This notion of web GIS has really revolutionized how we plan and design."
"Everything in telecom happens somewhere; GIS provides the actual tools or technology that abstract telecommunications and bring all the people, workflow, and data all together."
"GIS is a geographic information system used to store, edit, and analyze geographical data."
"The great thing about a solution built on ArcGIS is that you get the rest of the ArcGIS platform and all that ArcGIS has to offer."
"This visual is really designed for people who don't have any previous mapping or GIS experience."
"GIS provides information about assets in the context of the built and natural environment."
"GIS really helps inform the BIM process to make better decisions."
"The outcomes of BIM are the new infrastructure, these new assets, they are the fuel for the GIS."
"We're going to start by giving you an overview of expressions, discussing what they are, how to use them for crime analysis, and where to use them in your ArcGIS environment."
"Whether you're the GIS analyst... or you're a designer... this extension can really accommodate all those different workflows and use cases."
"It gives you direct access to authoritative data-driven spatial content from ArcGIS."
"Collector for ArcGIS is a map-centric data collection field app."
"GIS affords us the opportunity to understand our world better and because of that, make better informed decisions."
"GIS Open Courseware.org is a good starting point."
"Thank you for joining us today to discuss QGIS for water modelers."
"Great to have a core developer of QGIS with us today, free and open source GIS application."
"Spreading the word that QGIS is a great tool for modelers in everything to do with water."
"Collector for ArcGIS is an app that's included within the ArcGIS platform."
"We're going to be talking about GIS and BIM and moving data back and forth between the two."
"A big part of GIS is actually using and looking at and interpreting data."
"The overlay control center is your layer management tool."
"It's a very small percentage of people that qualify for GIS, but if you do, or if you can qualify, it might be worth your time."
"One interesting thing about GIS is that it actually gets reviewed quarterly, so every three months this is reviewed and just make sure that it's staying intact and keeping up with inflation."
"Dr. Jon Snow... used GIS data to record cases of cholera in the Soho neighborhood."
"Welcome back students, in this course I'm going to show you how to load spatial data into a PostGIS database."
"Good luck with the rest of QGIS and subscribe to the channel for more advanced QGIS tutorials."
"We will learn how to create shape files or vector data using ArcGIS."
"So what we have with Map 3D is basically Autodesk's answer to utilizing GIS functionality."
"Lots of cool stuff coming for QGIS 3.26, especially if you're interested in point clouds and elevation data and 3D and all that kind of wonderful stuff."
"Autocad Map 3D gives us all sorts of great GIS functionality."
"We process the data and try to improve the quality of the data as well as bring the geographic coordinates so they can be used with other datasets, especially on GIS platform."
"GIS is a lot more than just dropping points on a map."
"As a Python developer, you already are 90% of the way there to being a good GIS developer."
"GIS is a system that allows you to work with spatial data to visualize, analyze, store, and understand spatial relationships, patterns, and trends."
"GIS is widely used in organizations of all sizes in almost every industry."
"We use GIS to answer 'where' questions with some kind of spatial component."
"People are the most important part of any GIS system."
"Information is the most important thing in a GIS."