
Personal Comparison Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Comparing yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today."
"Compare yourself to what you were yesterday and then see how you've improved today."
"Some people are doing better than they think, and others aren't doing nearly as good as they think."
"I feel like I'm much more considerate and emotionally aware than a lot of other people."
"LeBron, he's phenomenal as a role model, as a player, as a person, the whole bit. To me, he just ain't MJ, okay?"
"Never compare your earth with someone's heaven."
"She's kind of like a nicer version of Coach Greg. Okay, a nicer version, much nicer, the opposite of me in a way."
"It's very easy to get humbled here in LA... you go out and you see people that are working way harder than you and are way funnier."
"Being obsessed with what other people are doing is just a sign of lack of self-esteem."
"Comparing ourselves to others is a path to unhappiness and stress." - Exodus 20:17
"There isn't an expert on relationships, they're just people who have thought about it more and can put words to some of the paradoxes, longings, disillusionment, and aspirations that we all have."
"The only person that you can really compare yourself to is your previous self..."
"Being single is like being a dog. If marriage is bad, why do some people marry three times?"
"The only person you should compare yourself with is your past self."
"I always get, 'How come you're not as famous as those other moms?'"
"I ain't scared, no, I ain't scared, that's the difference. So I'm free and you're not."
"You can stand under my umbrella ella absolute finish! The finishes, it reminds me of me. That's as soon as he hit that I thought that that is how I would hit it."
"Remember why you started... remember that I'm training with you... don't compare yourself to anybody... only compare yourself against your yesterday self."
"Your life could technically be better than somebody you think is way up here."
"Focus on you, compare yourself to your yesterday."
"I want to find academics, no boxing match me in academics, yeah. I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm like seven inches taller than him."
"Don't compare yourself with anyone else. Comparison is the thief of joy."
"I look equally as masculine as this guy right here."
"Why compare yourself to Canelo when you're doing everything that Canelo is not doing?"
"I need a beer so bad... that was better than sex."
"You gotta treat yourself like you are Sony and Microsoft."
"Just because she is hot doesn't mean she is better than you."
"Anxiety is simply you living in a future state worrying about something that has not actually happened."
"Poppy is strong, tenacious, and powerful. I don't think I could, despite the size difference."
"He was kind of like the best of both worlds."
"Comparison is the thief of joy... find people that motivate and inspire you to be a better version of yourself."
"You have to compare yourself to yourself. Am I getting better, you know? Are you getting better?"
"I've never really understood the comparisons fully, but I can honestly say..."
"I don't think 10 years ago, Trisha Paytas was like me or whatever."
"Stop comparing your life to somebody else. Run your own race."
"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today."
"Two meters at six six. Wow, or for some people, I say well I'm just about the same as uh Michael Jordan."
"They have managed far better than Kiriyama as they had each other to rely on."
"Honestly speaking, do you think Steve Jobs would have been as productive if he was like me?"
"He's almost like a Partey, he's basically somebody who's going to be somebody."
"Basically he's the real-life version of daredevil."
"If there's any Pokémon trainers out there that I can be compared to, it is Ash."
"James was basically the exact opposite of that. He was very well respected in the makeup community. He'd been in a few different scandals before but nothing like what James had gone through."
"There's just a slight difference between you and someone else who's already in the position you want to be in."
"I literally died and went to heaven 27 year old man but no you're a 27 year old man everything Keemstar you're a 34 year old man with a beard car."
"Flying a Spitfire was like dancing with the most beautiful girl at the ball."
"Sean's just a better version of me in a lot of ways he's like John Mayer 2.0 without the weird software viruses."
"Comparison is the thief of joy if you are comparing your life to somebody else's it automatically makes yours not as good in your eyes."
"If Boris actually does what he said he'd do, he can be as Trump as he likes."
"It's that feeling of 'thank god I'm not this horrible person.'"
"He's a one of one. He's a Brock Lesnar of bodybuilding."
"The best person to compare yourself to is you yesterday."
"Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to yourself."
"This guy gained more muscle in five months of juicing than I did in 15 years of Natty training. I'm gonna be sick."
"Comparison is always going to cause some sort of misery, right? Because it makes you not appreciate where you are right now."
"Don't compare me to that [ __ ] because girl you couldn't even tell me what editing software to use."
"Your internal anger is much higher than mine."
"It's better to compare yourself not to the other guy, but to who you were yesterday."
"Compare yourself to yourself. Compare yourself to is yourself."
"Perhaps many are comparing themselves to Lee comparing their own repressed lives under the CCP regime to the almost humiliating life of Lee as a weak premier."
"I feel like a fighter pilot in this, especially in this car, yeah, this is phenomenal."
"Comparing eye colors and understanding their nuances aids in self-awareness."
"Comparison is the thief of joy... it's grown exponentially because of social media."
"Trying to make out that her life was on a parallel with Diana's."
"He's like a world champion and I'm just some knife-making dummy from Atlanta."
"Some of you, they may have tried to have love with another person, but it's like nobody really gives them that emotional fulfillment."
"She's doing better than me but I think these conversations are very tasteless."
"Everybody's relationship is different, and I always feel like I'm not going to compare my relationship to anybody else's."
"You have to compare yourself to yourself from yesterday, that's it."
"It makes me question my life choices and think about how this man was able to get multiple girlfriends while I'm still single."
"The only person you should ever compare yourself to is yourself."
"He reminded me of my dad. He was a great boss."
"Russell Wilson is a better man than future by behavior."
"I'm pretty sure I'm better than most people. Yeah, like, I don't make more money than anybody here, I'm not more successful, but emotionally speaking, I am better than all of you."
"I only compare myself to myself... I just feel like I did better than my last fight."
"Only compare yourself to where you were yesterday... don't get yourself frustrated trying to accomplish what professionals do right out of the box..."
"He forgot that Dia is so much stronger than someone like him."
"That's my dad, that's the female version right there of my dad."
"It's like climbing Mount Everest, you know, to get to Fink and back."
"That is mind-blowing. That is about double the fuel consumption of what I drive."
"Entrepreneurship actually felt safe in comparison to working for something that was deceptively safe."
"Beauty is subjective. You never compare beauty."