
Religious Life Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"The religious way of life is important, and those who... live a life of piety, these are the luminaries of the world today."
"The religious way of life prioritizes the rights of others before their own rights."
"My purpose is to hear well done that good and faithful servant."
"Change is a sign that you are in a good relationship with the Holy Spirit."
"Expect a fight with the enemy, expect a battle, anticipate a battle."
"That is spirituality with two legs on the ground."
"This life as a follower of Jesus, it's not a cakewalk, it's a conflict, it's on a playground, it's actually a Battleground."
"We're trying to make decisions what would glorify God, what would help me to be an instrument to be used by God in this particular situation."
"But if over the course of your life you are not seeing victory over sin, it is a good indication that you do not know God and God does not know you."
"Refuse to allow your spiritual growth to be hampered... your life is hid in the mystic Christ."
"Focus on Christ and sit by faith in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
"Be obedient and hearken to the voice of the Lord."
"Your life is in the hands of a loving and wise creator. Trust the Lord your God, live a holy life, and in the process of time, everything will fall into place."
"A life spent in communion with God is the most pleasant life in the world."
"The life of the True Believer is one of Victory."
"How do we know that we know him? If we keep his Commandments."
"Jesus lived a perfect life, and kept His Father’s commandments."
"I want to live a life pleasing to God, which is to love."
"Church is many members and it's the best thing that God is offering to you in this life to prepare for a life better than this."
"The meaning of life is fellowship with God through Jesus Christ, not expanding our perspectives or being in contact with the spirit world."
"Break out of confusion and repent. Stand firm with the Bible, not with personalities."
"It's not that complicated, but God is number one in your life and everything else will work out."
"The meaning of life is not the pursuit of happiness, it's the glory of God."
"It's a lie, a major deception to think that keeping the commandments or being on the Covenant path is somehow the slog, the hard, the miserable life."
"Our assignment this coming week and into the future is, 'Lord, let me find the goodness in everyone I come in contact with.'"
"Thank you for praying, suffering, and sacrificing for lost souls."
"It all begins with the love they have for God."
"We must live in the truth so that we can continue to be stewards of Yah's kingdom."
"This describes how a godly woman should live her life and the character qualities she should have like trusting in God and being a hard worker."
"Jesus's whole life was about sacrificing everything."
"Pray to the Lord every day for his guidance and live your life as one of his sons on earth and not trying to be a son or a citizen of the world."
"We are designed to live a life that God intended for us."
"Our only true fulfillment is going to be living the life that God fulfilled for us."
"Intimacy with Jesus, it's not just a desire to be near to him, it's a desire to be more like him."
"Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work."
"The advantage of singleness is an undivided mind and heart for the Lord."
"Christianity isn't about trying harder it's about surrender."
"The greatest place in the world is in the will of God. There is no better place, understand, in the will of God."
"If a believer's life isn't supernatural, it's irrelevant."
"God's divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life."
"Trust God not our resources... Seek the Lord, seek His righteousness and His kingdom and then what all these things shall what be added unto you."
"The blessings of the kingdom because they operate in kingdom principles."
"If you're not being persecuted, maybe you're not living godly."
"Nothing can compare to a life lived for God's glory and purpose."
"A person who pleases God is a person who seeks the fruit of the Spirit in his life."
"Dawa is the most important thing of a Muslim's life."
"Prayer is our direct line of communication with God."
"When you sanctified you set apart and God wants you to be set apart for just one thing and that's for Him."
"I want to be holy like Jesus. I haven't been there, but I want to be there."
"Kierkegaard's philosophy constitutes a powerful defense of Christianity and the value of religious life more generally."
"We're called to make God look great by knowing Him, enjoying Him, and reflecting Him."
"The blueprint to a thriving life is God's word."
"Muslims live their lives with the Hereafter in mind, striving for good deeds and righteousness."
"The instructions of God are your life support."
"In virtue of their baptism, all members of the people of God have become missionary disciples."
"Comfort and 'this is what we've always done' became more important than our final end, which is Union with God in heaven."
"Abstinence from alcohol may be an appropriate moral response."
"When God calls you into the kingdom, he's calling you to a life that is going to be juxtaposed to one that you're accustomed to living."
"Embrace these teachings, apply them in your lives, and be doers of the word."
"We're just people that are trying to grow in our faith and be closer to the Savior."
"Marriage or singleness are both avenues to honor God in different ways."
"If you are really a follower of Jesus, prayer is a major part of your life."
"Are you saved? Praise God. Well then have you discovered your calling?"
"We're called to live according to the ways of the one true eternal God."
"I have promised God my best. And my best is to honor him."
"Building this solid proof... you can be a good Muslim... it will change your life."
"A heart that is God-fearing and pure in its dealings with others."
"Following Jesus has given me so much more joy, so much more purpose than I ever had when I was going on a path that I knew God did not want me to go on."
"Live a life of prayer as a delight, not just a discipline."
"Our day to day lives are to rely on the Lord and not anything related to soothsaying, and astrology is sooth saying. That is a fact."
