
Hidden Struggles Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"You see my bling, you see my Bentley, and you see my glory, but you don't know my story."
"Someone may have been trying to make out like they're okay, but deep down behind closed doors, they're crying, they're in a lot of sadness."
"Look deeper... Even the brightest person still is dealing with something on this planet."
"We need to root for people's Redemption chapter. I think we never really know what's going on behind the scenes."
"He was always so positive and optimistic that fans couldn't even tell what he was actually going through behind the scenes."
"Men don't understand what's going on behind the scenes."
"They may have been trying to fight that it's like behind closed doors there this nine of swords sleep this night deep anxiety thinking the worst-case scenarios."
"The people that smile the most quite often cry the most."
"Sometimes the strongest friends are the ones most in need of help."
"The most depressed people usually are the ones that are putting on the front of being happy."
"Everybody you meet or everybody you converse with online...they're fighting a battle you don't know about."
"We're like swans, we look like everything's going smooth above the surface but you get under that water and you just see feet just kicking kicking kicking."
"If you look at the underneath the surface you'll find that it's probably a man asking for help."
"They could really just be struggling more than they let on."
"You don't know what someone's going through at any given moment. You look around in a crowd, and someone could be having the worst day of their life and they would never show it outwardly."
"It's almost inconceivable to imagine that this vibrant talent once grappled with severe shyness."
"You never know what someone's going through. You might not stop till your face is gone."
"I know that I may be smiling and laughing but I do want to just let you guys know that prison is not a fun experience."
"If you saw him on the street you'd think he was a perfectly ordinary 79-year-old. But behind his front door, it's a very different story."
"Even those who seem to have it all can be fighting battles we know nothing about."
"Under peace there is always conflict, and under what seems stability and beauty is often a secret, a quiet war."
"Mental health doesn't Never Smell it doesn't never go don't get a temperature you don't you don't show any signs but it's torture inside."
"You never know what's going on in people's lives."
"Inside, they might seem cool and collected, but there's a lot brewing beneath the surface."
"Superheroes aren't always as they appear; their real stories are filled with drama."
"Someone could be struggling and you might not know it because they don't wear it on their sleeve like some of us do."
"... a lot of happy-go-lucky entertainers out there have a darker story going on behind the scenes that none of us would expect. That's exactly what we get with today's story."
"Through this YouTube channel, the family had this wholesome, healthy, happy outward appearance... We just don't know what goes on behind closed doors sometimes."
"You don't know what nobody's going through behind the scenes."
"Depression and suicide does not have a face."
"You never really know what someone is dealing with behind closed doors."
"Few people know that you're laughing to keep from crying. Few people know that you don't want to go home because it's such a mess there. Few people know that your family despises you because of the way God is blessing you."
"The journey to stardom is often paved with challenges that the spotlight doesn't reveal."
"Sometimes in life, you just have to say that you're fine, and you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand."
"Sometimes the scars you can't see are the ones that hurt the most."
"You see my glory but you do not know my story."
"We all have problems and they may not be evident on the outside."
"Celebrities appear to have it all: passion, talent, wealth, fame, and adoring fans. But often this glittering life hides a darker reality."
"It seemed they had the perfect life and with a perfect family, but the demands on Isabella were starting to show."
"So much hurt could be hidden in plain sight."
"You've been praying for help but no one knows it because you come through as very 'I got it, I got it together'."
"We're all ready to be at your side, no matter what's happening behind the mask you seem to wear."
"Beneath its tranquil beauty, life is highly competitive."
"Your life would make a great movie itself because often unknown to all of us who watched your happy clowning on stage or the screen, you were hiding an aching heart."
"You never know what someone's truly going through."
"People only see us and they see the light, and I'm like, yeah, you have no idea."
"She's the cheerleader, he's the football star, but underneath, there was turmoil."
"Join us as we delve into the untold stories of these legendary stars and their struggle for acceptance during their time."
"She looked like the perfect daughter until they realized she was starving herself."
"When dreaming about the life of others, keep in mind that behind the bright landscapes, and beautiful facade, people always hide their problems and shortcomings."
"You only hear about the successes, but trust me, that is just the little tip of the iceberg."
"She must have faced a mountain of hardship, yet she never let us see any of it, always greeting us with a smile."
"Success stories often mask the struggles and challenges faced along the way."
"You never really know what other people are dealing with below the surface."
"Those inside smiles are the ones that are sometimes harder and harder to come by."
"The demons she'd seen in me even as I tried to hide them."
"...it gives you more empathy, it makes you more understanding, it shows you that somebody might seem really happy, somebody might seem like they're living the dream and they have everything, but they can be having a horrible life that they can be absolutely miserable."
"What people don't see is like you see the people on the stage or like the success that everyone has."
"You're not really fine, you just can't get into it because they would never understand."