
Clairvoyance Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Clairvoyance is the inner sense of seeing. It's not about seeing in the physical sense with your eyes, it's about using your inner eye, better known as the third eye."
"The amount of information that a Seer can provide is just unmatched."
"He's the ultimate clairvoyant, known as supernova in the psychic community."
"Many believe that this seer had a sharper eye for the present day than any of us living through it."
"You have a power, a spirit animal around you. You're profoundly clairvoyant."
"Perhaps our host was a noted Seer. Interesting, it's a Seer. Let's see, I'm a Seer, I've seen lots of things."
"The more you focus on your Clairvoyance, your ability, your gift, the more you're going to come into balance and understanding; you're just going to see things as they are."
"Clairvoyance and telepathy and all these powers exist I've seen um indisputable evidence of all those things."
"Maybe my subconscious was able to communicate with my conscious mind when I slept, maybe I am a little bit clairvoyant."
"Through his clairvoyance, Gil can also see into the future."
"I can focus on a subject or something that belongs to the victim, that's when I start to get the pictures."
"I'm a seer. The future isn't as opaque as people make it out to be."
"Clairvoyance is more accurate than knowledge and faster than effort."
"She shares that she can see the future."
"I'd like to thank God for giving me so much Clairvoyance."
"Clairvoyance literally means it's just a French word that means Clear Vision so you can see interdimensionally."
"Clairvoyance is like having a window into a world of endless possibilities and insights."
"The image of a clairvoyant medium gazing into a crystal ball."
"Human beings once had a clairvoyant faculty that has been superseded; however, it can still be experienced."
"How many crazy people have told you that they can see things before they happen, that they can see the future?"
"Clairvoyance actually translates as clear seeing."
"The CIA during the cold war for a while used mind readers."
"You're incredibly clairvoyant, intuitive, and your soul's mission involves communicating your spiritual downloads, insights, to the collective in order to help them ascend."
"Your Clairvoyance is heightened at this time."
"He could see beyond the veil and see future events."
"You are clairvoyant; your visions hold truth about reality."
"Clairvoyance and similarly remote viewing is the experience of leaving your body or gaining information about things outside of your immediate perceptive environment."
"Actually, I have an idea: you can go to see Fortuneteller Baba."
"The Queen of Sheba was a wise and wealthy ruler who was known for her clairvoyance."
"I don't read the crystal ball, I read palms, remember?"
"There's this woman clairvoyant in the papers, made a fortune telling fortunes."
"The old clairvoyant consciousness... was nevertheless a truly clairvoyant gift, and its symbolical manifestations had reference not to our physical world but to that realm that lies beyond all material things."
"In bygone times, human beings' power of clairvoyance was truly at its highest, but with the passing of each great sun period, the divine gift of clear seeing gradually faded."
"She's a finder, David, a genuine clairvoyant."
"...the true clairvoyant deplores his power, recognizing that it adds a new horror to life and is in the nature of an affliction."
"They had to ditch her secret library of research that she used to convince people she was clairvoyant."
"And Gilgamesh has clairvoyance, he probably watched all of that."
"Can remote viewing be used to reveal the secrets of the past, the present, even the future?"
"Answered questions about the past, present, and future with marvelous accuracy."
"You'd have clairvoyance naturally because your mind has become so subtle and so controlled."
"Seeing what could happen would be like clairvoyant, clairvoyance, yeah, that's the word I was looking for."
"I see the past, the present, and the future. Tough gig."
"This deck of cards grants me approximate clairvoyant abilities."
"Some people have clairvoyance; they can kind of see into the future of what's going to happen."
"Holy Spirit, Spirit guides, and Angels, please allow me to deliver a clear message here for the Aries Collective."
"He seemed to be clairvoyant, he seemed to be clearly remembering who he was, and he wanted to get on with the job."
"We do not experience eternity by coming out of time, but by being able to experience it clairvoyantly in the moment itself."
"In the human aura alone can the clairvoyant see thinking as light."
"One does not need highly developed powers of clairvoyance to become conscious of how this creative force of thinking operates in human beings as a force of growth, a formative force."
"My goal and intention is to make sure that you all are getting the honest truth of what it is that I see."
"You're quite energetic and handsome, your name is Link, I can read minds."
"Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive realms and beings that lie beyond the limits of ordinary senses."
"I see the future, I see everything that's happening, I see everything in the past."
"This name allows us to have the clairvoyance enough, or the level of consciousness sufficient, to see beyond the appearances."
"I'm telepathic. I got a fortune teller earlier in the stream, and now I know everything."
"Remote viewing is the ability to see things that are far away from you physically, to know things you shouldn't be able to know."
"Clairvoyance is the best, right? I mean, if you know things before they happen, you can move stuff around, you can make sure that problems go away."
"I can see things, mainly people who have passed on from this life that still wander this world, also known as ghosts."
"Inner vision, inner knowing, inner seeing."
"You're very clear, clairvoyant, you're very strong here."
"Adaptation, camouflage, clairvoyance, emerging of a new reality."
"You're Awakening to your power, Awakening to your Divine Gifts of foresight, of Clairvoyance, of clear cognizance."
"Supernatural powers; nothing can be hidden from you."
"Abundance, clairvoyant, and treasures, the owl is a mysterious and otherworldly creature."
"The third eye is what makes you clairvoyant, it declares psychic abilities, being able to preconceive things."