"We as Christians want to avoid those things but we want to live in a way that's consistent with the preaching of our Lord Jesus Christ which helps us to grow in a relationship with him."
"I have the Lord, and He is everywhere around me, next to me, and everything I do."
"Your life is purposed by God to carry the weight of His glory into the world."
"Put God and his holiness at the center of your lives, in your homes, and your families."
"When you truly fear God, you will keep his Commandments."
"It's going to be very difficult to be a true Christian."
"As his followers, we are here to do his will, so let's all live out our purpose and serve him."
"Our faith is focused on right character which also translates into action."
"When we allow Him to work in our lives, profound transformation happens."
"Become a lover of the truth so God doesn't get pushed out of your life."
"Following the rules of Jesus leads to a better quality of life."
"The will of God is to rejoice, pray, and be grateful for what you got."
"The lay catechist is now a vocation, a calling in life that goes well beyond mere professional concerns."
"The best way to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ is to live in obedience to his word."
"I'm just excited about really being all that God has called us to be. I think sometimes we kind of just cut it short and limit God, but we're all about preaching about the fullness of God and all that he has."
"The whole Christian Life is based on his grace."
"He lived the raw life of the gospels in the 20th century."
"Godly community is essential to reach purpose."
"They represented a fusion of the medieval calling of warrior on the one hand with the medieval calling of religious on the other hand."
"Enoch walked with God despite living his ordinary human life."
"We are called to follow Jesus, to be salt and light."
"The best evidence of a relationship with God is a transformed life."
"The righteous shall live by faith. Faith is not just something by which we enter into a right relationship with God; it's so much more. Faith is also what we live with every single day."
"One of the things Allah has put down for you as a test is, look, you gotta do your bit."
"If you want God to visit you... you've got to be ready."
"God wishes us all to be saints, each one according to the state of life."
"I think you know as he sought to be more like the Savior those attributes have come with great work but come naturally to him now."
"If you are walking with God, obeying his word, and living a holy life, you will stand out."
"Our goal is to look like Him and to ultimately be ready when the bridegroom calls us into the chambers."
"Therefore, a Believer should constantly live in righteousness and godliness."
"Can you imagine being a priest, and every single day of your life, you have Lai Eucharistic ministers, Communion in the hand, and altar girls every day of your life?"
"I always get inspiration from the life of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasallam."
"Being a Christian is not a monument it is a movement."
"Sardis is all about Christ's call to every believer."
"Get yourself rooted in Christ, be baptized, and have a large family. It's a blessing."
"If Christ is the center of your life, then all the elements that make you up will tend to find their place harmoniously around that center."
"Live a life that glorifies God, a life of holiness, a life of purity."
"Self-transcendence is the actual core of our religious concerns."
"Live in such a way that the change in your life cannot be explained by any other cause except the church."
"Our spirit man needs salvation, while our mind needs renewal."
"I choose to live a life led by the fear of God, a life led by love."
"I want to live life according to God's will, not my desires."
"Repent and believe the gospel. Come back to the real Jesus and the real Word of God."
"The Holy Spirit guides us in various ways; look for the fruit of the Spirit in your life."
"The Christian life is actually a very simple life, but it's a hard life."
"Be holy, Pilgrim. Dedicate your life to God."
"Following Jesus into his church has given me so much treasure."
"Be Christ-centered. Let us focus on Jesus, no one else, nobody else."
"You're born into God's family, now He wants you to grow up."
"Life is a sum total of who you spend it with. Taff and I get to spend our Sundays and Wednesdays and sometimes throughout the week with you, the greatest church on the planet."
"We are called to be women... I have accepted God's idea for me and my whole life is an offering back to him."
"Some of the holiest Catholics I've ever met are in the novus ordo."
"If someone who is in the kingdom of darkness saw you, will they see the light of the Lord in your life?"
"Jesus invites us to a life of sacrifice and surrender, not comfort and ease."
"God is commended it, and I want to tell you, you cannot live a victorious Christian life and have the peace and the joy in your heart without faithfulness in the church."
"Commit to guidance, and Allah will preserve your deen."
"Everybody needs a church home, whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated."
"Sacred scripture serves as the church's support and vigor, a pure and lasting font of spiritual life."
"If you're truly saved, holiness will demonstrate itself in your life as a fruit of your salvation."
"No more sin, we died to sin. How can we live in it any longer?"
"Our focus is and should always be on the Lord."
"I don't want Christians living paranoid, of course, as they're working on the sanctification process, and thinking that, oh man, I might have this because once upon a time I did this."
"Priesthood and victimhood become one in Jesus... Padre Pio lived this to the fullest."
"He had a real relationship with the Blessed Mother... she helped him through so much suffering."
"The key to holiness: ask, offer, and accept."
"Are you plugged into a local church? Are you part of a local church body?"
"You realize you're made for this, to have intimacy with Jesus."
"Let's do that. Let's strive to live as beloved children of God."
"Priests and religious cannot be truly fruitful and effective channels through which God's mercy flows out upon mankind unless they have hearts, minds, and souls surrendering to God."
"Living in accordance with God's commandments and spreading the good word, that is basically it."
"The angels and the life of the church: 'From its beginning until death, human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession.'"
"Will you give your whole life to God? Repent, the Spirit of God is pouring out on all flesh."
"The life after Jesus looks so different than the life before Jesus."
"What God is after God is after the purity of your impact."
"Go out there and be salty. Lady, do your job! Holy marriages, holy families, good catechesis, dads/fathers leading their family in prayer."
"Living a self-controlled life is proof of being filled with the Holy Spirit."
"Jesus himself lived a life of complete dependence upon his father."
"Not all battles are won with noise, some are won with silence."
"The attitude of the Christian believer is to submit to the will of God which is expressed in different ways in the advice of a good friend, the spiritual direction of a priest, in the Contin is recourse to prayer which feeds the spirit of faith."
"A kingdom-based life is a totally consecrated and dedicated life."
"God wants you to be Satan free he wants your life to be a Satan free zone around you."
"We are Christians, we believe in him, we try to pattern our lives after him and everything else is just an appendage."
"Every day is a day of growth, transformation, and discovering Jesus."
"The highest form of the religious life is service."
"Thankfully in religious life, we get a lot more of it."
"She proclaims and ever must proclaim Christ the way the truth and the life, in whom men may find the fullness of religious life in whom God has reconciled all things to himself."
"Among whom this liturgical form is stirring up numerous priestly and religious vocations throughout the world, men and women willing to give their lives to the service of evangelization."
"After the life profession, guess what the sisters do? They spend five days in the chapel. This is their honeymoon with their beloved. They sleep in the chapel, their food is brought to them in the chapel. They each spend five days in the chapel reading spiritual works, praying."
"What they see is a religion that touches every aspect of life not just a religion that is lived in the heart and in the place of worship and it has shown its universality by preserving its freshness for 1400 years."
"Our Orthodox parishes become everything that they have to be for such people: a new home, a family where the strong help the weak."
"Prayers are regular conversations in your Bible. It's just talking with Jesus. Long before he ever got into a crisis on the last night of his Earthly Life In The Garden of Gethsemane, he modeled for us a daily prayer life."
"The religious life expresses love for God even in its external works and occupations."
"The only way he can call you good is if you've been... when they dogs you out and talked about you and your church."
"That's what God's trying to do here. He's trying to get us to live like Cornelius did, fear God, pray always, give to the poor, intercede, live Isaiah 58."
"Live a life for Jesus Christ; he is the only way to Salvation."
"God has given us two great forces to keep us on the narrow road: the fear of the Lord."
"You see, the Spirit is given, beloved ones, for power to obey him in being his witnesses."
"The compiled Torah became the basis for Israel's future religious life, freezing the texts into a permanent and canonical form."
"The people within the religions are trying to live the way they were taught, trying to live good lives, and it is the leaders that are ultimately controlling that."
"Just move, plant yourself, find a network of saints who love Jesus Christ and want you to as well."
"To hunger and thirst after righteousness is a sign of spiritual life."
"Happiness is the byproduct of living a life of following God fully."
"Living a life of goodness... religious people do tend to be happier."
"We are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life."
"You're a man of God; you can walk that walk, you can talk that talk."
"I really need the Lord in my life and this seems to be the way to do that."
"The vocation to religious life for women is the response to a call from God to be loved completely by Him."
"Religious life is really based on the words of Jesus: 'Follow me.'"
"The vocation to religious life is probably the greatest gift that God could give us."
"The monotony of sacrifice, fidelity, and generosity may be the safest and most productive of all religious experience."
"The Bible has always played a central role in Christian life."
"I live by God, you get me bro, like I am a respectful, nice bro."
"Our ultimate goal is still to glorify God in our actions and everything that we do."
"Every Christian, every baptized person, is called to live poverty, chastity, and obedience in some particular way."
"Consecrated virgins and widows... have decided with the church's approval to live in the respective states of virginity or perpetual chastity for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven."
"It gives us a life where uh baptism plays a big role prayer plays a role."
"God is not a general principle but the Living God who has sent me in a living life and who demands service of me within that living life."
"The godly man's life is exciting."
"There's no life like a life centered around God."
"We must live our life of faith as a worthy believer and walk the path of the gospel correctly as God pleases."
"Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves."
"What I found in religious life and what has probably surprised me most is just how much it's challenged me personally and spiritually, emotionally, just to be the very best person that I can be."
"When you have a spouse, the center of your religious life is your obligations to your spouse and to your children."
"The center of your religious life is your obligations to your spouse and to your children."
"His primary invitation was, 'Come and follow me,' and it was to apprentice under him into this whole new way of life that he called the kingdom of God."
"She joined the religious congregation of Sisters of Loretto when she was 18 years old and dedicated her life to charity."
"The church is Christ-centered, Christ-powered, and designed to help its members become more Christ-like."
"We have to teach the members of the church to live worthy of the Holy Ghost 24/7 for the rest of their lives."
"Walk with God in success and victory, and you come to church for Testimony in the name of Jesus."
"Being content and happy is the key to the religious life, to being happy at all times under all conditions."